Four Pro-Impeachment Letters in Pelosi’s Hometown Paper

San Francisco Chronicle — LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Impeachment is on the minds of the people
Editor – Impeachment must be considered to gain back the rule of law and receive respect as a nation that we once had. The only way we can be a leader in the world about anything is to show that we do not agree with the policies that have taken us so far back in time. We have to show that we are not the corrupt incompetent country that we appear to be now.

To win any war we must have respect and take the high road. Impeachment is the only way to stop this group. America is mad as hell.

Mill Valley
Editor – From torture, to wiretapping, to selectively firing federal prosecutors for partisan reasons, and repeatedly lying to Congress throughout about said issues, U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales repeatedly shows that he takes the interests of the executive branch of government more seriously than that of we, the people, and the rule of law.
The only feasible measure left to us to right this ship of state is his impeachment; and Congress should act immediately on its implementation.

Mill Valley
Editor – There is no better time than now to say no to the outright lies that have been being juggled around for way too long. Action speaks louder than words.
The people need to see some action or you are no better than the GOP words that we hear and see no action. Please make a difference and impeach Alberto Gonzales. Even if you fire or remove him, just do something!

San Francisco
Editor – Creating more legislation that the administration only selectively enforces is like spitting into the wind!
There are only three things I want Congress to do:
1. Impeach!
2. Impeach!
3. And impeach!
Impeach all these scurvy knaves and traitors of our sacred Constitution.

San Bruno
Infrastructure first
Editor – Because of a failure to maintain levees, Hurricane Katrina all but destroyed New Orleans; because of a failure to maintain a freeway bridge, untold numbers plunged to their deaths in Minneapolis.

By acceding in this manner to Third World levels of infrastructural neglect, this richest of nations places all its residents at risk; yet, we persist in spending billions of dollars to maintain a war in Iraq on the discredited premise that it is making us safer. Isn’t it time we get our priorities in order?

San Francisco
City Attorney responds
Editor – Given that Public Defender Jeff Adachi’s Open Forum article (“Guilt by association, Aug. 2) criticized the gang injunctions I am seeking in the Mission and Western Addition, it may come as a surprise that I write to agree with many of his points.

I, too, recognize that a successful strategy to address gangs must include programs to expand employment and recreational opportunities. In fact, my litigation against one of the nation’s largest low-income housing operators secured a $1 million settlement as seed money for the Willie Mays Boys’ and Girls’ Club recently opened at Hunters Point. Where we differ is about whether affirmative intervention strategies are mutually exclusive from injunctions against gang-related nuisance and criminal conduct. I don’t believe they are.

My office has employed civil injunctions for years as a tool to effectively police wrongdoing by polluters, vandals and slumlords. Initial indications from the Oakdale Mob injunction, in place since last fall, echo independent research findings that gang injunctions can be similarly effective. Civil gang injunctions are no panacea for gang violence: so stipulated. But the debate about how to address gang crime ought not turn on whether we encourage lawful behavior or discourage unlawful behavior. Rather, it should center on how we most effectively do both.

City Attorney
San Francisco
Hiroshima karma
Editor – The biblical karmic warning, “As you sow so shall you reap,” or the modern street version “What goes around comes around,” both explain a deep rooted fear in the American psyche. Sixty-two years ago, in August 1945, America sowed the karmic seeds of this fear, by dropping, without warning, atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing more than 115,000 civilians, mostly innocent women, children and elderly.

In October 2002, President Bush exploited this fear by invoking the image of a nuclear “mushroom cloud” to dramatize Iraq’s threat to us, and scare Congress and the American people into war against Iraq. If a karmic debt must eventually be paid for causing the great suffering of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it seems unwise for America and its leaders to nurture conditions, such as creating more suffering, hatred and conflicts, which would hasten this karmic ripening.

