(APN) ATLANTA — US Reps. Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) became the sixth and seventh total cosponsors of US Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s (D-OH) bill to impeach Vice President of the United States Dick Cheney, Atlanta Progressive News has learned.
In addition to Kucinich, the additional four Members of Congress who have signed on to H. Res 333 are US Reps. Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Janice Schakowsky (D-IL), William Lacy Clay (D-MO), and Albert Wynn (D-MD).
“It’s their prerogative to represent their constituents,” Drew Hammill, spokesperson for US House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), told Atlanta Progressive News, adding the intrepid seven do not face retribution from Pelosi.
US Reps. Lee and Woolseys’ cosponsorships are quite significant, as they are the Co-Chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and their leadership may pave the way for other Members of Congress to feel it is safe to sign on. (More)
Keep the ball rolling by sending your Representative Do-It-Yourself Impeachments!
And then there were 8!
Maxine Waters just signed on as a cosponsor of Resolution 333:
If you think Dick will get kicked off his vice presidential seat, your DREAMING. Its a good dream, but, its a fantacy. He was CEO of Halliburton, and basically has millions invested into Halliburton, the same company which got the go ahead from the white house to infiltrate IRAQ, and Afganistan, and currently has struck a major nuclear power plant deal with IRAN (insider corruption). And supprisingly its stocks went from single digits to almost $50 dollars per stock. Halliburtons revenue went from 1 billion to 2.5 billion in the first three years of war in Iraq and Afganistan. But, you will never hear of that on the news since, Halliburton is an American based Energy company in TEXAS. All we hear is how the terrible Russians, the communistically crazy Chinese, and 100% radical islamistic IRANians are converging to make nuclear bombs.
Please don’t let the media dictate you image of the world. Russians aren’t terrible people, the chinese government cares more about their people than the American government, and Iran is the least islamic country next to United Arab Emirates in the middle east. Thank you for reading I hope you have learned something.
I own You,
Absolutely brilliant retort. Do you have any links or sources to back up your comment? I am so interested to hear how such an intellectual luminary such as yourself came to your political perspective. Where did you go to college? High School”? Jr. High? Grade School? Kindergarten?
Any education at all…
To the comment above about Hugo Chavez. The only place you will hear about Chavez’s people hating him are on US Media channels, especially FOX. His aim in his country is to eliminate the upper class, the rich bourgeois who are living at the expense of millions of poor people. By nationalizing the oil in His own country, he can work to trickle money down to the poor people.
Chris, your claim is bogus. If you had kept up with Chavez, he was overthrown briefly (2 days or so) by an oil tycoon, and then the people of the country (poor people) overtook the capitol building and got him back in control. Keep up with world news before making just irrational claims.
So, to reiterate, the only place you’ll hear bad about Chavez are American Media Channels, and the rich Venezuelans who fled to America in fear of losing their riches. Go figure…
The Bush Administration has continued producing faux news articles and sending them around the nation to small news stations – in direct violation to a court ordering them to cease and desist. Millions of tax payer dollars spent of creating these false news reports. I am glad you are such a strong advocate of freedom of the press.
The Bush Administration has pushed systematic torture and extreme rendition into use. Denying (“America doesn’t torture” ~ GWB) and then admitting under pressure and justifying it after the fact. The Bush Administration has pushed to eliminate Habeas Corpus from our legal system. I am glad you are such a strong advocate of human rights.
Remember that the gas Saddam used was supplied by the United States of America to be used against Iran.
Socialism mixed with Capitalism along with solid government oversight has worked well in the USA in the past. This horrible Administration has taken away nearly all government oversight and worked to destroy all the healthy safety net systems that have served this countries poor fairly well over the last decades.
Socialism unchecked is a horrible system.
Capitalism unchecked is a horrible system.
Mixed together with strong oversight they can work very well together and have for decades in America.
Chris, you are the one who brought up Chavez. I simply noted that you are off base in saying his people hate him. You have jumped way past everything I have said, drawing conclusions that are completely unmerited.
I am still waiting for your sources and links that show how Chavez’ people are rioting in the streets to get rid of him.
And waiting…
mr awesome stop sucking on cheney’s dick, bitch.
I’m a Republican and I want not only Cheney Impeached, but the entire adminstration! I support Ron Paul as our next President. Reinstate the Constitution now! BTW I did NOT vote for Bush.
I see, as long as a dictator has a little popularity among his people, you dont have any problem with it. Its no big deal that Chavez shut down the last TV Station that opposes him in his own country. Human rights isnt an issue we should concern ourselves over. Freedom of the press is only for us right?
