Around 30 people were in attendance at an “Impeach for Peace” party Saturday, July 22, at the home of Jan Willms in Saint Paul. The party was co-hosted by Tina Buggs.
Attendees included long-time Impeach for Peace members, as well as several new faces. Sen. Ellen Anderson, DFL, and Michael Cavlan, a senatorial candidate from the Green Party, both spoke. Dan Fearn, a member of Veterans for Peace, also talked about the impeachment plan.
Mikael Rudolph, founder of the Minneapolis chapter of World Can’t Wait, Impeach for Peace.org, explained to guests the mission of the group. A table of literature was also available.
A late arrival viewed the movie “How to Impeach a President.”
The event brought together veteran activists, Greens, DFLs and independents. The purpose of our group was well defined and passed along to others. People seemed to want to talk and exchange ideas, but I think a recommendation for the next event would be to stage a screening of “How to Impeach a President.”
Putting people with similar ideas in a social situation, however, appears to be a positive method of gathering and exchanging new ideas that will eventually lead to the Bush regime stepping down.
