...as I was already by his car, maybe 15 feet behind, was, "You are endangering the lives of my children, and I WILL KILL YOU!" I yelled back that I had his license plate.
I called the cops, who were eager to take down his plate #, Oregon 752 BME, and hear the details and they were going to send a cop to take a report. I was calling from the car and had already crossed the bridge, so I was told to call later when I can meet with an officer at the location.
I have been demonstrating against the illegal Bush Regime for over a year, and many of you have seen me, joined me, commented on my "One Man Parade" updates, and I find it pretty unsettling that some citizens of this country, residents of Portlandia or otherwise, feel they have a right to try to limit my right to freedom of speech with their threats of physical harm. Did I respond in the best manner I could have...maybe not, but what gives this guy, or others the right to think that playing tough guy to intimidate people who think differently, or who think period, is socially acceptable?!
So...keep an eye out for a white SUV with a Redneck behind the wheel...and if he harasses you for speaking out...REPORT HIM! Let's keep the lunatics under control, and prevent them from thinking that they run the asylum that is Bush's America!!