AUDIO-Impeachment: Washington Senate “Determined to Have a Floor Debate”

siren.gifWashington State Senator Eric Oemig has introduced into the Washington State Senate Senate Joint Memorial 8016, calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush by the U.S. House of Representatives. Recently Oemig said, “What I’ve gotten from [Senate] Leadership is an absolute committment that we will have a floor debate [on impeachment].”

Senator Oemig spoke with Impeachment Channel about the current status of this effort to initiative an investigation possibly leading to impeachment of the President and Vice President of the U.S.

You can listen to that conversation with Senator Oemig by clicking on the “PLAY” buttons associated with the two parts of that interview in the “3 impeachment” line-up on the Impeachment Channel.


  1. If impeachment is the most commonly talked about issue and Reddit is supposed to be a simple neutral site, why is the most important issue of our time being relegated to some ‘back closet’ wiki site, whatever the hell that is?

    This doesn’t answer the question of why our impeachment articles get automatically neutralized in the Reddit “arrow up/arrow down” system.

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