Minnesotans Strip Their Beds for Impeachment

In Minneapolis as part of the International A28 Impeachment Event, ImpeachforPeace.org and WorldCantWait.org organized a unique variation on John and Yoko’s “sleep in” for peace. Utilizing over sixty bedsheets to spell out “IMPEACH” in letters nearly forty feet tall on the grass of a park across the Mississippi River from the University of Minnesota’s Weismann Art Museum.

~ Image Copyright Bert Schlauch, Minneapolis, MN

As dusk settled in and the light grew dimmer, impeachment activists lifted each letter in turn and underlit it with flashlights as seen in the composite photograph (above).

Students and other passersby were amazed looking down from the Washington Avenue Bridge that travels between the West and East Banks of campus – many took flyers and thanked organizers as horns honked in agreement from passing cars on the West River Road below as the letters took form (below).

~ Image Copyright Bert Schlauch, Minneapolis, MN

Visit this page for images from around the world.

Some other scenes from the A28 Impeachment event in Minneapolis, Minnesota:

~ Image Copyright George Bloom, Minneapolis, MN


  1. Impeach Bush Cheney sounds good.
    Bring it on for the good of the world.
    Indictment has a better ring to it–if it can be done before the escape to Paraguay.

  2. This truly brings tears of joy to mine eyes.I’ve been waitng for this moment for over 3yrs. now.I just called Murtha’s office to thank him for his comments on Face The Nation about impeaching Chimpy and asked the aide i was speaking to if they were getting a lot of calls of encouragement.Aide stated that the phone has been ringing ever since with nothing but calls of encouragement.Get to your phones,sit down write a letter,e-mail,or drive to your reps office and demand from them that they impeach these madmen.It is working people,keep the pressure on!!!!!

  3. A great job in Minneapolis! The more IMPEACH is mentioned, the greater the possibility that a reluctant, fearful, congress will respond to the the clamor from thie individual districts.

  4. I have some pictures of people under the sheets that supply an additional viewpoint to the pictures displayed to date. 10:55 Monday eve. If you want to incoude them -let me know. I’d like to have the same copyright arrangements as the other displayed pictures. Great job getting this process in action. I hope it will be a step in the right direction. Thought the sheet word worked out well after considerable effort.

    George Bloom

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