Palm Springs protest: ‘Dump Trump Impeach Now’

Blog Article Related ImageThe Desert Sun – As a crowd gathered at Frances Stevens Park Thursday evening, protesters held signs reading “Stand for Sanctuary,” “we are all immigrants” and “Dump Trump impeach now.”

The group was participating in the third local protest in response to President Donald Trump’s recent executive actions on immigration, which sparked similar protests around the nation over the past week.

Raymundo Nour, acting imam of the Islamic Society of the Coachella Valley, opened the gathering with a prayer.

He said Trump’s policies were feeding into terrorists’ propaganda that the United States is at war with Islam.

“This does not make the country any safer, instead it serves to stigmatize,” he added. “Injustice in one group leads to injustice in another.”

Demonstrator Scott Fitzgerald said this was his third protest since the orders. He is concerned about religious liberty laws that legalize discrimination against the LGBT community.

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