Activists in Vermont town want Bush, Cheney subject to arrest

red-berret.pngMONTPELIER, Vermont (AP) — President Bush may soon have a new reason to avoid left-leaning Vermont: In one town, activists want him subject to arrest for war crimes.

Kurt Daims of Brattleboro, Vermont, speaks Friday about his movement against Bush and Cheney.

A group in Brattleboro is petitioning to put an item on a town meeting agenda in March that would make Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney subject to arrest and indictment if they visit the southeastern Vermont community.

“This petition is as radical as the Declaration of Independence, and it draws on that tradition in claiming a universal jurisdiction when governments fail to do what they’re supposed to do,” said Kurt Daims, 54, a retired machinist leading the drive.

(Original Article)

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  1. I’ve been here… my first post was back in the 140’s.

    I have the same problem as you Mikael, I tend to stereotype people. Atleast I am working on it.

    I guess I should take the time to read all of your blog, as well as this one. It appears there is no Anti Bush idea you do not support and defend.

  2. E4Vomit,

    Questions for you, Genius:

    1). What is the melting point of steel?
    2). What is the burning temperature of kerosene (jet fuel)?
    3). What collection of ‘accelerants’ that would bridge the gap between those two that would simultaneously melt 110 stories of steel superstructure and cause Towers 1 & 2 to drop instantaneously into their footprints at free fall speed?
    4). What caused Tower Seven to fall?

    Please note… I am simply asking questions to test whether you are intellectually capable of comprehending the disparity between the ‘official’ story of 9/11 and reality. I am not making any additional claims. I am not blaming you or Bush or Cheney or Clinton or Sadaam or Hillary or Rush or Che’ for this.


    Are you capable?

    If you aren’t capable of this exercise, please make some dumb ass remark, call me names or threaten me again. I will understand if you are incapable of basic logic. I have gotten used to it in dealing with you Bush worshipers.

  3. Mikael. Please let me know when you do contact your attorney and “go after” someone for what they say here. Unless there is a event outside this blog your attempts to scare people are laughable.

    Hell, i only come back to see the depths of your insanity.

  4. Puke breath…

    Calm down. You are not in any trouble yet. You just need to resume the medication your doctor prescribed. It is going to be alright. You don’t really mean to be violent. It is the biochemistry in your brain. Modern science has made great advances in MAO inhibitors and other mood-altering drugs. You’ll be fine if you’ll just admit you are powerless over your mental state.

  5. You contacted the FBI????????????????????? Hahahahhaha you sound like one of those tools in an internet chat room that threatens people with hacking and police. Good luck I am sure the FBI is all over this case. hahahahahha. And actually read what I typed I never threatened you. I could say what I said in front of a cop and be fine.

  6. Pukey, pukey, pukey…

    The FBI has the original transcript. Just calm down… put the weapon down and take a couple of breaths. Of course I kept a copy for myself in case I decide to turn it in to my attorney.

    Something about stomping my face in with your boot? Starting to click your minimal brain cells together yet?

    I know you are suffering from neurological fatigue and that you have blackouts now and then so that may explain it somewhat. All that heavy drinking and drug use in trying to compensate for your guilt and shame takes its toll, you know.

    Sorry about all that… and if you really did work for the military I would be sorry that the Republicans and the Monkey-like emperor that you worship have cut funding for treatment of mental disorders and the V.A. is also woefully underfunded and under-supported due to seven years of incompetent and corrupt GOP and misguided NeoCon bungling.

    We’ll get you the help you need. Just relax. Help is on the way.

  7. Pukey,

    You are on thin ice for having already broken the law by threatening someone on this thread. You are being watched more carefully than others because you are not emotionally stable.

  8. Re: #242

    No Wesley, there is no double standard. Posts that threaten personal harm or are personal attacks are not welcome.

    I asked if Pukey was a liar or a racist. Those weren’t accusations those were questions. If you have any uncertainty about the difference between the two ask a high school sophomore.

    I told him he was ignorant.

    No name- calling. Just questions and a fact (his ignorance).

  9. He has called me brainwashed, racist, pea-brained, fascist, and a host of other names but according to him none of those are personal attacks. Oh yeah and did you know Wesley that Ron Paul is the only Republican not part of the “Reich” wing?

  10. 239
    She was an activist for Native American rights. Does that make her a liar in your third grade world view? Are you a racist, Pukey?
    Bill Moyers is not a propagandist. He is a journalist. You are ignorant.

    Whoa!!! Do I detect a “personal attack?” It looks like a duck, quacks like a duck….
    Guess there is more than one standard….

  11. Wesley,

    “for the common good”
    Where have I heard that before? Hmmmm…. Oh yeah! Karl Marx and Hillary Clinton.
    Oh! I saw it on The People’s Cube(tm) too.

    Whoops! Forgive me…. I meant “promote the general welfare” of course. Either way, that short clause is the
    ONLY tree the liberals can hang a hat on to defend the outlandish spending on social programs. It amuses me
    to see those tired slogans saying “Imagine the day when the (insert your liberal cause here) has all the funds they
    need and the (insert your armed forces here) has to hold cookie sales.” The fact is that the constitution specifically
    requires the government to provide for the military as they knew that without this, all else is empty rhetoric. They
    complain how the cost of the military takes from money for social programs, when the facts are that social spending
    is greater than defense spending, and defense is a designated responsibility of the government, while social programs
    are not.

  12. Jack stated:
    I see that inbreeding is now a real problem in Vermont. Figures.

    No…I disagree with you Jack. He’s what they call in Vermont and New Hampshire a “Flatlander”.
    You know…the artsy-fartsy types who never served a day in the military (just like our hero, The Mime) from NYC and Boston who just had to “escape” the “horrors” of the big city (which was inflicted and created by libtard policy)and invade the small towns and countryside with their insane ideas. Vermont is worse though. New Hampshire tends to scare the shit out of the Flatlanders because there are still a few living there that practices and believes the state motto.

  13. “My mother was a journalist and an activist. Her contributions to this nation were just as important and just as valid.”

    65. Mr. Puke says:

    “Do you think this guy considers what his mother did, being at the same time a journalist and activist, propaganda?”

    She was an activist for Native American rights. Does that make her a liar in your third grade world view? Are you a racist, Pukey?

    Bill Moyers is not a propagandist. He is a journalist. You are ignorant.

    Bill O’Reilly is a propagandist, most certainly NOT a journalist.

    Comment by Mikael — December 29, 2007 @ 1:58 pm

    When I studied history class way back – a journalist with an adgenda (activist) had a special name. He/She was called a YELLOW JOURNALIST. Now you with all of your intellect may not have been taught this – the product probally of “new math and feel good classes”. If you have any problems finding the reference look at the Spanish American War. That might help 🙂

  14. Brilliant comment Jack.

    Care to elaborate?

    Any facts, figures, links, statistics?

    Anything at all to contribute to the general civic discourse here?

  15. Wesley,

    “for the common good”

    Where have I heard that before? Hmmmm…. Oh yeah! Karl Marx and Hillary Clinton.

    Oh! I saw it on The People’s Cube(tm) too.

    The next anthem of the United Socialist States of AmeriKa (if Mikael has his way):

    Soyuz nerosheemee respooblik svbodnik, splateela neveki veli kai’ya Rus, …

    Socialism… Hmmm… Wasn’t that consigned to the ash heap of history back in ’91?

  16. “Your ignorance of the importance of the Fourth Estate of journalism is disheartening.
    Your fawning love for heehaw, backwoods “Praise God & pass the Ammunition” priorities is pathetic.”

    Wow! What a rapier like comeback! I have truly been corrected by a genius! Oh, how could someone
    like I dare to disrespect the “Fourth Estate?” Does this include that famous truth hound Dan “Still backs
    the Facts of the Story” Rather, the New “National Security be Damned” Times? Of course I suppose you
    get to define Hsu falls under this glorious “Fourth Estate. Hsu knows, there may have been a time when
    there was some balance in journalism, but the truth be told, they have always decided what stories to
    print and which not to, and that has always been influenced by the political aims of their publishers. Just as you
    deleted the post previous to this one even though there was no personal attack nor foul language
    used unless you consider calling the New York Times “Pravda” which would be a truly bizarre definition
    of “personal attack.” Yes, I saw the screenshot capture.

    Oh, BTW, you question my priorities…. One thing you and your friends need to learn is that despite all
    of what you claim the US government should do, or what the Constitution says, if you look really closely,
    you will discover that providing for the common defense of the US is a prime, delegated power of the
    government. In fact, it was for this reason that this country came together, not so we could start taxing
    the common worker so he could pay for health care, shelter etc, for those less fortunate. While the Constitution
    is quite clear about the governments responsibility in regard to defense and it’s dealing in foreign affairs,
    the closest your ideals about a socialist state is only a loosely defined “for the common good” whatever that means.

  17. 204.

