September 11, 2006 protest
Hosted by www.antiwarcommittee.com
Tristan and I arrived at Peavey Plaza shortly before 4:30pm. There were a few people there setting up. Of course, everyone just thought Tristan was the cutest thing and asked if he could be in the skit they were going to perform. So, of course, I said yes. As the protest got underway, We were all shouting "who's a terrorist?" "Bush is A Terrorist!"…All sorts of catchy chants like that. I'd say about 150 to 200 showed. Passersby, sort of just ignored us. We didn't get as many honks as usual. Probably, because it was after all, the 5 year anniversary of 9/11. We actually got quite a few disapproving stares. 'How dare we protest on such a somber day'! Of course, even though we were right next door to WCCO, no press what so ever.
The skit pretty much went like this: It basically demonstrated how Bush is spending our tax money on unjust wars. Tristan and one of the other protesters played civilians trying to rebuild after a bomb hits. After the skit, they had a couple of speakers. I can't remember who.
Around 6:00pm, the police came and informed one of the organizers the we were being 'too loud'. The Antiwar Committee did not have a permit for the protest at Peavey Plaza. I'm sure that is why the cops came. Other than that, things were uneventful. I got quite a few flyers handed out and talked to some of the organizers about attending our event Oct. 5th. I saw a couple of familiar faces from the Sept. 7th meeting. Shortly, after the cops came… We chanted a bit more and then started packing up to leave.
"I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace." Bush, June 18, 2002
"War is Peace"
George Orwell in "1984"
