California City Council Passes Impeachment Resolution

From the Yahoo group: impeach07 — Tonight the City Council of Santa Rosa failed to remain silent; they failed to close their eyes to the outside world. Tonight, near midnight, after discussing where to save huge sums in the annual budget, after considering green building practices and campaign finance reform, they took up a resolution that called upon the House of Representatives to Impeach Bush and Cheney. Two thousand residents in this city of 160,000 had signed a petition calling on them to enact this resolution. Two hundred residents showed up for the hearing and a hundred, still there at midnight, erupted in joy as the council members individually stated their reasons for acting. Tonight in a 5-1-1 vote, the City of Santa Rosa through their council said enough to the tyranny of this Bush-Cheney administration.

Tonight Santa Rosa, the seat of Sonoma County government, the county of Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey and Congressman Mike Thompson, sent a petition to the House of Representatives to begin impeachment proceedings against Bush and Cheney. Tonight the City Council of Santa Rosa took a stand against the destruction of our representative form of government, took a stand for the rule of law, for defending our Constitution. They took seriously their oath of office and the expressions of concern that Santa Rosans regarding the harm that the Bush-Cheney administration is having on our persons our city, our nation, and our world.
Santa Rosa