    “”President Bush squandered America’s position of moral and political leadership””

    The New York edition of Pravda is accusing the President of squandering America’s moral and political leadership???
    Does the term “That’s like the pot calling the kettle black!” mean anything to you? This is the newspaper that
    committed treason and did serious harm to the NSA intelligence collection efforts against Al Qaeda. But that’s okay,
    they’re Socialists. They care. *snort*

    *wiping tears of laughter from my eyes*

  18. Only those from scum-sucking weasels that threaten people illegally online, pathetic little boy.

    [Personal attack deleted]
    Vikings? You support the Vikings? That’s not a very politically correct name for a team. I protest!
    Seattle? That figures. Both beaten by the Steelers in Super Bowls. You just can’t pick a winner.
    Vegas has impeachment at 10,000 to 1. Since you seem to have the inside scoop Mikael, should I get in on the action?
    We could get rich and donate all our money to the “Breasts not Bombs” brigade of Code Pink.
    What a bunch of Commie Keystone Cop Quixoties. Nice Che Beret on the dorkfish. [Personal attack deleted]

  19. December 26th, 2007
    Over Half of Military Families Disapprove of Bush

    Military family members share public’s division on Iraq war, Bush
    Polls: Almost half say invasion was a mistake

    By Gregg Zoroya

    Close family members of U.S. troops are split on whether the Iraq invasion was a mistake, and 55% disapprove of President Bush’s job performance, according to USA TODAY/Gallup Polls focusing on immediate relatives of servicemembers.

    “They’ve maxed out on the troops. You’ve got guys who are over there on their fourth or fifth tours. It’s ridiculous,” says Jeanette Knowles, 40, of Mountain Home, Idaho, whose brother, Jeff, served a tour in Iraq with the Oregon National Guard.

    Knowles, who calls herself a Democratic-leaning moderate, says her disapproval of Bush stems from his handling of the war.

    Military families are more supportive of the war than Americans without immediate family members in the military, the polls show. Among Americans without military relatives, 59% say the invasion was a mistake, compared with 49% of immediate family members.

    The data on close relatives of troops were gleaned from four national polls between Sept. 7 and Dec. 2. The polls identified 548 people as wives, children, parents, siblings, grandparents or a close in-law of a servicemember. Among them are 301 people whose loved ones served in Iraq or Afghanistan.

    Previous military family polling was largely of people who identified themselves as related in some way to a servicemember.

    “I don’t want to see another Korea. I don’t want to see us stay there (in Iraq) forever. And you don’t want to be in a country if they don’t want us there,” says Bruce Bartley, 65, of Fredonia, N.Y., whose son, Army Capt. Steven Bartley, is on his second tour in Iraq. The elder Bartley, who describes himself as a conservative, disapproves of Bush’s job performance and says the invasion was a mistake.

    Among military families, 55% disapprove of Bush’s performance compared with 64% of Americans without relatives in the service in the latest USA TODAY/Gallup Poll. Men in military families are more approving of Bush (47%) than female relatives (36%).

    “The numbers really aren’t much of a surprise,” says Joyce Raezer, executive director of the National Military Family Association. “They show that the military is in many ways a reflection of the country as a whole, not an isolated subculture, as some would portray it.”

    Bush considers families’ support important, White House spokeswoman Emily Lawrimore says. “But he believes that it’s important to continue to base his decisions on the advice he receives from commanders on the ground,” she says.

    More than 1.5 million servicemembers have been sent to Iraq or Afghanistan since Sept. 11, 2001, and Army combat tours last up to 15 months. Bush meets in private with grieving families, visits the wounded and frequently speaks to gatherings of military families.

  20. I thought the Bears were going to win the division handily and the Lions, Packers and Vikings would compete for 4th place. Completely out of the blue, but Favre is one of the finest leaders in the history of sports. He just should’a been a Viking!


  21. I’m a Packer fan. I agree with your assessment of the Vikings. I never thought they were a playoff team. But going into this season, what would you think of the Packers chances? I do know that you are right about your world view
    and you will never convince these fools who support Bush. This ship is sinking and they are too ignorant to see it.

  22. Thanks Ernie,

    I had missed a few of your earlier comments. The posts were coming in so fast I cold barely keep up with them.

    No garbage posts today, they must have had a quota imposed on them by their bosses: “The Thought Police”.

    My Vikings missed out this year, but nobody gave them a shot to be 8-8 in pre-season so there is a lot to build upon.

    Go Seahawks! (My original hometown of Seattle – where I am vacationing for the Holy Days).

  23. Mikael,

    I’m on your side. I was just trying to inject some humor into the conversation. Bush and his cronies are garbage, Why do you you think you can change the minda of these people?

  24. #223

    Peashooter says:

    “Any (sic) yes, you do delete posts.”

    Only those from scum-sucking weasels that threaten people illegally online, pathetic little boy.

    Me angry? Not so much anymore. Instead I am doing something about the things that make me angry.
    Unhappy? Hardly. I am rich beyond imagination in family and friends.
    Paranoid? Laughable. I am not the one making all my choices out of fear of Muslims. That would be you.

    I begin the new year ever grateful of all the wonderful people I know, the life I live, the places I’ve been and all that I have learned in this life with many years yet to come, by God’s grace. Nope… it doesn’t suck to be me at all.

  25. #222

    Your ignorance of the importance of the Fourth Estate of journalism is disheartening.

    Your fawning love for heehaw, backwoods “Praise God & pass the Ammunition” priorities is pathetic.

  26. Death threats


    you are not worth the price of a bullet. You have a very distorted opinion of yourself. Any yes, you do delete posts. You will go through you life an angry, unhappy, paranoid person. Sure sucks to be you.

  27. Point 2 Another pull quote
    My mother was a journalist and an activist. Her contributions to this nation were just as important and just as valid.

    That is just plum sickening. When she spills her blood in a foreign land to save another person’s life, even one such as the people here
    who would just as soon spit on a soldier, get back to me. IMHO. the most honorable professions I can think of is that of a soldier or a
    minister. I am neither, but there is no job I would more like to see one of my kiddo’s seek than either of these.

  28. Oh Mikael… you may be smart, I will not argue whether you did well on the test or not though I have my doubts. But wisdom?
    Sadly you seem to have missed the boat completely.

  29. And in doing so we are telling the rest of the world that indeed, this is the new America.

    No wonder so many hate us.

    Comment by Mikael — December 30, 2007 @ 10:07 pm

    Frankly, and I never imagined I would ever say this, but it is not just “the rest of the world” that you claim hates us. The liberal left has finally led me to not love this country any more either. When I look at the nonsense and sheer ignorance of some of the things posted here, it sickens me. This country is going to hell in a handbasket. I for one will not cry or put up any yellow ribbons the next time we are attacked by Al Queda, for we will well and truly have deserved it. There are people out there trying their best to keep our families and our selves from being attacked, and the liberals such as those so abundant here can only try to make up imagined crimes by the president, claim to “support the troops” while at the same time claiming that they are fighting and losing an illegal war and wish them to come home and I guess do nothing but train and paint rocks on the base. It is one thing to disagree about politics etc., but it has gotten to the point that the only thing that I have in common with a sizable percentage of the citizens in the US, is geography. I suppose the Kool Aid stocks was a great investment though given how much of it has been drunk here.

  30. “… and yes I like misspelling berret.”


    That’s it!!!

    Your psychosocial disorder in a nutshell!

    You LIKE getting things wrong. Even when people point out that you are wrong, you REVEL in your incorrectness. You are a kind of rebel: “I am going to continue to spell this word wrong because I LIKE spelling it wrong. I am going to continue to support this illegal invasion and occupation DESPITE the fact that I am wrong. I am going to keep muttering this nonsense long after I know I am wrong. I am reich and everyone who disagrees with me is a leftist commie scum.”

    That’s it. Consider yourself diagnosed.

    Now to get you to treatment somehow…

  31. Re: #209


    “My first post was deleted (on my screen it was 204) You must not have liked it. Lets see if you delete this post.”

    Your paranoid conspiracy theories aside, we don’t delete posts, but they have to be manually approved to keep the likes of “shooter” from posting more death threats.

    “During the invasion of Iraq, the soldiers where wearing anti-wmd suits in 100 plus degree temperatures. To me, this means people in charge of the Military believed that Sadaam had WMDs. The whole world “knew” he had them – otherwise why the UN resolutions for him to disarm, He had his chance to let everyone know that what you “know” now, he could have told the world. But he did not.”

    I know. Isn’t is despicable that the lies of the Bush Administration forced those circumstances upon our military?

    “…I agree with Ron C that you need to chill out.”

    I am doing just fine, but thank you for your concern. I just got back from the gym, got a little exercise, took some time in the steam room. Now for dinner and beers with some old friends.

    Then I’ll be back to read more of the pathetic reich wing drivel from you 30%ers on this thread – just for laughs!

  32. It’s a red hat.

    Just the fact that you have made such a big deal out of it is pathetic and laughable.

    It’s a red hat. It is not a swastika or a satanic symbol.

    It is a red hat.

    Your fixation on it simply makes you look foolish.

    Care to actually debate the issues ever?

    What is it with the Bushies that all they can do is fixate on red herrings? Immigration, gay marriage, abortion… all a big smoke screen to keep the discussion off of their criminal activities. You are no different – obsessing over a completely insignificant topic.


    How about going over the impeachable offense of Dick Cheney one by one?

    Or are you still obsessing about the red hat?

    It’s a red hat.

    It is still a red hat.

    Yes. It is a red hat.

    Let me guess…

    Joseph McCarthy one of your idols?