Id be interested to hear your views on socialism and communism too.
Forget about Saddam gassing the Kurds. Hey the Sunnis liked him right?
It sounds to me like youre the type of person who doesnt mind a dictator staying in power. Ironic really, since thats what you say youre trying to stop here.
“Im sorry what does the spread of capitalism in Iraq have to do with George Bush’s personal war?”
Everything. It is his war for the corporate interests he represents – not for the American people because this war has made us much less safe (according to all four of Bush’s own intelligence agencies).
(your synopsis of my point) “…because oil companies will have a stake in Iraqs oil resources, that the US went to war for that to happen.”
Yes. We went to war, among other reasons, for multi-national corporations to profit from Iraq’s oil.
“In case YOU hadnt noticed, most foreign multinational oil companies are not US owned.”
In case YOU hadn’t noticed, actually 100% of foreign companies of any kind are not US owned, by definition. Hello?
You are assuming that Bush & Cheney work for the US. They do not work for the American people, they work for multi-national corporations.
“Also, in case you hadnt noticed, the nationalization of a countries resources is what Chavez is trying to do right now. And the people are rioting against him.”
Oh really? Please submit the links showing how horribly unpopular Chavez is among his own people. I look forward to reviewing your sources.
So are you against the US nationalizing our own resources? You would have to be, otherwise you would be a hypocrite.
Im sorry what does the spread of capitalism in Iraq have to do with George Bush’s personal war? Im assuming your implication, and thats what it is because you dont actually state your point, is that because oil companies will have a stake in Iraqs oil resources, that the US went to war for that to happen. In case YOU hadnt noticed, most foreign multinational oil companies are not US owned. Also, in case you hadnt noticed, the nationalization of a countries resources is what Chavez is trying to do right now. And the people are rioting against him. So what exactly does your point prove?
Hooray for democracy in Iraq!
Hooray for denationalization of any countries resources!
“…or even more ridiculous, to control oil resources.”
In case you hadn’t noticed, Iraq’s oil has been nationalized since 1972. For the first time in 35 years, global, multi-national oil companies are going to get a share in the profits, as made clear in this article in that “mostly leftist, militant media” source, Time Magazine:
“Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki hailed the country’s new petroleum law as a “solid base for unity of all Iraqis” — a rare boast these days. President Bush has also trumpeted it as proof that Iraq has a viable future. But parliamentarians and Iraq’s oil unions have already begun mobilizing against the draft legislation, arguing that it is a desperate attempt by al-Maliki’s government to satisfy Western demands, which could damage Iraq’s economic future and speed the country’s ultimate disintegration.
The law is a dramatic break from the past. Foreign oil companies will have a stake in Iraq’s vast oil wealth for the first time since 1972, when Iraq nationalized the oil industry.”
Wow. Just. Wow. Passing judgement on me while telling me Im passing judgement on you. It hypocrisy and you cant see it. This is why you cant get anywhere with an impeachment movement. Yes “mostly leftist militant” is an exaggeration. Change it to “biased” if you want. Doesnt matter. You still took an obvious exaggeration and turned it into me proclaiming my divinity whilst using the five dollar “arrogant hubris” phrase.
Thank you jimeuf for validating my point for me. Youve outlined the basic argument I described, which was the fact that you do nothing more than villify the person who for now represents the opposition. There is no intelligent discourse in your argument. Only schoolchild sarcasm employed to further your “bandwagon”esque movement. Its the movement du jour and by god youre going to be a part of it.
I find it ironic that while this site employs the peace sign, the point of its existence is to further split our country in the pursuit of your hatred.
From Chris:
“You cant grab a bunch of articles from mostly leftist militant “media” and call it evidence.
I charge you (plural and including every silly site like this one) are doing nothing more than what you claim W did to the people. So what makes you any better?”
No wonder you back bushie, you are cut from the same cloth, arrogant hubris. While trying your best to sound sane and intelligent, your dismissive attitude and self-centeredness shine through. You pass judement on people and sites wholesale, declaring them to be “mostly leftist militant” and “silly”. YOU CHARGE? That is, in itself, some statement. Who made you God? Maybe I missed it.
A bit judgemental are we? You show the self-assured, self-rightous indignation of Dubya. Does God speak directly to you also? It must be very hard for you to go through life among us mere mortals. Poor creatures who sometimes question our take on things, who make and admit mistakes, thereby learning the lessons of life.
I for one wish to express my grattitude to you for taking the time to set us all staight. Lord knows how dellusional we might get without your taking us to task. Why we may go so far as to believe that The Decider in Washington is just an out of control spoiled child who would lie, manipulate or cheat to get his own way, not caring about the harm to others.