Buddhist chaplain
Juvenile Hall
San Francisco
This article appeared on page D – 6 of the San Francisco Chronicle


  1. In seven years George W. Bush has arrogated previously unthinkable dictatorial powers to himself.
    Aided and abetted by right-wing Republicans and spineless Democrats in Congress he has rendered the Constitution utterly useless as an instrument for protecting the people from his authoritarian excesses. He has offered his profane opinion of the Constitution thus, “… it’s just a God d… piece of paper’’ – cited by Doug Thompson in Capitol Hill Blue, Dec 5, 2005,
    We all know of Bush’s lies and crimes and they need not be recounted here (a Google search of – Bush lies and crimes – produces over 2 million hits). What I want to discuss here are the consequences in store for America unless steps are taken immediately to stop Bush from dismantling our democracy and replacing it with a tyrannical plutocracy.
    The first steps toward this wretched future have already been taken. He has lied us into two never ending wars and has ambitions to add a third. He has instituted programs to abduct, imprison and torture anyone that he decides is an enemy (remember – he’s the “decider”). He has amassed a private mercenary army willing, for a price, to mobilize against American citizens at his order (as in New Orleans).
    I believe that Bush is a self-absorbed psychopath ready to concoct a false-flag event, declare martial law and indefinitely “postpone” the 2008 elections. He would then appoint himself as “temporary” supreme commander during the “emergency”, which of course would never end!
    The non-violent way to prevent this calamity is to impeach both Bush and Cheney and remove them from office.

  2. Forget it. I have sent e-mails to Pelosi’s office and have never even recieved an answer. She doesn’t answer to you or me only to those who pay her campaign expenses.

    The only thing she and other democrats understand is how to get the money they need and how to lie thier way through campaigns so they can continue to reap the benefits while your children (not hers) go off to war, get laid off, pensions cancelled etc.

    Really what has she and the Democrats done for you lately?

  3. I write and email to my rep and have Never received a response. His boss is Pelosi and we know how Pelosi feels about Impeachment.

  4. I have tried to contact Nancy Pelosi via telephone, email, and letters! I have never received a reply! My questions to her concerning the illegal activities of the Bush administration have never been answered!

    Pelosi is no leader! She is a political hack, and supporter of the Bush crime family agenda! She is no representative of the constituants who put her into office! She is a power hungry politician who will do whatever she thinks it will take to keep her job! She cares not one whit about the American People, and is in violation of the oath she took to uphold and protect the constitution!


    She should be removed as speaker for her illegal stance of taking impeachment of this criminal administration off the table. That action alone is a violation against the constitution, which demands impeachment, to remove an administration that is breaking the law in plain view!

    Shame on you Ms. Speaker! You are a disgrace, and an embarassment to the Democratic Party who put you in office! Do the right thing and tender your resignation, which in my estimation, is long overdue! It’s time to have someone in government who actually represents the citizens of this country, rather than out of control, war profiteering corporations, and an imperial presidency!

    To Cindy Sheehan: Keep up the good work! You can count on my vote!

  5. It now Makes Sense why Nancy said “Impeachment is off the table”. As Speaker of the House, She has lots of POWER!! Queen Pelosi reports to Mad King George.

  6. Nanci Pelosi, by taking impeachment off the table, has fatally compromised the Dems position on everything: from stopping the war to getting healthcare for all Americans, let alone children. Nanci Pelosi is a traitor to this country, and she works directly for the war machine and the Bush Crime Family. I hope Cindy Sheehan unseats her next election cycle. I am wondeering if we have a country (our own) left over to save. Read America’s Autopsy Report, by John Kaminsky. visit

  7. Rodenhurst Clinton is now being linked to another scandal involving illegal campaign contributions from an Oklahoma Indian tribe linked to mob-financed casinos with a tie-in to former Republican Speaker of the House Tom Delay

  8. Pelosi is also covering up the U.S. AttorneyGate case involving the frame-up of former Democratic Alabama Governor Don Siegelman, in which Karl Rove and former Clinton Administration official Lanny Davis orchestrated the appoint of a Bush-Clinton judge to handle Siegelman’s case.

  9. Pelosi is also covering up U.S. AttorneyGate involving the Bush-Clinton-Iran/Contra-San Diego criminal referral, which ties in Brent Wilkes and Kyle “Dusty” Foggo, former Bush-Clinton-Iran/Contra players

  10. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is not only engaged in the cover up of the overthrow of Albert Gore’s election as President in the year 2000, but she is also covering up the British Intelligence-Russian FSB link not only to 9/11 but the forged British Intelligence dossier, which took America to war in Iraq based on lie.

  11. Pelosi is just a Bushnick in democrats clothing. Look at her picture, she looks like her pacts just cut off some of her crooked money !!

  12. When Nancy P took ‘impeachment off the table’, what she was really doing was taking her ‘re-election off the table’.

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