  33. By the way I was mainly asking those questions to prove you were lying when you say that his hat means nothing and that people who point to it are fogging up your little issue. You know full damn well if you have half a brain cell that HIS choice of a red berret is a symbol. He did not choose that hat by accident. And by the way if you did not know communist are enemies of the United States and democracy. So your posts on “Reich” wingers finding boogymen communists under their beds are f@cking stupid and show now knowledge of history or current events.

  34. If someone was calling for Bush and Cheney to be tried for war crimes but was wearing a t-shirt with a Nazi symbol on it it would be entirely relevant. Also would be someone calling for an end to racial quotas in universities while wearing a confederate flag belt buckle. This guy is wearing a symbol of militant left wing ideology and violent communist revolution while spouting left wing talking points against right wing politicians. So ergo his f@cking choice of hat is entirely relevant.

    And yes I am “complicit” as you call it, I voted for him in 2004 after I returned from Iraq. Democracy just pisses you off doesn’t it?

  35. Had to check back in at what the intellectual want a bee was up to. Sorry, I got a good laugh from the “I got you ISP” comment. First, the majority of ISPs are not static. If you run a search on the number you posted all you would find is a 40 mile radius as to where I might be. Second, Where I am sitting I have 17 networks I can jack a signal from. Right now I am drinking a little coffee at a well know establishment and borrowing a single form an apartment building next door. So go right ahead and send that ISP address to the FBI. Thanks to the left, they will need a federal subpoena to even begin looking. Good luck with that. All I can say is you have done a lot of drugs. The one you really should be taking is the one to help control the voice you hear and for your paranoia. What an idiot. PS. here is another email address you can post. The good thing about spam is it gives you some many email addresses to use for sites that do not require activation.

  36. Apparently he now has taken then. No more name calling about knuckledragging morons or killers of innocents.

    Us “Bushies” don’t always agree with him. Look at another issue on the right side illegal immigration. He wanted something and didn’t come amywhere near getting it.

  37. I think that you need to take your meds. Otherwise those guys in the white suits might just show up.

  38. The point is the crimes of the White House Administration you have sworn your loyalty to.

    You are an aider and abetter of war criminals.


    You are complicit.

  39. Mr. Vomit,

    Why is it that you seem so self-righteous when you don’t get your questions answered, but refuse to answer questions yourself?

    My point is that THE FUCKING HAT ISN’T THE ISSUE, MORON!!!

    Can I be any more clear you imbecilic knuckle-dragger?

  40. Mikael,

    My first post was deleted (on my screen it was 204) You must not have liked it. Lets see if you delete this post.

    My thoughts were this. I make up my own mind – I’m not a Bushie, 30%er, or anything like that, although you may end up calling me that. The fact that I am reading your site, states that I am not getting my info from any one source.

    I ask you to think back – way back. During the invasion of Iraq, the soldiers where wearing anti-wmd suits in 100 plus degree temperatures. To me, this means people in charge of the Military believed that Sadaam had WMDs. The whole world “knew” he had them – otherwise why the UN resolutions for him to disarm, He had his chance to let everyone know that what you “know” now, he could have told the world. But he did not.

    Impeachment is NEVER going to happen and I agree with Ron C that you need to chill out.

  41. So you either think this guy is the in British military or just likes french looking red hats? Oh wait a minute you did not answer the question.

    DO YOU THINK A RED BERRET IS A SYMBOL OF MILITANT LEFT WING IDEOLOGY? (Now that you mention it I probably should have limited this to civilians wearing the red berret and yes I like misspelling berret.)

  42. Congratulations Pukey!!!

    Two posts in a row without a single threat of physical violence and you didn’t even use any derogatory names!!!

    Maybe you are redeemable yet. I won’t hold my breath.

    You seem fixated on the 9/11 information I gave you. You have a lot to learn. I am not going to bother trying to educate you as you are completely resistant to new information. Did you notice the recent headlines showing how the CIA withheld information from the 9/11 Commission? OF course not, you were busy yelling at red berets all over the world.

    It is a red hat. You are fixated on his red hat. Maybe you should buy one yourself so you can scream and yell at it for being so evil in the privacy of your own home. While you are at it, yell and scream at all the soldiers in the British Army wearing a red hat. I think I saw Julie Andrews wearing a red beret on television recently. SEND HER TO GITMO! WATERBOARD HER! TAKE AWAY HER RIGHTS!

    By your spelling I think you are confusing “beret” with “ferret”. It would make sense if you were to react to strongly to someone wearing a red ferret on their head. They are quite prone to violence when provoked and could pose a great danger to the camera wielder and interviewer – not to mention the guy wearing the ferret!

  43. By the way I think you know full well that the guy in the picture is not wearing a red berret because he likes the color red or that berrets are really fashionable in Vermont.

    Do you dispute the guy is wearing the berret as a symbol?
    Do you dispute that red berrets are a symbol, whatever you want to attach to it, of militant left wing thinking?

    Honestly with all the conspiracy theories you believe in I can not see how you think this guy is wearing a red berret just because he searched high and low thru his hat stand and just happened to pick out a red berret. You say that just so you can belittle criticisms of his berret as shallow. I bet you know full damn well that someone wearing a red berret is similary to someone wearing a nazi symbol or a southern racist wearing a confederate flag as a hat but since you agree with the ideology in question you deny that is the reason he is wearing the berret. Why do you do this? Why not agree that it is a symbol of militant left wing or communist ideology? Does this defeat any of your ideas? I think not. Does it change anything you were or are going to say? I think not again. I really want to know why you insist on
    1 saying that criticisms of his choice of a red berret when conducting a TV interview are uncalled for?
    2 why you are lying and saying it is just a red hat and not a symbol?

    YOU ARE LYING IF YOU SAY THAT HE IS NOT WEARING THAT HAT FOR THE SYMBOLISM. YOU ARE ALSO LYING IF YOU SAY YOU THINK THAT A RED BERRET IS NOT A SYMBOL AT ALL. This guy is fully entitled to the pro and con responses of wearing a political symbol. You probably think he is some sort of “non-conformist” and enlightened thinker, others think negatively of a communist symbol. Both are entitled to their opinions in a democracy.

  44. notice that you continue to hide from the questions I ask you. Coward.”

    I am not stupid enough to post my name, rank, and social security number on the internet. You asked for name rank and serial number, which is your social security number. I am almost 100 percent positive you had no clue what that number was other than you saw people asked that on a Rambo movie. I guess my word is not good enough for you, hence you call me a coward. Well let me put it to you this way, if somehow I could “prove” it to you online, I am sure it would just be an evil plot by the dictators in chief to discredit you. How me being in the military is something I have to “prove” is beyond my understanding. Why ask that question? Why even care? I believe you want to believe I am not in the military because you do not want me to have some “morale” authority over you, or have knowledge you do not have. I never said I had more authority to speak on any issue, you made that assumption do not blame me for it.

    The reason I do not have to post links is because I am simply responding to your posts I am not trying to debate you on 911 or conspiracy theories. I think doing so would make me look like a freakin idiot and reduce me to the level of nutjob. I do not find it necessary to actually post links proving that 911 was not an “inside” job, I find it utterly insane for you to think that it is some massive conspiracy. I also find it utterly insane for you to think the 2 wars going on now are simply for oil or to hurt “brown” people. It is utterly insane, I do not have to put a link down to “disprove” your conspiracy theory website. Also I firmly believe there is nothing I can say that will “prove” you wrong, you are utterly convinced you are right as obvious by every comment you make. You are a religious zealot but your religion is left leaning politics. I can not convince you “god” is not there or that you are wrong.

    Like I said before you are what you hate. You hate me because I disagree with you, something you believe only “Reich” wingers do. You believe people on the “Reich” wing are the only ones that hate others and are evil. (I think you mean Republicans by that statement since you only seem to think the nutjob Ron Paul is not a “Reich” winger)You call and label people “brown” people, noone else used that term you did. That is your racism, the first thing you see is “brown” people as you coin them. Not people, but “brown” people. You sir are blinded by your own “rightness” and no “link” I could ever post would rebut you.

    December 31, 2007
    Looking at America

    There are too many moments these days when we cannot recognize our country. Sunday was one of them, as we read the account in The Times of how men in some of the most trusted posts in the nation plotted to cover up the torture of prisoners by Central Intelligence Agency interrogators by destroying videotapes of their sickening behavior. It was impossible to see the founding principles of the greatest democracy in the contempt these men and their bosses showed for the Constitution, the rule of law and human decency.

    It was not the first time in recent years we’ve felt this horror, this sorrowful sense of estrangement, not nearly. This sort of lawless behavior has become standard practice since Sept. 11, 2001.

    The country and much of the world was rightly and profoundly frightened by the single-minded hatred and ingenuity displayed by this new enemy. But there is no excuse for how President Bush and his advisers panicked — how they forgot that it is their responsibility to protect American lives and American ideals, that there really is no safety for Americans or their country when those ideals are sacrificed.

    Out of panic and ideology, President Bush squandered America’s position of moral and political leadership, swept aside international institutions and treaties, sullied America’s global image, and trampled on the constitutional pillars that have supported our democracy through the most terrifying and challenging times. These policies have fed the world’s anger and alienation and have not made any of us safer.

