[Audio] Kucinich to Force Impeachment Vote on the House Floor

[Update: We’ve just received the audio…]This bombshell just dropped by Rep. Dennis Kucinich on the Ed Schultz show. Kucinich is considering forcing an impeachment vote on a “privileged resolution” on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.

“We’re preparing for another war, and they’re going to destroy America,” Rep. Dennis Kucinich said Thursday. “We have a government in place right now that has to be challenged. I’m seriously thinking about calling a privileged resolution on impeachment of the vice president and forcing a vote on the floor of the House.”

Time to call your representative and let him/her know that you will not support any candidate who doesn’t support accountability and the rule of law.
You can reach the Capitol switchboard toll-free at 1-800-426-8073.

Here’s the Audio:

More details to follow on this post as this news develops…

As a result of this article, Impeach for Peace has been asked this question: What is a “privileged resolution?”

The following was found on InetResults.com:
1. High Constitutional Privilege.

In order to qualify as a resolution or memorial of high constitutional privilege, the House member must contain a “direct” or “positive” proposal to impeach. A mere proposition to investigate conduct of a civil officer does not qualify as a high constitutional privilege even though impeachment may be contemplated as a possibility or even if the resolution or memorial is presented with “a view to impeachment.” See IMPEACHMENT: Selected Materials pp. 66-71 (Sections 2045-2052) and pp. 767-69 (Sections 468-69).

A direct or positive proposal to impeach retains its high constitutional privilege even though the resolution or memorial proposing impeachment also contains a resolution that the impeachment matter be referred to an appropriate House Committee for inquiry or investigation. See IMPEACHMENT: Selected Materials pp. 67-69 (Sections 2046-48). At the same time the resolution calling for an investigation or inquiry cannot also request an appropriation for funds to support the investigation or inquiry. Id. at pp. 767-68 (Section 468).

A direct or positive proposal to impeach takes precedence over everything,” even over pending business before the House under a unanimous consent agreement. Id. at p. 770 (Section 469). Indeed, impeachment is a question of constitutional privilege which may be presented at any time irrespective of previous action of the House. Id. at 71 (Section 2053).

2. Rights of the House member Presenting a Privileged Impeachment Resolution.

A member submitting a privileged resolution, memorial or motion proposing impeachment is entitled to recognition for one hour in which to debate it. A member recognized to present a privileged resolution may not be taken from the floor by a motion to refer. IMPEACHMENT: Selected Materials p. 769 (Section 468). In order to secure this privilege of debate, however, the proposal must be put in writing and submitted to the Clerk of the House. Id. at pp. 770-71 (Section 470).

Once having submitted an impeachment resolution against a civil officer, then that member’s high privilege has expired. Id. at pp. 769-70 (Section 469). This rule apparently does not apply if the member files an amended impeachment resolution containing new charges or other new matters. Id. at 767-69 (Section 468).

3. Disposition of a Privileged Impeachment Resolution.

Even when an impeachment resolution does not contain within it a referral to a committee for inquiry or investigation, it appears to be the normal procedure for such a resolution to be referred to an appropriate committee — even when the resolution clearly has absolutely no support in the full House. IMPEACHMENT: Selected Materials pp. 769-70 (Section 469).

According to Jerome Zeifman, however, it is possible that such a resolution could be called up for an immediate vote; but that option appears to be within the control of the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader. See Zeifman, Without Honor: The Impeachment of Richard Nixon and the Crimes of Camelot pp. 46-47 (1995). Hence, Congressman Robert Drinan’s Resolution impeaching Richard Nixon — filed on July 31, 1973 when there was absolutely no sentiment for impeachment was referred to the House Judiciary Committee. Later, on October 23 and 24, 1973, when 84 such resolutions were introduced, all were referred to the Judiciary Committee.

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  1. I am strongly in favor of an impeachment of Cheney & Bush, and I will help all I can to bring it about. I feel in order to get more people to sign for it, your solicitings should best be choice-simple-words, and very few in number. I, myself am retired, and have time to spare, but the average person will not take time to read all of the details.

  2. As the “Imperialistic Drumbeats of US Military” trample across the globe in the name of “Democracy”, have you not noticed how you as a US citizen is loosing all of your democray on this soil. What really is the agenda??? The total confusion and breakdown of the US is well orchastrated and has been planned out for some time now, By keeping the backdoor open to illegials from all over the world, the set up of identity fraud, the rule of corporations over the ecenomy, the posioning of food and water under the guise of FDA and so many other undermining works of the past 15 years, WHAT IS IT REALLY ABOUT?
    Well, if you can substantionaly weaken the masses and create a dependency on the Big Brother Gov.
    then it shall be easy for them to convince you all to eventually have the identity comutor chip placed under your skin………they will say your identity will be safe in and on you; no need to carry money because your debit card is already implaned, oh and by the way if you are not productive for the eliete corporative governmant and start costing it,,,,, the virus to end you is already within the device.
    Bush, ak Howdy Doudy, and Cheaney,akDrth Vador, have really been a part of a plan so much greater and so much darker than just creating WW3. Look at who and what has been the mother controller of all the governments aroung the world. THE BILDENBURGER GROUP is part of the pussle………and if you think that you have any say in who is the next president……THINK AGAIN……..

