Operation Bite: April 6 sneak attack by US forces against Iran planned, Russian military sources warn
By Webster G. Tarpley – Online Journal Contributing Writer – Mar 26, 2007

WASHINGTON DC, — The long awaited US military attack on Iran is now on track for the first week of April, specifically for 4 am on April 6, the Good Friday opening of Easter weekend, writes the well-known Russian journalist Andrei Uglanov in the Moscow weekly “Argumenty Nedeli.” Uglanov cites Russian military experts close to the Russian General Staff for his account.
Observers comment that this dispatch represents a high-level orchestrated leak from the Kremlin, in effect a war warning, which draws on the formidable resources of the Russian intelligence services, and which deserves to be taken with the utmost seriousness by pro-peace forces around the world.



  1. I’m afraid! I’m scared of war… People might get hurt. Can’t we all just get along? Iraq is enough for me. I don’t care if ANYONE tries to hurt us we should just turn the other cheek. If they destroy us… well… what can you do? I know there are not enough resources in the world for everyone. China is a HUGE concern along with a host of other problems. Maybe natural selection and survival of the fittest is TOTALLY accurate, but I’d rather let others dictate my future and my childrens future. I guess it is kinda sad that all the people who have fought and died for our freedom did it in vain, but… Fighting for freedom is WRONG! I for one welcome the days of Allah and oppression from foreign governments

  2. What i think about UK hostages is that it was a simple thing that if iranians are wrong that uk troops were in iran water, why they didn’t catch iranians in iraq water.( the iraq, uk or usa troops) why didn’t they catch iranian???????
    therefore i think iranians did the right thing and they were very kind to them! about neacular process, i think is their right to have it and if it is not, why the hell other countries got this facilities????(i.e. pakestan, usa etc)