    In the years since 9/11, we have seen American soldiers abuse, sexually humiliate, torment and murder prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq. A few have been punished, but their leaders have never been called to account. We have seen mercenaries gun down Iraqi civilians with no fear of prosecution. We have seen the president, sworn to defend the Constitution, turn his powers on his own citizens, authorizing the intelligence agencies to spy on Americans, wiretapping phones and intercepting international e-mail messages without a warrant.

    We have read accounts of how the government’s top lawyers huddled in secret after the attacks in New York and Washington and plotted ways to circumvent the Geneva Conventions — and both American and international law — to hold anyone the president chose indefinitely without charges or judicial review.

    Those same lawyers then twisted other laws beyond recognition to allow Mr. Bush to turn intelligence agents into torturers, to force doctors to abdicate their professional oaths and responsibilities to prepare prisoners for abuse, and then to monitor the torment to make sure it didn’t go just a bit too far and actually kill them.

    The White House used the fear of terrorism and the sense of national unity to ram laws through Congress that gave law-enforcement agencies far more power than they truly needed to respond to the threat — and at the same time fulfilled the imperial fantasies of Vice President Dick Cheney and others determined to use the tragedy of 9/11 to arrogate as much power as they could.

    Hundreds of men, swept up on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, were thrown into a prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, so that the White House could claim they were beyond the reach of American laws. Prisoners are held there with no hope of real justice, only the chance to face a kangaroo court where evidence and the names of their accusers are kept secret, and where they are not permitted to talk about the abuse they have suffered at the hands of American jailers.

    In other foreign lands, the C.I.A. set up secret jails where “high-value detainees” were subjected to ever more barbaric acts, including simulated drowning. These crimes were videotaped, so that “experts” could watch them, and then the videotapes were destroyed, after consultation with the White House, in the hope that Americans would never know.

    The C.I.A. contracted out its inhumanity to nations with no respect for life or law, sending prisoners — some of them innocents kidnapped on street corners and in airports — to be tortured into making false confessions, or until it was clear they had nothing to say and so were let go without any apology or hope of redress.

    These are not the only shocking abuses of President Bush’s two terms in office, made in the name of fighting terrorism. There is much more — so much that the next president will have a full agenda simply discovering all the wrongs that have been done and then righting them.

    We can only hope that this time, unlike 2004, American voters will have the wisdom to grant the awesome powers of the presidency to someone who has the integrity, principle and decency to use them honorably. Then when we look in the mirror as a nation, we will see, once again, the reflection of the United States of America.

  46. Puke,

    Nice try.

    You could have just accomplished the same thing by saying “I know you are, but what am I?”.

    Pathetic attempt at a retort.

    No basis in fact nor reality.

    I dare you to look back at everything you have vomited up on this thread over the last couple of days and find one single link, source or fact.

    You bring nothing to the table except your ignorance.

    I can’t help but notice that you continue to hide from the questions I ask you. Coward.

  47. After reading the last 2 or 3 of your posts again I have come to the conclusion you are totally insane. You shout slogans and accuse everyone that disagrees with you of being everything that you are.

    You are brainwashed (what else would you call someone who lives and breathes every piece of left wing narrative including truther conspiracy theories. In one sentence you threw in every piece of what you believe about in your words the evil “Reich” wing, here I will quote that sentence. “Instead we are most likely going to let the corruption, imperialism, corporatism, war-mongering, greed, lies, secrecy, suppression of free speech and thought, torture, murder by neglect (Katrina), murder by executive order (Iraq) and mass destruction that is the legacy of the Bush Administration pass unchecked.” In that one sentence you regurgitated everything you have been “taught” in the last 7 years good job. The only one you forgot is the one where the evil “Bush” steals elections but yet somehow does not rig them in 2006),

    racist (because obviously you hate everyone who doesn’t agree with your left wing logic or truth as you call it and so far you have accused about 4 people of being racist for daring to suggest Bush should not be impeached, I also dislike how you refer to African-Americans as “brown people”),

    probably a liar since you insisted that you spoke like this in person to people(I would bet 10000000 dollars you do not go around calling recruiters liars and insulting people to their faces for disagreeing with you, and then screaming “you hate brown people” at the top of your lungs),

    and you are without a doubt a fascist. (since you are the only one that is right, no other opinion is tolerated, and if I disagree with you I am somehow failing my duty. You also proudly mentioned your mother was an activist and journalist at the same time, which in my view is propaganda a common theme of fascist governments. The fact your a fascist also can be evidenced by the websites you cite, then point to as the only truth. Also the easy way you threw in your hatred of right wing commentators, Oreilly Rush and Hannity, who obviously do not fit into your left wing narrative of the world and thus must be ridiculed and silenced. Noone brought them up at all you did for no other reason then to vent your hatred.)

    You sir are everything you hate. It would suck to be you.

  48. Micheal,

    You may call me one of the Facists, 30%ers, or whatever. However, I think about what my opinions are. I review sites such as yours so my info is not one sided.

    Think back, way back. When we “invaded” Iraq, did our soldiers wear anti-wmd suits in 100 degree plus temperatures? Did anyone at that point stand up and say that this was not necessary for their survival. The data may have been flawed, but it was believed by our military leaders on the ground.

    WMDs or no WMDs, Sadaam had multiple chances to explain to the world (and the UN) that he was “clean” and choose not to do so.

    All this impeachment stuff you and your ilk are not going to go anywhere, so I agree with Ron C.

    You just need to chill out and have a happy new year and stop poking your hand into a hornets nest and complain that you have been stung.

  49. It is a red beret.

    It is a fashion choice.

    Perhaps your hatred of a red beret means you subconsciously despise a large portion of the Military?

    Here is one of your Che’ socialists:

    A grave threat to the nation in BushieWorld:

    Communist Hat Shop

    OMG!!! An invasion of Commies!!!:

    Only simple minds judge other people by their choice of clothing, jewelry, lifestyle or by the color of their skin.

  50. Well when a Che berret symbolizes socialism, violent communist revolution, and total ignorance of the many people Che murdered, yes it is a valid criticism. If he had a nazi flag t-shirt on I am pretty sure you would say something… oh no wait a minute you reserve your hatred for your own people so I would bet you would hate any Confederate flag apparel and comment on that.

  51. Glad to see there are people who hate America who are home-grown Americans.

    If I lived in Vermont, I’d move out of state as fast as I could.

    Nice beret, by the way. You make me sick.

  52. And also Ron C.,

    Your long-winded list of adjectives that included “long-winded” is interesting.

    I was under assault from a half dozen assorted trolls and troglodytes at any one time, so if I was meandering in my communication, perhaps you can see why.

    I am very clear on the multiple impeachable offenses and would crush anyone on this thread in an open debate with all the facts stored in my little pea-brain after about five years of gathering data.

    There is just so much to choose from.

  53. Iraqi Lawmakers Pass Resolution That May Force End to Occupation
    By Raed Jarrar and Joshua Holland, AlterNet. Posted June 5, 2007.

    While Washington lawmakers play procedural games with an out-of-control executive branch, Iraqi legislators are working to bring an end to the occupation of their country.

    While most observers are focused on the U.S. Congress as it continues to issue new rubber stamps to legitimize Bush’s permanent designs on Iraq, nationalists in the Iraqi parliament — now representing a majority of the body — continue to make progress toward bringing an end to their country’s occupation.

    The parliament today passed a binding resolution that will guarantee lawmakers an opportunity to block the extension of the U.N. mandate under which coalition troops now remain in Iraq when it comes up for renewal in December. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, whose cabinet is dominated by Iraqi separatists, may veto the measure.

    The law requires the parliament’s approval of any future extensions of the mandate, which have previously been made by Iraq’s prime minister. It is an enormous development; lawmakers reached in Baghdad today said that they do in fact plan on blocking the extension of the coalition’s mandate when it comes up for renewal six months from now.

    Reached today by phone in Baghdad, Nassar al Rubaie, the head of the Al-Sadr bloc in Iraq’s Council of Representatives, said, “This new binding resolution will prevent the government from renewing the U.N. mandate without the parliament’s permission. They’ll need to come back to us by the end of the year, and we will definitely refuse to extend the U.N. mandate without conditions.” Rubaie added: “There will be no such a thing as a blank check for renewing the U.N. mandate anymore, any renewal will be attached to a timetable for a complete withdrawal.”

    For the complete story:

  54. Ron.

    Putting asides the insulting list of characterizations, I believe Mikael’s efforts do benefit his family/friends/fellow-citizens. I think it’s one of the most important things one can do to ensure the country one leaves to their children remains democratic, safe from poverty and unnecessary foreign entanglements, with an accountable government, and based in the rule-of-law. Impeachment is one of the best ways to accomplish this at the moment.

  55. Bush Approval Rating in December (definition of 30%ers):

    FOX/Opinion Dynamics RV 12/18-19/07 36
    NBC/Wall Street Journal 12/14-17/07 34
    USA Today/Gallup 12/14-16/07 32
    Diageo/Hotline RV 12/10-14/07 33
    ABC/Washington Post 12/6-9/07 33
    CNN/Opinion Research 12/6-9/07 32
    Gallup 12/6-9/07 37
    CBS/New York Times 12/5-9/07 28
    AP-Ipsos 12/3-5/07 36

    And don’t bother coming back at me with Congress’s 11% approval rating. I am far more disappointed in them than you know.