  3. HRes. 333 is the only salvation that this country has left. We must impeach Cheney, and Bush for treasonous acts against this country. We have to unite as Americans and show the rest of the world that democracy does indeed work. We have been given these rights by our forefathers and our wonderful constitution. These true Americans designed this constitution with provisions to protect us from eniemies, whether foreign or domestic. Our civil liberties are being eroded by this administration, which has no respect for our laws and constitution. We have a dictator, who believes he is above it all. He has to be taught a lesson, that there is no such thing as being above the law of the land. If we fail in this mission, we could very well see WWIII, and have battlefields here on our home soil once again.
    Fight for what is RIGHT!
    Give ’em HELL Dennis!
    Thanks for the courage and wisdom that you are expressing to the world.
    God Bless America

  4. Congress It is time to ask this speaker to step down so that some one more in line with us Voters can do the job.
    We nead every demicrat we have and can elect. But this Speaker of the House is not up to the job.

  5. Timmy, (comment 11), you should edit your language. Your “F” words do not charm or woo anyone to this movement. Could you find a more creative way to express your enthusiam for Dennis?

  6. Kucinich

    This man rocks! Impeach Now! Now wonder he is not allowed to speak in the Democrats Debates. Not for profit healthcare system in America? Democracy When?

    Is it Kucinich’s quixotic bid for the White House or American’s Quixotic bid for Democracy? Where are the millions in the streets demanding democracy in the USA?

    We are undoubtley sedated by the Orwelling propaganda maching.

    How can we speak of freedom or democracy when our election system is a joke and a man of this stature is ridiculed and not allowed to put forth his platform in a meningful way the the American people?

  7. Dennis Kucinich is running for president and undoubtedly represents millions of Americans. He voted against the Iraq war, against the Patriot act, and is in favor of not for profit health care in this county. Stop the billions of dollars of profits going to the insurance industry. In spite of these facts Kucinich was allowed to speak less than 2 minutes during the two hour msnbc presidential debate last month.

    Kucinich was not allowed to answer the question about health care at all. One post spoke of Kucinich’s quixotic bid for the White House. I think it is more like Americans Quixotic bid for Democracy!

    Of course Chaney and Bush should be impeached and it is not the Republicans stopping it. It is the American Peoples obedience to the Orwellian propaganda machine that is stopping it.

    Go Dennis!!!

  8. As an 85 year old grandmother I’m terrified about where my country is headed. These tyrants controlling our foreign policy are destroying this nation .

    “Our” Congress , too cowardly to defy AIPAC and the military -industrial complex,
    allowed us to be dragged into war with Iraq– and would now drag us further into war with Iran — with disasterous consequences.

    Dennis Kuchinich is the ONLY Congressman with the courage AND A PLAN to stop this descent into madness. IMPEACHMENT of Bush and Cheney is the ONLY solution.

    The “de-fanging” of Leiberman’s Resolution (which would drag us into another —disasterous –war with Iran- was a great first step to regain our country from the
    elitist war profiteers.

  9. “Then she becomes part of the problem.”

    I think we have already confirmed this. I do understand that she can’t let it look like she is hungry for the presidency, all she needs to do is recuse herself from the discussion instead of inserting herself inappropriately into the discussion of whether impeachment should be pursued.

  10. This must happen in order to heal our very distressed nation. Dennis Kucinich is one of the true heroes of our time, of our nation’s history. It has been obvious for a minimum of 3 years that crimes have been committed by this administration. Numerous books are in print which detail the case for impeachment with all the legal arguments, briefs, precedents and evidence. And, my dear congresswoman Pelosi, no congressperson has the authority to take impeachment “off the table”. It is mandated by the constitution and no speaker or member has the power to unilateraly ignore the constitution which they have all sworn to uphold. The arrogance of her believing she can declare that impeachment is not on the table is beyond belief and is unacceptable. Should she try to block the Kucinich effort she will be aiding and abetting criminal conduct by the administration, and that is a crime in itself. Then she becomes part of the problem.

  11. Dennis needs all the support behind him that he can get……..SUPPORT, SUPPORT, SUPPORT…..He needs it now……no joke!

  12. support Dennis & impeachment 100%…strongly believe 80% of the public supports impeachment of Bush & Cheney ASAP

  13. “WASHINGTON — In an interview Friday afternoon, Rep. Darlene Hooley, D-Ore., described the frustration that caused her to introduce a resolution calling for “full cooperation” from the Bush administration with congressional investigations.

    Hooley, who unlike some other Democrats has not ruled out the possibility of impeachment, said she was prompted by Bush administration statements that it would invoke executive privilege for congressional oversight attempts and oppose subpoenas of White House officials for congressional investigations.”


    Many of us are not yet digitally lobotomized and are ready to support you 100% in your honoring of your oatht to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against these domestic enemies to it!

