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BBC Responds
to Building 7 Controversy; Claim 9/11 Tapes Lost
The BBC has been forced to respond to footage showing their correspondent reporting the collapse of WTC 7 before it fell on 9/11, claiming tapes from the day are somehow missing, and refusing to identify the source for their bizarre act of "clairvoyance" in accurately pre-empting the fall of Building 7. Here is the BBC's response to the questions about the footage that was unearthed yesterday, with my comments after each statement.
"We didn't get told in advance that buildings
were going to fall down." If this is true, then how on earth
did the BBC report the collapse of Building 7 before it happened?
Psychic clairvoyance? Of course they were told that WTC 7 was coming
down, just like the firefighters,
police, first responders and CNN
were told it was coming down. They had to have had a source for
making such a claim. The BBC is acting like the naughty little boy
who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. No one here is claiming
the BBC are "part of the conspiracy," but their hideous
penchant to just repeat what authorities tell them without even
a cursory investigation (and with the Building they are telling
us has collapsed mockingly filling the background shot of the report),
is a damning indictment of their yellow journalism when it comes
to 9/11.
How do "chaos and confusion" explain how
the BBC reported on the collapse of a building, a collapse that
happened "unexpectedly" according to their Conspiracy
Files hit piece documentary, before it happened? In one breath the
BBC is claiming they were not told of the impending collapse of
the Building and in the next they are telling us that all their
information is sourced. Which is it to be? Did the BBC have a source
telling them the building was about to collapse or not? If not,
how on earth could they pre-empt its fall? Do BBC reporters have
access to a time machine? What was the source of this information?
Trying to make sense of what she was being told? She obviously didn't make much sense of the fact that the Building she was reporting had collapsed was prominently standing behind her! Unfotunately, for a news organization that prides itself on accuracy and credibility, "she doesn't remember" just doesn't cut it as an excuse.
We are asked to believe that the world's premiere
news organization has somehow lost all its tapes of perhaps the
biggest news event of the past 60 years. This is a copout. Whether
they have lost the tapes or not, the BBC simply doesn't want to
verify one hundred per cent their monumental foul-up, because they
know it would only increase the exposure of this issue and lead
to further questions. What is there to clear up? The reporter is
standing in front of the building while saying it has already collapsed!
This is a blatant effort to try and placate people making complaints
while refusing to admit a monumental faux pas that further undermines
the BBC's credibility in the aftermath of the Conspiracy
Files debacle.
So now the BBC are so devoid of answers, they have to enlist the help of some moronic comment on a You Tube blog? Instead of issuing official statements and seeking the advice of legal professionals they produce a cobbled together five paragraph blog and include the testimony of some moron on a You Tube comment board. Pathetic! Answer the question BBC - what was your source for reporting on multiple occasions that Building 7 had collapsed before it had collapsed, and identify the source that enabled the anchorman to comment that the building had collapsed due to it being weakened, an explanation still unanswered by NIST five and a half years later. If you had reported the collapse of the twin towers before it happened would that have been just an error too? This "error" translated as $800 million plus in insurance bounty for Larry Silverstein - I'm sure Industrial Risk Insurers would be interested to know the source of your "error." In addition, two seperate sources reported that Secret Service Agent Craig Miller died as a result of the collapse of Building 7. Do you think he would have been interested in the "error" that led to your correspondent reporting the building's downfall in advance? --------------------------------------------------- Prison Planet.tv: The Premier Multimedia Subscription Package: Download and Share the Truth! Please help our fight against the New World Order by giving a donation. As bandwidth costs increase, the only way we can stay online and expand is with your support. Please consider giving a monthly or one-off donation for whatever you can afford. You can pay securely by either credit card or Paypal. Click here to donate. |