  56. Ron C.,

    Thanks for the polite comment. How rare and refreshing on this thread.

    Don’t worry about me, however. I’ve been debating these blind party loyalists for years – in a sense for generations. Nothing new. I just get it out of my system, respond to their confused ramblings and caustic bile with facts that they are too hypnotized by propaganda to understand. Outside readers are more important. They can see clearly who is presenting facts and who is reacting with threats of violence. I never threatened anyone. Why would I? That would be childish and pathetically impotent.

    I toss in some choice adjectives now and then for fun, but mainly just to get them to expose their inner demons: racism, hatred, blind subservience, loyalty over integrity, party over country, opinion over fact, violence as first resort, making a huge deal out of a man’s choice of headgear, etc. They are easy prey because they are not capable of research on their own – just regurgitation.

    I confront them and as reward I get threatened with physical harm by three different comment-posters. This is their world. Violence as the answer to all disagreements and discussions. When negotiations break down, draw your weapons. No wonder they like this worst-President-ever Bush. They are just like him.

    But I need to disagree with you strongly. Impeachment is not at all “B.S.” as you seemed to refer to it as. It is the Constitutional remedy for EXACTLY this sort of imperial presidency. Whether it happens or not is less important in the big picture than fighting for the principle that it should. We are about to lose forever an opportunity to repair this democracy by utilizing the Great Gift our founding father left us with: The Constitution, and choose the principles this country has always claimed to stand for: true freedom, civil rights and civil liberties, generosity, compassion, truth and human decency. Instead we are most likely going to let the corruption, imperialism, corporatism, war-mongering, greed, lies, secrecy, suppression of free speech and thought, torture, murder by neglect (Katrina), murder by executive order (Iraq) and mass destruction that is the legacy of the Bush Administration pass unchecked.

    And in doing so we are telling the rest of the world that indeed, this is the new America.

    No wonder so many hate us.

  57. Do you talk like this to peoples faces or is this something you reserve for your trips into the blogosphere?


    I mean you admitted to being a truther


    impugned the integrity of every recruiter in the military


    told me I was brainwashed

    YOU ARE.

    called me a liar


    said I was a 30%er whatever that is


    a Bushie

    YOU ARE.

    called me a fascist


    called me a brownshirt


    asked me how many kids did I talk into joining to die in Iraq


    called me a troll even after you started with the name calling


    said this to me which I found particuarly disgusting “So are you for or against supporting and defending the Constitution? If you are against it and not actively working for it, then you are falling short of honoring your oath of service in the military and if active should retire. You are unworthy of your duty.”,


    and basically called me a racist.


    Is this how you speak to people face to face?



  58. Do you talk like this to peoples faces or is this something you reserve for your trips into the blogosphere? Honestly I really want to know? I mean you admitted to being a truther, impugned the integrity of every recruiter in the military, told me I was brainwashed, called me a liar, said I was a 30%er whatever that is, a Bushie, called me a fascist, called me a brownshirt, asked me how many kids did I talk into joining to die in Iraq, called me a troll even after you started with the name calling, said this to me which I found particuarly disgusting “So are you for or against supporting and defending the Constitution? If you are against it and not actively working for it, then you are falling short of honoring your oath of service in the military and if active should retire. You are unworthy of your duty.”,
    and basically called me a racist. Is this how you speak to people face to face?

  59. Mikael, I’ve spend some time this evening reading your (and please pardon my cut & paste here from the Thesaurus at circumlocutory, copious, diffusive, digressive, discursive, dull, exuberant, lavish, lengthy, long, long-winded, loose, meandering, palaverous, profuse, prolix, rambling, redundant, vague, verbose, waffling, windy diatribes on this impeachment crap.

    You’re really wound up, you need to find your “safe place” and relax. You sound like you’re on the fast track to a stroke or heart-attack. You saw how far impeachment went on Slick Willy Clinton…. what do you really think is gonna happen to W?

    Just a friendly bit of advice from a really OLD FART….. the passion you’ve shown, like most of the other commenters on this thread, is obviously intense. Take about 90% of your passion on this impeachment malarky and give that passion to your family and loved-ones…. then to your friends, neighbors, and local community. You seem like you might be a bright fellow…. surely even you see that life’s too short to worry about this kinda BS.

  60. Saddam Provided More Food to Iraqis Than the U.S.
    By Dahr Jamail and Ahmed Ali, IPS News. Posted December 28, 2007.

    The U.S.-backed Iraqi government will half Iraqis’ rations because of “insufficient funds and spiraling inflation.”

    The Iraqi government announcement that monthly food rations will be cut by half has left many Iraqis asking how they can survive. The government also wants to reduce the number of people depending on the rationing system by five million by June 2008.

    Iraq’s food rations system was introduced by the Saddam Hussein government in 1991 in response to the UN economic sanctions. Families were allotted basic foodstuffs monthly because the Iraqi Dinar and the economy collapsed.

    The sanctions, imposed after Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion of Kuwait, were described as “genocidal” by Denis Halliday, then UN humanitarian coordinator in Iraq. Halliday quit his post in protest against the U.S.-backed sanctions.

    The sanctions killed half a million Iraqi children, and as many adults, according to the UN. They brought malnutrition, disease, and lack of medicines. Iraqis became nearly completely reliant on food rations for survival. The programme has continued into the U.S.-led occupation.

    But now the U.S.-backed Iraqi government has announced it will halve the essential items in the ration because of “insufficient funds and spiralling inflation.”

    The cuts, which are to be introduced in the beginning of 2008, have drawn widespread criticism. The Iraqi government is unable to supply the rations with several billion dollars at its disposal, whereas Saddam Hussein was able to maintain the programme with less than a billion dollars.

    “In 2007, we asked for 3.2 billion dollars for rationing basic foodstuffs,” Mohammed Hanoun, Iraq’s chief of staff for the ministry of trade told al-Jazeera. “But since the prices of imported foodstuff doubled in the past year, we requested 7.2 billion dollars for this year. That request was denied.”

    The trade ministry is now preparing to slash the list of subsidised items by half to five basic food items, “namely flour, sugar, rice, oil, and infant milk,” Hanoun said.

    The imminent move will affect nearly 10 million people who depend on the rationing system. But it has already caused outrage in Baquba, 40 km northeast of Baghdad.

    “The monthly food ration was the only help from the government,” local grocer Ibrahim al-Ageely told IPS. “It was of great benefit for the families. The food ration consisted of two kilos of rice, sugar, soap, tea, detergent, wheat flour, lentils, chick-peas, and other items for every individual.”

    Another grocer said the food ration was the “life of all Iraqis; every month, Iraqis wait in queues to receive their food rations.”

    According to an Oxfam International report released in July this year, “60 percent (of Iraqis) currently have access to rations through the government-run Public Distribution System (PDS), down from 96 percent in 2004.”

    The report said that “43 percent of Iraqis suffer from absolute poverty,” and that according to some estimates over half the population are now without work. “Children are hit the hardest by the decline in living standards. Child malnutrition rates have risen from 19 percent before the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 to 28 percent now.”

    While salaries have increased since the invasion of March 2003, they have not kept pace with the dramatic increase in the prices of food and fuel.

    “My salary is 280 dollars, and I have six children,” 49-year-old secondary school teacher Ali Kadhim told IPS. “The increase in my salary was neutralised by an increase in the price of food. I cannot afford to buy the foodstuffs in addition to the other necessary expenses of life.”

    “The high increase in food prices led people to condemn the delays in the ration every month,” Salah Kadhim, an employee in the directorate-general of health for Diyala province told IPS. “The jobless just cannot afford to buy food.”

    “The food ration still represents a big part of the domestic budget,” Muneer Lafta, a 51-year-old employee at the health directorate told IPS. Without the ration, she said, families have to go to the market. Because Iraqi families are large, usually six to 12 people, shopping for food is simply unaffordable.

    “I and my wife have five boys and six girls, so the ration costs a lot when it has to be bought,” 55-year-old resident Khalaf Atiya told IPS. “I cannot afford food and also other expenses like study, clothes, doctors.”

    People in Baquba, living with violence and joblessness for long, are now preparing for this new twist.

    “No security, no food, no electricity, no trade, no services. So life is good,” said one resident, who would not give his name.

    Many fear the food ration cuts can spark unrest. “The government will commit a big mistake, because providing enough food ration could compensate the government’s mistakes in other fields like security,” a local physician told IPS. “The Iraq will now feel that he, or she, is of no value to the government.”

    Dahr Jamail is an independent journalist who reports from Iraq.
    Ali Ahmed is IPS’s correspondent in Iraq’s Diyala province.

  61. Re #183:

    “By the way Mikael, the Redskins are winning 10=3. Maybe you and the pukeman have some common ground as Redskin fans. Some people can be best of friends if they just don’t talk about religion or politics.”

    “Redskins”?!?!??!?!? Do you think I would support a team called “The Redskins”? Would you support a team called the Spics? Wops? Ni**ers? Anyone who supports a team with that racist epithet attached to it is a hypocrite if they pretend they aren’t a bigot.

    Besides, I have no interest in friendship with those who have hitched their wagons to an Administration hell-bent on destroying this great nation.