  3. it seems everyone is thinking only inside the box. who cares about being left or right wing. believe me, it won’t matter. These events that have been unfolding for the last year, 10, 20 or even 30 years are all planned and orchestrated by some serious world players. and we are all brainwashed pawns in a big idealistic monopoly game that we can’t see let alone stop.denial is keeping them in and we are all in it,All of us,an unstoppable train in line with a brick wall.you know why, because we let it happen. Here is a little example: say,300 people are killed in a bomb that goes off , in iraq ,or aphganistan,.. wherever. women, babies and pets are killed, slaughtered! outrage here at home insues. some american troops are dead also, we watch as cnn tells the story and we are angry! we yell ‘My god! we should be protesting in the streets! pressuring to impeach bush! lets start a riot!get the insurgents!kill em all! ok..(cut to commercials)” WHY, WE OUGHT TO …we… oh wow, honey come quick!! American Idol is a good one tonight!” there, you see? I live in Canada, and we are exactly the same way.No one cares unless it’s affecting them directly. its that simple. only outcry with outrage and change lasts as long as it’s personally needed and convenient. untill it becomes uncomfortable. we all do this, I’ve done it myself, i admit it.I read and listen to the news of innocent people being slaughtered in whatever country and truthfully it doesn’t faze me too much. This stuff doesn’t affect us personally unless the person who died is connected to us. There are acceptions of course and for those of you out there fighing the good fight, I commend you. Someone has to do it because i ‘m not going to.i’m not an idealist.then People always comment and ask the same question ‘why would these insurgents blow themselves up and kill innocent people? well , I would say’ Why wouldn’t they? look at where they live, they have nothing. nothing at all but their beliefs, love for their homeland and anger for the west. their country is an ‘enemy occupied war torn shit hole ” they’ve been lied to , made example of and demonized for years. they didn’t help matters by taking these actions of bombing, but they don’t care. they are right about one thing, our time will be soon enough. I am not going to take sides,I support the us troops to the end, i am just saying , “if the situation was reversed, what would we do?” react? now, we are going to make things worse, because i don’t see how it can get better from here. our history i believe is littered in lies and blood. If anyone out there still believes that bin laden and his silent cells were solely responsible for 911 and that MCvey was the main guy behind the oaklahoma bombing , people better wake up and see the truth.we have been spoonfed dummy pills for years and we need to see the truth. the truth is that killing people, starting war is big business for everyone who initiates first blood.the problem is thst no one wants to believe their own country is responsible for thousands of innocent people dying for the sole purpose and financial gain and power for a few elite. Forget about the conspiracy theorists, just read the facts already out there, because what we are really witnessing is what no one wants to believe,(just take a guess at what i’m getting at..) Think about this,
    the puppet masters’ survive because we allow it,deny it or don’t know. they are strong because we are too comfortable in our own existence. take a look at your daily lives of bbq’s and baseball. As long as the mass majority of us are preoccupied with our own problems, trivials and ourselves in the daily BS of life THEY are safe. this is what they count on. at this point really it doesn’t matter now because the big machine is unstoppable. i’m not trying to paint a grim picture, i’m no expert and i hope i am wrong . but we are driven by two major factors fear and greed. we fear government, and terror so we stay good L’il boys and girls. and they reward us through greed.I don’t believe in prophecies,or bullshit theories from wackjobs out there, but people need to think beyond their own visual acceptance of things, no matter how terrifying it may be. We need to stop believing that our government is looking out for our well being and our security, because they’re not. Most people would never accept the unproven idea that the twin towers and oaklahoma gov. building bombing was more likely created within and planned by a few very silent, powerful and evil individuals i would call the puppet masters. acts carried out by lackies and i’m not talking about bush and and his minions who did it, because that is obviously not the case. even if he knew anything, saying so would mean death. he knows it. the bush administration and Canada’s harper gov. are puppets and puppets only. they do what they’re told, that’s all. they are mushrooms, if you get my meaning. what we are seeing is a carefully layed out plan over a very long period of time that has been going just as planned. all for power, financial,control through using fear and for personal gain.like i said just look at every president in american history who stood up to do the right thing for the people and was assassinated by a “lone gunman” a pawn who was accused. to many of us these theories are crazy movie fiction, and that’s why the elite aren’t afraid of us.
    Maybe you will just dismiss this idea,(most will) or you’ll write an angry comment back saying i’m a traitor and not patriotic, but think about this for a second: the war we fight in the future will have nothing to do with killing enemies oversea’s , it will be for our own basic survival. If a nuke is set off anywhere in the world,say Iran,iraq ..etc let alone the u.s.a. a change in our western lifestyle will make post 911 life seem like a minor inconvenience. borders will be locked down, we’ll be using bycicles to get to work because gas will cost 35 dollars a gallon…. the first six months, and that will be a bargain. we’ll be eating grass and dirt soup because farmers won’t be able to supply enough food for us due to high costs of fuel for machinery used to farm the land. importing food in will cost too much , but don’t worry we probably won’t be able to afford even dirt because of the mass lay -offs at corporations shutting down due to export costs and a deficit so high they ran out of numbers. So fuck it, great idea! lets nuke the shit out of Iran and sit back to see what happens. Take comfort in the fact that there was nothing you could do to stop it.
    The patriot act was created for a reason. a much scarier reason. don’t believe me look into it yourself.

    Here is to hope.

  4. Another e-mail we received on this topic:


    The stage is being set to invade Iran. Numerous events/rumors/exaggerations/lies have been released through the media recently to try to convince enough people to choose war over peace.
    Each of us has a responsibility to change ourselves in such a way as to alter the collective consciousness of this planet and steer us toward peace.
    We do this by being peaceful, seeking peace in the moment always. The only way to change the world outside of you is by first changing your inner world. Seeking your true self. Being honest about who you are and expressing it.

    Please choose the peacetrain…



  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waMBt6EnsT8 There are a few subtle moments in this video that relate the diversity and modernity of Iran.

