Why Can’t We Talk about Peace in Public?

America’s growing economic dependence on the hi-tech defense industry is creating a culture that views peace and nonviolence as seditious concepts.

By Matt Taibbi, RollingStone

March 2, 2007

…A country that feeds itself through the manufacture of war technology is bound to view peace, nonviolence and mercy as seditious concepts. It will create policies first and then people to fit its machines, finding wars to fight and creating killers to fight them. If that’s true of us, and I think it is, our troubles won’t be over even if someone brings the Iraq war to an end. We’ll be treating the symptom and not the disease. And the reason our elections are a sham is that the disease is never on the table. Excepting the occasional Kucinich, no one in either party is interested in trying to change who we are, no matter how sick we become.