    They need to learn to think, or they’d be better off turned into crab trap bait.

  62. Puke,

    Puke, puke and more puke.

    You should take the time to watch the movie: “Why We Fight”. You might learn something. Try “Iraq for Sale” while your at it. Of course you probably won’t because the truth would wake you from your slumber.

    I am not insulting the military in general, I am specifically insulting people like you and the other “LOOK AT ME I’M MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU BECAUSE I WEAR THIS PRETTY UNIFORM” crowd. You don’t know anything more or less than anyone else just because you served or are serving in the military – or pretending you do.

    In fact, because the military sometimes censors and/or bans certain programming from getting to the troops, those in active duty are less likely to know the truth than those on the outside who do their research.

    Moderate liberals like Ed Schultz get banned from Armed Forces Radio and in his place far right propagandists like Limbaugh, Hannity and Coulter get free reign along with FoxNews to turn otherwise reasonable brains – like yours may have been at some point in your youth – into pliant and obedient mush.

    Remember that it was a Republican President who first warned us of the “burgeoning military industrial complex”. Your ignorant “whatever that is” comment about what Eisenhower warned us against simply reveals your lack of intellectual understanding of the present relationship between multi-national corporations, global banks and political and military actions.

    Your world view:

    “I’m scared. Bad people a threat. Kill all the bad people. Ignore basic human rights, ignore basic human dignity. Just kill, kill, kill”.

    It is far more complex than that. Even all four of Bush’s OWN INTELLIGENCE GATHERING AGENCIES unanimously agreed that our actions in Iraq have made American LESS SAFE rather than more safe – having stirred up trouble where there was none – having created a threat where there was none – having created a perfect pretext for jihadists to rally forces and recruit more terrorists.

    That is the political landscape Bush & Cheney have created. Made American less safe at a cost of over 4,000 American soldiers (they don’t count the ones that die in transport or on a surgery table in Germany), billions of our tax dollars and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi men, women and children.

    And you bought in.


  63. Dude can you post one comment without insulting the military?

    “pictures with all the teenyboppers they are lusting after.”
    Yes all military members lush after teenagers how did you know?

    “The age of American corporate militarism must come to an end.”
    So they are mercenaries???? Wow your insight is amazing.

    “How many young men and women have you deluded that wound up shedding their blood for Halliburton and Exxon oil profits? ”
    So anyone in your mind that joins the military now is fighting for Exxon or Haliburton? WTF are you smoking?

    And at the end of your one post you typed this
    “9/11 happened on Bush’s watch. I suppose you want to blame Clinton? Maybe Carter? Maybe Keith Olbermann”

    No I blame terrorist unlike you who want to blame some corporate conspiracy or Bush plot. I place blame squarley on our enemies who in a sane world would be the ones you blamed too. Like I said before though it is much easier for you to “fight” Bush than fight our real enemies. Keep ranting about how much you hate corporations, Bush, corporate militism whatever that is, and anything to the right of Bernie Sanders I am sure that will be a huge comfort to your life. So will all these conspiracy theories and to use your words jingoisms (because what else is endless slogans about corporatism, military industrial complexes, and hate Haliburton and Exxon slogans while you probably buy gas from one of them) cease when the next Democrat is in the White House? Or will you still keep hating everyone that does not agree with you? My guess is the latter.

  64. By the way Mikael, the Redskins are winning 10=3. Maybe you and the pukeman have some common ground as Redskin fans. Some people can be best of friends if they just don’t talk about religion or politics.

  65. A little overly sensitive Pukester?

    So are you a recruiter?

    How many young men and women have you deluded that wound up shedding their blood for Halliburton and Exxon oil profits?

  66. Pukester,

    You keep attempting to gloss over my point. Tracing back to our original argument I have said multiple times that I don’t think it is right that military recruiters should have any special access to schools. They can come to job fairs and other events where all careers are regarded equally. They can hand out brochures and pose for pictures with all the teenyboppers they are lusting after.

    What should be illegal and punishable is lying to potential recruits, and recruiters should have no access to minors without written consent from the parents of the children.

    If I had a teenage son or daughter and recruiters came to my school I would demand equal access for Department of Peace advocates. The age of American corporate militarism must come to an end.

    9/11 happened on Bush’s watch. I suppose you want to blame Clinton? Maybe Carter? Maybe Keith Olbermann?

  67. Here I will quote him again.
    ” believe that it is – especially during this time of trumped up jingoism and false reasons to justify sending soldiers overseas to risk their lives protecting the assets secured by the oil barons and their private armies. They can come to job fairs like everyone else. I also believe that peace activists deserve equal time to the chronic liars (many, hopefully not most) that work for the military and deceive minors in high school. Military recruiters should sign their names personally to their promises and when found to have misled young people they should be arrested and jailed for child abuse.”

    What a complete and total fool. This statement reveals massive amounts of ignorance about the job of a recruiter and actual charges that can be brought against him for “chronic lying” as he puts it. Hey buddy a recruiter can not even be in the room with you when you sign up.

    His use of the word “jingoism” is probably a reference to war on terror. Since he admitted he was a truther earlier anyone that actually espouses fighting Alquada or their affiliates is commiting jingoism I guess. Mikael why act like you act? How long after 911 happened did it take you to blame it on Bush anyway?

  68. Mikael……………..Just keep refreshing on Wexy’s site…you still have time to get your 250,000 by the New Year!

  69. He also suggests that recruiters by their very presence negatively “affect” minors in high school. They lie to students according to him and spread propaganda. Anyone who disagrees with him or the opinions of this site is automatically brainwashed, a 30%er whatever that is, a Bushie, fascist, or a liar. What a freakin toolbag.

  70. Author Ray McGovern is a seventeen year CIA veteran, and used to give the daily intelligence briefing to President George H. W. Bush. McGovern is right to the point, as usual.


    Creeping Fascism: History’s Lessons
    By Ray McGovern
    December 27, 2007
    “There are few things as odd as the calm, superior indifference with which I and those like me watched the beginnings of the Nazi revolution in Germany, as if from a box at the theater. … Perhaps the only comparably odd thing is the way that now, years later….”

    These are the words of Sebastian Haffner (pen name for Raimund Pretzel), who as a young lawyer in Berlin during the 1930s experienced the Nazi takeover and wrote a first-hand account. His children found the manuscript when he died in 1999 and published it the following year as “Geschichte eines Deutschen” (The Story of a German).

    The book became an immediate bestseller and has been translated into 20 languages-in English as “Defying Hitler.”

    I recently learned from his daughter Sarah, an artist in Berlin, that today is the 100th anniversary of Haffner’s birth. She had seen an earlier article in which I quoted her father and e-mailed to ask me to “write some more about the book and the comparison to Bush’s America. … This is almost unbelievable.”

    More about Haffner below. Let’s set the stage first by recapping some of what has been going on that may have resonance for readers familiar with the Nazi ascendancy, noting how “odd” it is that the frontal attack on our Constitutional rights is met with such “calm, superior indifference.”
    Goebbels Would be Proud

    It has been two years since top New York Times officials decided to let the rest of us in on the fact that the George W. Bush administration had been eavesdropping on American citizens without the court warrants required by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978.
    The Times had learned of this well before the election in 2004 and acquiesced to White House entreaties to suppress the damaging information.

    In late fall 2005 when Times correspondent James Risen’s book, “State of War: the Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration,” revealing the warrantless eavesdropping was being printed, Times publisher, Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., recognized that he could procrastinate no longer.

    It would simply be too embarrassing to have Risen’s book on the street, with Sulzberger and his associates pretending that this explosive eavesdropping story did not fit Adolph Ochs’s trademark criterion: All The News That’s Fit To Print.

    (The Times’ own ombudsman, Public Editor Byron Calame, branded the newspaper’s explanation for the long delay in publishing this story “woefully inadequate.”)

    When Sulzberger told his friends in the White House that he could no longer hold off on publishing in the newspaper, he was summoned to the Oval Office for a counseling session with the president on Dec. 5, 2005. Bush tried in vain to talk him out of putting the story in the Times.

    The truth would out; part of it, at least.

    There were some embarrassing glitches. For example, unfortunately for National Security Agency Director Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, the White House neglected to tell him that the cat would soon be out of the bag.

    So on Dec. 6, Alexander spoke from the old talking points in assuring visiting House intelligence committee member Rush Holt, D-New Jersey, that the NSA did not eavesdrop on Americans without a court order.

    Still possessed of the quaint notion that generals and other senior officials are not supposed to lie to congressional oversight committees, Holt wrote a blistering letter to Gen. Alexander after the Times, on Dec. 16, front-paged a feature by Risen and Eric Lichtblau, “Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts.”

    But House Intelligence Committee chair Pete Hoekstra, R-Michigan, apparently found Holt’s scruples benighted; Hoekstra did nothing to hold Alexander accountable for misleading Holt, his most experienced committee member, who had served as an intelligence analyst at the State Department.

    What followed struck me as bizarre. The day after the Dec. 16 Times feature article, the president of the United States publicly admitted to a demonstrably impeachable offense.