    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
    Litany Against Fear

  6. You Americans are starting to disgust me!!

    Millions without health care – WHO CARES
    Millions of kids starving around the world – WHO CARES
    Global warming putting the life on earth in danger – WHO CARES
    A president who has his own agenda for tearing apart the constitution – WHO CARES

    But man let some little country half way around the world, piss me off, with a little incident. – How dare they hold “OUR” Oil for hostage – “LETS KILL THEM”

    And spend billions doing it! For when I’m pissed off:

    The sick people can wait!
    The starving kids can wait!
    The earth can wait!
    And who cares about human rights and the constitution!!

  7. god, so much stupidity combined in a single person “Mike” – i guess you actually ARE one of those “50%” (only diebold knows) who voted for bush.

    “Anyway, Iran is a hostile country.” – do those 50% ever watch aything beyond FUX news? the majority of the rest of the world believes the US is the greatest aggressor on this planet. a recent poll even in germany showed that most people believe that iran is less dangerous than a bush-lead war hungry & crimimal US.

    “You can honestly say that Iran poses no threat to its neighbors and the world?” yes, everyone should be able to HONESTLY say that. the felt “threat” that is non-existing. it has been created by the propaganda machinery of bush. the same that lied about saddam’s WMD that could reach london in 45 minutes. THEY DID NOT EXIST. a made up reason to invade a souvereign country. nothing else. and it caused hundreds of thousands of peoples lives. who the fuck are you to decide on their lives?
    and who the fuck are you, a country that actually used a nuke to murder millions to decide who can have nukes and who not? why dont you attack israel who “secretly” DOES have nukes – bush seems not to be interested to throw some light about israel’s nuclear power, now is he? SURPRISING, HUH?

    a combo of jewish freaks and fascist americans is the world’s only problem here.

    “shalom” mike!

  8. Mike,

    Here is an article that just came out today on the A.P. that gives great insight into Iran’s quandry:


    Iran: Attack fears spurred nuclear block

    VIENNA, Austria – Iran, in a confidential letter posted Friday on an internal Web site of the U.N. nuclear monitor, said its fear of attack from the U.S. and Israel prompted its decision to withhold information from the agency. In the letter, Iran said the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency had repeatedly allowed confidential information crucial to the country’s security to be leaked.



    They are frightened that they might get attacked and are acting accordingly.

    And they pose absolutely no immediate threat to our national security. None.

    An attack on Iran would be just one more impeachable offense by war criminal Bush.

  9. “IDIOT”,

    You sound a lot smarter than your name. Very sorry to hear about your friend. It is a tragedy repeated many times over around the nation and the world it is so sad to acknowledge.

    About YouTube. It is not a neutral site by any means. I know of lots and lots of removals of 9/11 Truth videos and have heard rumors of removal of Videos critical of Bush.

  10. My comments were directed at #6, Mike. But someone posted before me so it looks out of place. Sorry.

    I lost a friend in Iraq. He was basically severed in half so he had no “stomach”. He left a wife and child behind.

    I am one of the “IDIOTS” he refers to. His rant sounds like Sean Hannity on FOX; no facts, no contextual reference, racist, a mindset of FEAR.

    PSA = Purchase Supply Agreement, and no, there is no video on UTube about that, YET.

  11. Mike,

    Fanatical terrorists in Ireland were brought to peace when their political wing was respected and listened to.
    “Axis of Evil” North Korea has calmed themselves with just a tiny bit of diplomacy on our part.

    The path to peace is through a combination of strong defense military (to be used as a last resort only) and constant and thorough diplomacy and negotiation. Our military has been used as an offensive weapon by the Bush Regime. It is in diplomacy where Bush has been so tragically lacking, having inflamed our enemies greatly, turned Iraq into a breeding ground for terrorists where few existed before and having alienated our allies to the point where the “Coalition of the Willing” is down to… well… the USA alone now that Great Britain is withdrawing their troops from Iraq.

    Iran has been pushed onto the defensive by our aggression against Iraq and Afganistan and is much more of a danger today as they feel cornered and threatened. That instability is largely due to the misleadership of George W. Bush. Of course “IM A DINNER JACKET” (Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) is a dangerous, radical extremist, but Iran has no ability to transport a warhead, conventional or nuclear, to the U.S. at this point so “imminent threat” is, once again, not applicable.

