[Video] Impeachment On the Table at Portland Town Hall

“At the Town Hall Meeting with House representative Earl Blumenauer in Portland. On 9/23/07 the subject of Impeachment was continuously brought up at this meeting. One of the last speakers to speak was Bonnie Tinker who is a reporter for the Portland Alliance and one of the Seriously Pissed Off Grannies. She eloquently gets those in favor of Impeachment to stand up and then as in the spirit of “Tinker Bell” she asked all those to clap if you believed in Impeachment. The Town Hall Meeting participants in the theater were up out of their seats, clapping and chanting hysterically.

It is obviously what the people want, and it was obviously that Earl was not interested.
Most of the Town Hall meetings was recorded and will be available on www.joe-anybody.com”


  1. You people seriously need to put down the biong, take a step back and take a good long and hard look at just how absolutely ridiculous you appear to the majority of rational thinking Americans (and the rest of the world, for that matter.) This political absurdity is every bit as impotent as the spoiled, whiney, smarmy brats that you come across as. This specious prank reminds me of that other loser, Sheehan.

  2. Tactics of protest and marching where we yell at the public to impeach is not what sways people who are disenfranchised and vote in greater numbers for TV shows than for the presidency. If everyone who really believed wore the same shirt, then many who are on the side lines would feel association with the movement and that it isn’t a zealous faction. That is why I started http://inapeach.com
    The tshirt idea won’t work, this can.

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