    Authorizing illegal electronic surveillance was a key provision of the second article of impeachment against President Richard Nixon. On July 27, 1974, this and two other articles of impeachment were approved by bipartisan votes in the House Judiciary Committee.
    Bush Takes Frontal Approach

    Far from expressing regret, the president bragged about having authorized the surveillance “more than 30 times since the September the 11th attacks,” and said he would continue to do so. The president also said:

    “Leaders in Congress have been briefed more than a dozen times on this authorization and the activities conducted under it.”

    On Dec. 19, 2005, then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and then-NSA Director Michael Hayden held a press conference to answer questions about the as yet unnamed surveillance program.

    Gonzales was asked why the White House decided to flout FISA rather than attempt to amend it, choosing instead a “backdoor approach.” He answered:

    “We have had discussions with Congress…as to whether or not FISA could be amended to allow us to adequately deal with this kind of threat, and we were advised that that would be difficult, if not impossible.”

    Hmm. Impossible? It strains credulity that a program of the limited scope described would be unable to win ready approval from a Congress that had just passed the “Patriot Act” in record time.

    James Risen has made the following quip about the prevailing mood: “In October 2001, you could have set up guillotines on the public streets of America.”

    It was not difficult to infer that the surveillance program must have been of such scope and intrusiveness that, even amid highly stoked fear, it didn’t have a prayer for passage.

    It turns out we didn’t know the half of it.
    What To Call These Activities

    “Illegal Surveillance Program” didn’t seem quite right for White House purposes, and the PR machine was unusually slow off the blocks.

    It took six weeks to settle on “Terrorist Surveillance Program,” with FOX News leading the way followed by the president himself. This labeling would dovetail nicely with the president’s rhetoric on Dec. 17:
    “In the weeks following the terrorist attacks on our nation, I authorized the National Security Agency, consistent with U.S. law and the Constitution, to intercept the international communications of people with known links to al-Qaeda and related terrorist organizations. … The authorization I gave the National Security Agency after September 11 helped address that problem…” [Emphasis added]

    And Gen. Michael Hayden, who headed NSA from 1999 to 2005, was of course on the same page, dissembling as convincingly as the president. At his May 2006 confirmation hearings to become CIA director, he told of his soul-searching when, as director of NSA, he was asked to eavesdrop on Americans without a court warrant.

    “I had to make this personal decision in early October 2001,” said Hayden. “It was a personal decision. … I could not not do this.”

    Like so much else, it was all because of 9/11. But we now know…
    It Started Seven Months Before 9/11.

    How many times have you heard it? The mantra “after 9/11 everything changed” has given absolution to all manner of sin.

    We are understandably reluctant to believe the worst of our leaders, and this tends to make us negligent. After all, we learned from former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill that drastic changes were made in U.S. foreign policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian issue and toward Iraq at the first National Security Council meeting on Jan. 30, 2001.

    Should we not have anticipated far-reaching changes at home as well?
    Reporting by the Rocky Mountain News and court documents and testimony on a case involving Qwest strongly suggest that in February 2001 Hayden saluted smartly when the Bush administration instructed NSA to suborn AT&T, Verizon, and Qwest to spy illegally on you, me, and other Americans.

    Bear in mind that this would have had nothing to do with terrorism, which did not really appear on the new administration’s radar screen until a week before 9/11, despite the pleading of Clinton aides that the issue deserved extremely high priority.

    So this until-recently-unknown pre-9/11 facet of the “Terrorist Surveillance Program” was not related to Osama bin Laden or to whomever he and his associates might be speaking. It had to do with us.
    We know that the Democrats briefed on the “Terrorist Surveillance Program” include House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, (the one with the longest tenure on the House Intelligence Committee), Rep. Jane Harman, D-California, and former and current chairmen of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Bob Graham, D-Florida, and Jay Rockefeller, D-West Virginia, respectively.
    May one interpret their lack of public comment on the news that the snooping began well before 9/11 as a sign they were co-opted and then sworn to secrecy?

    It is an important question. Were the appropriate leaders in Congress informed that within days of George W. Bush’s first inauguration the NSA electronic vacuum cleaner began to suck up information on you and me, despite the FISA law and the Fourth Amendment?
    Are They All Complicit?

    And are Democratic leaders about to cave in and grant retroactive immunity to those telecommunications corporations-AT&T and Verizon-which made millions by winking at the law and the Constitution?

    (Qwest, to its credit, heeded the advice of its general counsel who said that what NSA wanted done was clearly illegal.)

    What’s going on here? Have congressional leaders no sense for what is at stake?

    Lately the adjective “spineless” has come into vogue in describing congressional Democrats-no offense to invertebrates.
    Nazis and Their Enablers

    You don’t have to be a Nazi. You can just be, well, a sheep.

    In his journal, Sebastian Haffner decries what he calls the “sheepish submissiveness” with which the German people reacted to a 9/11-like event, the burning of the German Parliament (Reichstag) on Feb. 27, 1933.

    Haffner finds it quite telling that none of his acquaintances “saw anything out of the ordinary in the fact that, from then on, one’s telephone would be tapped, one’s letters opened, and one’s desk might be broken into.”

    But it is for the cowardly politicians that Haffner reserves his most vehement condemnation. Do you see any contemporary parallels here?

    In the elections of March 4, 1933, shortly after the Reichstag fire, the Nazi party garnered only 44 percent of the vote. Only the “cowardly treachery” of the Social Democrats and other parties to whom 56 percent of the German people had entrusted their votes made it possible for the Nazis to seize full power. Haffner adds:

    “It is in the final analysis only that betrayal that explains the almost inexplicable fact that a great nation, which cannot have consisted entirely of cowards, fell into ignominy without a fight.”

    The Social Democratic leaders betrayed their followers-“for the most part decent, unimportant individuals.” In May, the party leaders sang the Nazi anthem; in June the Social Democratic party was dissolved.

    The middle-class Catholic party Zentrum folded in less than a month, and in the end supplied the votes necessary for the two-thirds majority that “legalized” Hitler’s dictatorship.

    As for the right-wing conservatives and German nationalists: “Oh God,” writes Haffner, “what an infinitely dishonorable and cowardly spectacle their leaders made in 1933 and continued to make afterward. … They went along with everything: the terror, the persecution of Jews. … They were not even bothered when their own party was banned and their own members arrested.”
    In sum: “There was not a single example of energetic defense, of courage or principle. There was only panic, flight, and desertion. In March 1933, millions were ready to fight the Nazis. Overnight they found themselves without leaders. … At the moment of truth, when other nations rise spontaneously to the occasion, the Germans collectively and limply collapsed. They yielded and capitulated, and suffered a nervous breakdown. … The result is today the nightmare of the rest of the world.”

    This is what can happen when virtually all are intimidated.

    Our Founding Fathers were not oblivious to this; thus, James Madison:

    “I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. … The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.”

    We cannot say we weren’t warned.

    Ray McGovern works with Tell the Word, the publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in Washington, DC. A former Army officer and CIA analyst, he worked in Germany for five years; he is co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.

  71. Whats with the tally just for visiting the site?…..Is that not missleading?….How can a rational person take this serious…what a joke

  72. The guy is also doctoring crap I wrote 171. He is suggesting I threatened him, which I did not. He is calling people names and calling them liars as soon as they post an opposing opinion. He suggested well f it ill quote him.

    ” will say it again. Any member of the military who is not “supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic” is in violation of their oath and unworthy of their position. Resign your post or retire, I don’t care, but you are not worthy of your honored position if you support confirmed domestic enemies to the Constitution Bush and Cheney and their cabal. You are derelict of duty. Unworthy of serving in our esteemed military.”

    He says that crap to me and worse. I have only called him names when he exposed himself as a truther. This guy is a complete joke.

  73. 164,472 signatures in less than two weeks despite a corporate media blackout initially. There is still time to get close to the stated goal of 250,000 by January 1st. Pass this on! Call your friends!

    Comment by Mikael — December 30, 2007 @ 2:05 am

    This site is absurd,Everytime you clik on it,it adds to the supposed signature count..What a joke..Try it,visit it,and then clik back,then go back and check the total sigs…It registers a tally for the vote,just by visiting the site…

  74. The definition of troll is someone who uses inflammatory language to provoke a reaction. You are the one being a troll on your own thread. Anyone that disagrees with you gets called names then their comments are doctored. WTF.

  75. You then deleted my post for what? Jesus christ you get to say I am failing at my duty and I do not deserve to wear the uniform then I can not even respond? Wow you get to call me a liar, insult me in every possible way, then if I start insulting you back you delete my post and say that I threatened you. Do you talk and act like this to peoples faces? Seriously I want to know?

  76. “Weasel words from mollycoddles will never do when the day demands prophetic clarity from great hearts. Manly men must emerge for this hour of trial.”

    –President Theodore Roosevelt

  77. “I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. … The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.”

    ~ James Madison:

  78. “The state that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards, and its fighting done by fools [in silly looking red hats].”


  79. Go ahead… name the actual crimes and misdemeanors they’re guilty of. Not just what you wish they could be charged with in your little utopian world.

  80. I don’t get you Mikael. I really do not. You belittle the people who take the time to comment on your website, call them Brownshirts… Accuse them of being paranoid, yet you will not let their comments remain. Your altering of their posts alters the truth. If they make silly posts let them stand, and see if they can withstand the “light of day”.

    You may claim personal attacks upon you were the reason for you altering them… But I would argue to let them remain because they were personal attacks. Show them for what they are.