    Deja Vu all over again.

    And I am not going to let you off so easily on what appears to be racism and xenophobia. Please explain this comment:

    “if those muslim qwacks would stay in their sand huts and caves”

    Are you talking about the percentage of Muslims who are extremists or Muslims overall?

  12. Mikael,

    Such obvious differences in opinion…i will disregard the majority of your post, and just respond to the worthwhile bits(which were few)
    You Said:
    You say: “Iran is a hostile country”, yet it is the United States of America that is engaged in a war of aggression against a country (Iraq) that posed no immediate threat to it and is poised to do it all over again against Iran.

    You can honestly say that Iran poses no threat to its neighbors and the world? I guess enriching uranium with the express intentions of constructing nuclear weapons is not a threat to anyone. An Islamic Extremist regime with their hands on a nuke…no, i feel real safe knowing their thumbing their nose at the world when we are telling them to stop pursuing wmd construction.
    I too have traveled extensively…ive studied most major religions extensively as well. As to your racism comments, i wont dignify them with a response. As far as calming down…its the anti war crowd thats a bit riled up.
    I think its a bad thing for our houses to be controlled by any one group. Im a Republican, but nothing good came out of bills shooting thru with no contest. Thats why big companies like Verizon were able to squash free WiFi and internet access with no one ever hearing about it. Im afraid similar things will happen with the D’s in control. The party’s are more similar than they are different, with them both just answering to different groups. Well, ive wasted enough time commenting.


    Thanks for the comment.

    Unfortunately I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say.

  14. FOX noise work is done here. Sin Hannity could not have said it better himself. Apparently if only we all had bigger stomachs… Yeah – my dead buddy had no freakin’ stomach when they got to him.

    Do your research. It’s not oil. It is PSA’s.

  15. Mike,

    You open your post by name-calling and then belittle those who think differently than you throughout. Is this the way you hope to win friends and influence people? Does this strategy work for you? It isn’t working anymore for the national Republican Party as they have lost both houses of congress and are likely to lose the Presidency in 2008 as well. Are you going to help the Democrats win in 2008 by continuing this failed strategy?

    Nobody said “It is all about the oil”. Where did you read that? The NeoCons in power today DID, however say in their 1998 PNAC document: ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses’ that they wanted to invade and occupy the Middle East to establish an economic and strategic “toehold” in the Middle East. They acknowledged that they needed “a New Pearl Harbor” to serve as an excuse to convince Americans that it was justified. 9/11 became that excuse, even though Iraq and Saddam had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. If you still think they did, then you have been hypnotized by disinformation, because the facts prove otherwise and Bush himself has publically stated that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.

    Bush himself recently said that if we don’t continue to occupy Iraq that our gas prices will go up. Not about oil? Hmmm…

    You say: “Iran is a hostile country”, yet it is the United States of America that is engaged in a war of aggression against a country (Iraq) that posed no immediate threat to it and is poised to do it all over again against Iran.

    You say: “if those muslim qwacks would stay in their sand huts and caves” What can you tell me now to convince me that this statement doesn’t reveal you to be just a simple-minded racist and a xenophobe? I am not calling you names, I am just asking how I should interpret this statement. Do you also use terms such as: “Towel Heads” and “Sand Monkeys”? Maybe not, but I would guess that you do in private. Do you also say things like “Go back to Africa” to African Americans?

    You say: “We tried ‘live and let live,’ “. America hasn’t been isolationist since Woodrow Wilson and we are constantly meddling with other governments and other soverign lands either directly through military action, corporate profiteering or covertly through the CIA and other stealth operations. Blowback from these actions over many decades is the reason why we are hated.

    You say: “so threatened by freedom and free thought” (that they attack other countries using terroristic measures). Do you really think those are the reasons? People hate us because we are free? How many people hate you and I because we are fortunate? Think about it. That really is absurd. The truth is that people hate our government for the harm our governmental actions have wrought around the world. Very, very few people around the world hate American citizens – just a small percentage of extremists. I have traveled extensively, and most places I am greeted with open arms – especially when I say: “I am sorry for President Bush”.