  14. At long last, a “David” appears, with sling at the ready, to slay the evil Bush “Goliath”.
    How’s that for some real practical application of Bible lore!
    Don’t cave, Dennis, for “We The People”, [who haven’t been fox newsed] stand solidly behind you!

  15. This country has been sold out to the Zionists. We all know that. They own all of the media. They have infiltrated our government. They use the American Enterprise Institute and AIPAC as cover organizations. We need a revolution, and supporting Dennis by voting for him in the primaries will enable us to conduct that revolution. The Zionist media is pushing Hillary…she has sold her soul to them. Let’s pull a fast one on them and all vote for Dennis Kucinich. Impeachment is the only thing that can save America for Americans.

  16. Contact Dennis Kucinich at info (at) dennis4president.com or 1 (877) 41-DENNIS to show your support. He just may follow through if he gets enthusiastic support from a whole lot of people sick of this administration’s war crimes!

  17. Kucinich…

    You come off as a bumbling moron in the eyes of not just me, but MANY. You don’t stand a chance of being elected president…I know it, you know it and the WORLD knows it!

    Quit making yourself look any more foolish than you are…toss in the towel and go home.

  18. Bless Kucinich! If this works, he will be able to claim credit for stopping the use of nuclear weapons in the nuclear bombing of Iran. The insane Bush has already tried to ship nuclear armed cruise missiles to the Middle East to bomb Iraq and when he was caught, pretended that the pilot of the B-52 was too stupid to know he was carrying the cruise missiles. Hell! That incident alone should be sufficient for impeachment and conviction of the impeachment.

  19. Quote:
    There is yet ONE male Democrat left who has his testicles.
    Comment by Daniel
    End Quote

    Fixed it for ya Daniel

  20. Mad Mal, investigations have already been conducted by Conyers last year, they just weren’t covered by the media. Also, there will be an investigation in the Senate during the trial.

  21. So, what I am reading here in plain english says basically “I do not need an investigation, all can see that such and such an action did indeed occur and this constitutes a high crime or misdemeanor for which Impeachment is the remedy” or some such thing?

  22. could you please use a shitty font and squeeze it into the middle of the text box a little more?

    i can still read this.

  23. 1. High Constitutional Privilege.

    In order to qualify as a resolution or memorial of high constitutional privilege, the House member must contain a “direct” or “positive” proposal to impeach. A mere proposition to investigate conduct of a civil officer does not qualify as a high constitutional privilege even though impeachment may be contemplated as a possibility or even if the resolution or memorial is presented with “a view to impeachment.” See IMPEACHMENT: Selected Materials pp. 66-71 (Sections 2045-2052) and pp. 767-69 (Sections 468-69).

    A direct or positive proposal to impeach retains its high constitutional privilege even though the resolution or memorial proposing impeachment also contains a resolution that the impeachment matter be referred to an appropriate House Committee for inquiry or investigation. See IMPEACHMENT: Selected Materials pp. 67-69 (Sections 2046-48). At the same time the resolution calling for an investigation or inquiry cannot also request an appropriation for funds to support the investigation or inquiry. Id. at pp. 767-68 (Section 468).

    A direct or positive proposal to impeach takes precedence over everything,” even over pending business before the House under a unanimous consent agreement. Id. at p. 770 (Section 469). Indeed, impeachment is a question of constitutional privilege which may be presented at any time irrespective of previous action of the House. Id. at 71 (Section 2053).

    2. Rights of the House member Presenting a Privileged Impeachment Resolution.

    A member submitting a privileged resolution, memorial or motion proposing impeachment is entitled to recognition for one hour in which to debate it. A member recognized to present a privileged resolution may not be taken from the floor by a motion to refer. IMPEACHMENT: Selected Materials p. 769 (Section 468). In order to secure this privilege of debate, however, the proposal must be put in writing and submitted to the Clerk of the House. Id. at pp. 770-71 (Section 470).

    Once having submitted an impeachment resolution against a civil officer, then that member’s high privilege has expired. Id. at pp. 769-70 (Section 469). This rule apparently does not apply if the member files an amended impeachment resolution containing new charges or other new matters. Id. at 767-69 (Section 468).

    3. Disposition of a Privileged Impeachment Resolution.

    Even when an impeachment resolution does not contain within it a referral to a committee for inquiry or investigation, it appears to be the normal procedure for such a resolution to be referred to an appropriate committee — even when the resolution clearly has absolutely no support in the full House. IMPEACHMENT: Selected Materials pp. 769-70 (Section 469).

    According to Jerome Zeifman, however, it is possible that such a resolution could be called up for an immediate vote; but that option appears to be within the control of the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader. See Zeifman, Without Honor: The Impeachment of Richard Nixon and the Crimes of Camelot pp. 46-47 (1995). Hence, Congressman Robert Drinan’s Resolution impeaching Richard Nixon — filed on July 31, 1973 when there was absolutely no sentiment for impeachment was referred to the House Judiciary Committee. Later, on October 23 and 24, 1973, when 84 such resolutions were introduced, all were referred to the Judiciary Committee.

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