Washington State State Senators resist anti-impeachment onslaught of Washington, D.C., Democratic "electeds," pledge to hold hearings Thursday on SJM 8016 calling for impeachment investigations of George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney; another route to bottom-up impeachment, from a grand jury, is suggested

Impeachment Channel #25

Olympia, Washington State
February 26, 2007

By Marc Strassman
Executive Producer
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Eastside Fellowship of Reconciliation of Bellevue, Washington, Director Linda Boyd, surrounded by photos from its web site

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effort to quash Washington State impeachment bill, SJM 8016, spearheaded by Washington, D.C., "electeds"

Strong opposition to proceeding with a hearing on Washington State Senate Joint Memorial 8016 (SJM 8016), which calls on the U.S. Congress to begin an investigation leading to a possible impeachment of George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney for various alleged anti-Constitutional actions, scheduled for this coming Thursday, March 1, 2007, at 3:30 pm PST in the Washington State Capitol Building in Olympia, and a personal lobbying effort to de-rail this meeting, are coming from two prominent Washington State national electeds, U.S. Senator Patty Murray and U.S. Representative Jay Inslee. "D.C. Dems want to stop legislative impeachment talk," by David Postman, writing this morning in the Seattle Times.

This development highlights a long-talked-about (see comments by Vermont State Representative and impeachment supporter Daryl Pillsbury in a February 15, 2007, interview here and in the Impeachment Channel video player, below, and in remarks by San Francisco Supervisor Chris Daly here, and below) apparent anomaly: the national Democratic/Congressional Party, under the leadership of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, iconic "San Francisco liberal" and next in line to become U.S. President if George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney are impeached, convicted, and removed from office, is now leading the effort to protect the much-maligned President and Vice-President from such a fate, presumably because she and it believe that their party's fortunes, and her own, stand to benefit more from having the discredited and weakened Republican duo still in office for the 2008 elections than they do from defending the U.S. Constitution and removing from office a couple of outlaws who bragged publicly about violating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA); lied about WMD and an al-Qaeda connection to precipitate the invasion and occupation of Iraq; condoned torture in violation of the Geneva Convention to which the U.S. is a signatory (and co-author); and routinely attempt to forge a "unitary executive" immune from Congressional or judicial influence through the use of "signing statements" exempting them from carrying out any laws they don't feel like obeying.
As pointed out in the Postman article, Senator Murray and Congressman Inslee want to stop the effort in Washington State to petition the Congress to launch an investigation of these and possibly other potentially-impeachable offenses because it would "distract" Congress from its just-about-successful effort to rein in the President on Iraq, presumably with another finely-honed, non-binding resolution/whine that the President will ignore as easily as he did the last one; the Iraq Study Group recommendations; and the counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency before the invasion.

Under the byline "Lexington," the editors of the Economist, writing on page 42 in the February 24, 2007, edition of this esteemed trans-Atlantic journal, corroborate the role of Speaker Pelosi as a leader in the "spare-us-and-Bush/Cheney-the-inconvenience-of-considering-impeachment" movement, when they, in an article entitled "Pelosi Rides High," say:

"She has forced the likes of John Conyers to button their lips about impeaching Mr Bush."

another party heard from

Linda Boyd is the Director of the Eastside Fellowship of Reconciliation of Bellevue, Washington. You can visit the Eastside Fellowship of Reconciliation of Bellevue, Washington's "Impeach Bush and Cheney Petition Page" by clicking here.

Ms. Boyd spoke late today with the Impeachment Channel about these efforts by members of the Washington Democratic Establishment to put the kibosh on grassroots effort in Washington State to initiate an investigation of these alleged Constitutional violations in the White House, despite the self-serving efforts of inside-the-Beltway pols.

You can watch video of Ms. Boyd addressing a February 20, 2007, Town Hall meeting in Olympia and urging everyone to come demonstrate in favor of Joint Memorial 6018 on March 1, 2007, at a rally on the steps of the Washington State Capitol at 1:00 pm PST in preparation for the 3 :30 pm meeting to consider SJM 8016 in the Washington State Senate's Government Operations and Elections Committee, by clicking here.

listen to today's Impeachment Channel interview with Fellowship of Reconciliation of Bellevue, Washington, Director Linda Boyd

You can listen to Linda Boyd's comments on this so-far failed effort by Washington insiders to stop SJM 8016 by clicking on the appropriate "PLAY" buttons next to each of her two photos in the "2 impeachment line-up" on the Impeachment Channel, below.

You can syndicate the Impeachment Channel to any web page by clicking here.

another possible path to impeachment: a petition to Congress from a grand jury

A close listening to the reading by New Mexico State Senator John Grubesic, co-author of that state's equivalent of Washington State's SJM 8016, Senate Joint Resolution 5 (SJR5) here, reveals that, according to Rule 603 of Jefferson's Manual of Parliamentary Practice for the House of Representatives, impeachment can be initiated in the House not only in response to a request along those lines from a state legislature, but also from a "grand jury."

From a "Memorandum on Impeachment Strategy in the House of Representatives":

������According to Section 603 of Jefferson's Manual, "there are various methods of setting an impeachment in motion": 1) By charges made on the floor by a member of the House; 2) By charges preferred by a memorial filed by a House member; 3) By charges contained in a Resolution introduced by a House member; 4) By a message from the President; 5) By charges transmitted by a State legislature, or a grand jury [italics added]; 5) By facts developed and reported by an investigating committee of the House.

Included in today's interview with Linda Boyd is a brief consideration of this possibility, which might offer an additional route to impeachment, one perhaps less subject to disruption by self-interested "electeds."

click on its logo to visit the extensive array of impeachment-related content at AfterDowningStreet.org

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