This malevolent seven do not control the Congress. You are merely demonstrating to the American public why we should never allow your ilk to assume the role of Commander in Chief. They should get back to what they do best – misappropriating public funds.
You will never find an editorial in Time Magazine used for evidence of any kind in an impeachment trial. The editorial you mention in your “evidence” uses at its heart a quote taken out of context (meaning the actual conversation is not listed) and its meaning is inferred by the editor writing the article.
No. They arent.
What point did I make that is disproven?
That your hatred is the crux of my issue with you (plural)?
That your laughable “impeachment” will be a waste of time?
That I see your “evidence” file as a somewhat organized series of narrowly pointed articles that dont form any useable evidence towards your goal?
No I dont think your evidence page disproves any of that.
Lets just try one thats mentioned:
Despite his later claims that he had not yet decided to attack Iraq, Bush indicates his intention to do so.
Bush states to National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice and three U.S. Senators: “Fuck Saddam. We’re taking him out,”
Exactly what does this prove? That he curses? That he hated Saddam for trying to assassinate his father? That hed love to take him out? Sure it might mean any of those things, but it certainly doesnt prove he intended to attack Iraq. It doesnt mean he intended so, and if you understood at all how law works, you would know that article isnt “evidence”
Chris: Your points are disproven here:
Won’t happen.
You cant grab a bunch of articles from mostly leftist militant “media” and call it evidence.
I charge you (plural and including every silly site like this one) are doing nothing more than what you claim W did to the people. So what makes you any better?
Really, you should step back and listen to yourselves. Its easy to villify someone you dislike simply because he represents a cause you dislike.
Feel free to rant and rave and express your shock at the fact that someone disagrees with your viewpoint. But I dont believe anyone including W would go into war on a “whim” because they “felt like it” or because they had an old “score to settle” or even more ridiculous, to control oil resources.
The fact is, the entire country knew what was at stake and what we faced going in there. The fact that some evidence gathering was incomplete does not lessen the point of going in the first place.
Im truly disgusted by the hatred I see everywhere for someone I see personally as doing the best job he can and being the one who has to make the tough decisions that get people killed. To suggest that he is someone who takes that lightly is the crux of the issue I have with all of you.
Yes Im a republican and yes, I thought it was stupid to suggest impeaching Clinton as well. And yes I said so the entire time it was going on, and yes that might have made me the minority. And yes. I think this is stupid too.
Again, say what you want, but I have a prediction for you. It wont happen and in the end, everything you do here will only serve to give you some place to gripe together. And if youre ok with that, by all means, shout till you cant shout any more.
“It’s their prerogative to represent their constituents,” Drew Hammill, spokesperson for US House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), told Atlanta Progressive News…
Did I read that right? Sounds a bit arrogant and stupid to me. This person has been around Nancy too long. Listen up Drew, it is NOT their PREROGATIVE, it is their DUTY to represent the wishes of their constituents. That appears to be something that Nancy has forgotten, please remind her. On second thought, don’t bother, if she needs to be reminded it is already too late. I am sure the voters will make it very clear to her at the next election. Maybe she should apply for that Walmart Greeter job now.
Rick554 and tblot,
We welcome your comments and we don’t censor this site.
But really… do you have anything at all to add to the public discourse?
Any challenges to our evidence page?
Any justifications for your commitment to aid and abet lawbreakers holding public office?
This is the best news I heard all day. Now I want the number to double, triple, quadruple et al.
impeach dictator dick
Wow going impeach for what. What a bunch of clowns. Does any one what them running the country
Are you joking??? except for kucinich , no one ever heard of the rest of these moonbats. Get out the tin foil you losers and step away from the computer.
Hooray! Let’s get this going and throw G.W. in the mix as well!
It should be that when one is impeached, everyone can throw peaches at him without consequence. Mmmmmm, peaches.
Seriously, does this Democratic majority have the spine to attempt an impeachment?
They seem to have mistaken blustering vocal bravado for serious backbone-required action.
Take him down! And don’t forget the real gready bastard Rumsfeld.
Great at this rate by the time the others are on board 2008 will be here!!!!
Please, please would the Democrats grow some balls and do something about Cheney and Bush already
Cheney is one of the best Vice Presidents this country has seen. The only problem is that the country has turned into a bunch of soft flower smelling hippies that don’t understand how the world really works.
COOL BEANS!!!! Let’s get the fricken ball rolling already.
The USA is becoming a police state:
make it happen guys!
A heartfelt thank you to my Congressman Albert Wynn. Way to go.