    Your being convinced that you should hate Muslims is eerily similar to Germans being convinced that they should hate Jews in the 30’s. Have you ever stopped to think about what the real basis for your hatred of Muslims is based upon? Who told you to think that? Can you trace it?

    You say: “I hate these liberal lefties that have no stomach for a legitimate fight”. Not true. A legitimate fight or war would never be a problem for most Americans. The overwhelming majority of Republicans and Democrats alike across the nation supported our military actions against Afghanistan and Iraq when we had been told that they were the ones who had attacked us.

    The problem is that now that the truth is out and more is coming out every day about the fact that we AND Congress were lied to in order to justify a long-planned war for profit in Iraq, 70% of America has NO stomach for this illegitimate fight and over 50% now want President Bush and Vice President Cheney and their entire administration removed from office because of those lies. That is why we at http://www.ImpeachforPeace.org are growing in supporters rapidly.

    So Mike… it is obvious that you are angry and full of hatred. You used the word “hate” yourself, you can’t deny it. My advice to you is the same as Speaker Pelosi’s to President Bush earlier this week:

    Calm down.

  16. I love idiots who think the entire middle east situation can be boiled down to oil. I think its hillarious when i overhear someone talking, or reaad a post, where the person says…”ahhh, its all about the oil.” Nothing could possibly make the person sound more ignorant and uninformed as making a comment like that.

    Anyway, Iran is a hostile country. While i dont pretend to know an easy solution to the problem of Muslims in that region wanting to stay in the stone ages and shunning democracy because they view it as a threat to their views of a muslim law state. There is no easy solution. We tried ‘live and let live,’ and what we got was madrasses preaching anti westernism and hate, which would be fine if those muslim qwacks would stay in their sand huts and caves, but they didnt. They were so threatened by freedom and free thought that we got 9/11, the bombings in Madrid and London. So live and let live doesnt work with these people…now everyones up in arms about a war thats taking a little too long. I hate these liberal lefties that have no stomach for a legitimate fight. Why dont you just move to France if you cant support what needs to be done. At least if you move to France, people like Hillary Clinton wouldnt keep getting the votes they need to ruin our country more.

  17. KK2,

    Read Jodin Morey’s entry again. He isn’t actually agreeing with Oaf Tobark, he is facetiously challenging his statements.

    My immediate response to the Brits getting captured was “Here we go, they got their excuse”.

    It is no secret that the U.S. and GB have been itching to go into Iran for years. It is Deja Vu all over again. No immediate threat. No WMDs, nothing.

    Just more oil and a deeper strategic stronghold in the Middle East.

    This attack on Iran has been in the works since before Bush was installed by the Supreme Court in 2000.

  18. Oaf is really an oaf.

    What is Iran doing with the UK sailors that is so bad? Feeding them and taking care of them? You are an idiot, Iran should never be attacked.

  19. to OafTobark and Jodin for agreeing,

    its people like you that make world war 3 a possiblity, if you even knew that the darn brits where antagonizing the iranians by going in and out of their waters all morning the day they where “captured” you wouldnt be so GUN-HO! about this OIL travesty nor would you take time out of your day to write about it on some little blog.

  20. Yeah, you’re right. World wars should start anytime there’s confusion over whether a country’s sovereignty has been breached. We shouldn’t wait until diplomats can determine the truth, and work it out. Disagreements should be worked out on a battlefield. You know, because the U.S. never kidnaps anyone.

    Oh wait. We do. Actually, not only do we kidnap them, but we do it when they’re half-way around the world, with little/no cause. We even torture them and hold them indefinitely without telling anyone they exist. Hmm…

  21. After what Iran is doing to the UK hostages/prisoners, we should go in. Looks like Iran is going to force world war iii. I’m an American who has hated the Iraq war, but for this, I would support and fight against Iran.

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