    Now as to your failures in other regards. You ignore the answers to your points, and instead say that the posters are “vomiting” a party line on the issues. Whether this is true or not shouldn’t you atleast give them the courtesy of a response to their response, rather than a personal attack?

    If I thought you would enter into an honest debate of the issues I would refute each and everyone of your points. Alas, since I know you will instead turn to personal attacks I will not bother to spend the time entering them here.

    Once again I’d like to point out that when you get people to come to your blog, even if they are in opposition to your positions, this is a time to be level headed, patient and rational with your readers, not Bellicose.

  81. Don’t be afraid Mikael POST #155 I wouldn’t hurt you it wasn’t a threat. It was an ivitation, after you accused me

    of lying about being a NYC Fireman. And as I said previously, I don’t have to lie about who I am. And, no I don’t hide under

    my bed. I faced death before and although I’d like to stay around, I don’t fear it. And I have a lot of Brother Firefighters

    and my cousin who I would see again. And you liberals all seem to think conservatives have this hate or fear of gays.

    I know a lot of incredible gay people. You’re profiling. And I don’t even hate Moslems. and they come in all colors, not

    just brown. Profiling again?? But I have no illusions that radical Islamists have been indoctrinated into believing YOU

    AND I, deserve death. They don’t see us as different from any other “Infidel”. Red Beanies, Cammo, Hemp shirted, NASCAR

    hat wearing infidels. WE ARE THE SAME TO THEM Mikael. And if you DO want to see my FDNY ID, I’ll be glad to show it to you,

    and I’ll even buy you a Starbucks Latte. I love Starbucks.

    have no illusions about

  82. Wow… three deranged wannabe assassins on one comment thread. Why is it that when the intellectually limited folks run out of facts and sources – and even run out of pithy insults, they fall back on violence as their only option?

    Mr. Puke
    Mr. Shooter
    Mr. Kearney

    Three criminals – having threatened bodily harm on this thread. What do they have in common other than their derangement?

    They are all of lower to moderate intelligence as made clear by their pathetic attempts to debate while completely lacking in anything of substance. No facts, no links, no sources, nothing. Nothing at all other than not-so-subtle Rush regurgitations and O’Reilly echoes along with wrapping themselves in the flag, or one uniform or another.

    They are all irrationally attached to supporting BushCheneyCo. criminal policies.

    They are all prone to violence. Possibly psychopathic, but certainly sociopathic personalities.

    Maybe inbred?

    Maybe minds that have been chemically altered in some way either legally or illegally?

    No way of knowing. I am not, contrary to popular opinion among the swarm of mindless Bush-worshiping drones that have settled in on this thread, a mind-reader. I just observe and comment.

    Sometimes it is so much easier than others.

    Such sad little 30 percenters they are. Lost in their Bush-worshiping world. So little to live for once Bush is put out to pasture.

    Too bad. So sad.

    Impeachment or no impeachment, 13 months from now we will be kissing goodbye to the worst, most secretive, destructive, anti-constitutional, international reputation-ruining piece of shit Presidential this country has ever known. And God help us – we may finally have the wisdom to elect someone to lead our great nation to repair the comprehensive damage Mr. Bush has wrought.

    Paranoid, brown-skin hating, lockstep Brownshirt Reich Wing loyalists be damned.

  83. [This post deleted as it contained a threat of physical harm. If Mr. Kearney makes another threat he will be banned indefinitely from posting on this site. This is his only warning. For the record his e-mail address is: [email protected] and his IP# is:].

  84. Go to: and vote for the impeachment proceedings against VP Darth Cheney to begin immediately. Rep. Wexler is a member of the House Judiciary Committee where impeachment hearings would be initiated. Over 50% of the Democrats on the HJC have either co-sponsored H. Res. 333 to impeach Cheney or added their names to the Wexler letter calling for impeachment.

    Call upon your Representative to honor their oath of office to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic” by holding this war criminal and war profiteer fully accountable for his actions.

    From the website:

    “The charges are too serious to ignore. There is credible evidence that the Vice President abused the power of his office, and not only brought us into an unneccesary war but violated the civil liberties and privacy of American citizens. It is the constitutional duty of Congress to hold impeachment hearings.”

    164,472 signatures in less than two weeks despite a corporate media blackout initially. There is still time to get close to the stated goal of 250,000 by January 1st. Pass this on! Call your friends!

  85. Re; #155

    I REALLY doubt the NYC fireman ploy. Give me a break. Let me guess… you are raising money door-to-door for your crippled step-niece, right? Stop with this pretend identity crap, will you all? Once and for all, can’t you simply debate the issues on their own merit instead of making up false identities for yourselves that make you all patriotic and flag-draped in your own minds?

    Also…do you group others in a single barrel like you do those you perceive to be liberals and do you make a habit of judging people by their appearance?

    Do all blacks look alike to you? Asians?

    Let me guess… gays make you uncomfortable because you haven’t come to terms with your own latent homosexual urges?

    And the way you constantly rant about “jihadis” and “the enemy” makes me wonder if you sleep under your bed. Do you have an assault rifle under your pillow? Quadruple padlocks on every door and a survival tunnel from your basement dug into a nearby hill?

    Really… Do you really live your life so paranoid that every brown person you see might attack you at any moment. What a sad existence.

  86. No threat, you asked a question and I gave an answer. If you think i am dumb enough to use a real email address than you are truly smoking something.

    [Editor’s note: The threat was real and obvious. This commenter may be deranged. The e-mail address may be fake, but the IP cannot be faked. He can be traced.]

  87. # 142 To be honest, that red beanie and the Che,Fidel beard were just too much out of commie wacko central casting.

    The “Onion” would LOVE this!!! Do you really think that the color was accidental???

    You have these caricature pictures of what a conservative looks like and then you go ahead and give us this

    ammunition? I could see this guy frantically making copies of articles and poring over them at his Starbucks table

    ranting to his neighbors with spittle flying and his veins popping. Remember the Movie “Airplane” where everyone who

    sits next to the ranter is offing themselves? Only, up where this guy lives, everyone living in this echo chamber

    actually think everyone halfway intelligent believes as you. You’re so childishly egotistic, still stuck in your

    adolescent magical child thinking, and it really seems like a pathetic tantrum.

    You rage against the “machine” because the war is not going your way right now. And somewhere out there lurks a real

    enemy who DOES want you destroyed. To turn your attention away from your PERCEIVED enemies would only make you face

    the Jihadis who wait to vaporize you because you are infidel. The warriors in the previous posts, and me, a retired

    NYC Fireman know who you are, and we know who to trust, the ones with the courage to fight, against REAL enemies.

    But yea, that beanie and beard would be really funny, if it wasn’t so pathetic.

  88. [This post deleted as it contained a threat of physical violence against an individual. This threat has been recorded and will be forwarded to the FBI. Shooter, whose e-mail is [email protected] and whose IP number for his computer is: may be hearing from them. In any case, should he follow through on his threats and anything should happen to any member of ImpeachforPeace, he should be considered a prime suspect. If another physical threat is made by “Shooter”, she will be banned from posting on this site indefinitely.]

  89. In response to #152

    Agreed. There is plenty of blame to go around at this point.

    And now Bush has vetoed a spending bill for the war effort.

    Why does he hate the troops?

  90. In response to #149.

    If you noticed, Congress has continued to pay for the Iraq “war”. So please, when you talk of impeachment for the war please include all those who vote to continue funding.

  91. So really.

    What is it that you Bush worshipers really hate about this article?

    Is it the scraggly beard?

    Is it the red ‘frenchy’ beret?

    I thought all you wannabe G.I. Joes would love anyone who looked like a Red Beret.

    Or is it that you are all riled up because you know deep down inside yourselves that Mr. Daims is right. Bush and Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice all are war criminals. That would ruin your little dream worlds, wouldn’t it? I mean… your playtime fantasy that makes you all pretend you are actually vets and active military would make you co-conspirators, or maybe aiders and abetters of war crimes in your delusions.

    Remember that actual members of our honored military are sworn to obey all LEGAL orders and DISOBEY ALL ILLEGAL ORDERS.


    If you are holding a captive and the captive escapes, do you shoot to kill?

    No. That would be a war crime.

    If your superior officer orders you to shoot and kill the escapee, do you obey that order?

    No. That would still be a war crime.

    If your commanding officer draws a gun and shoots at the escapee and you shoot your commanding officer have you committed a crime?

    No. You stopped a war crime in process. If you did not intercede you are guilty of aided and abetting a war crime.

  92. I got more from that article than any you have posted. What part of it was wrong? The fact there is an article that rebuts what you put up and you delete just demonstrate who really the fascist. [Personal attack deleted].

    You have not answered when was the last time you were in the middle east. Also, what is you plan to protect 300 million people?

  93. Bush Vs. War Powers Act
    Congress has the authority to end Iraq War
    Claudia Nelson (minuetcz)
    Published 2007-01-17 13:40 (KST)

    While everyone is focusing on the question of sending more troops in Iraq, there still exist some congressional laws and sections of the U.S. constitution that the Bush Administration has not altered, for example the War Powers Resolution and Article I, section 8, of the Constitution.

    The Constitution states that only Congress has the power to declare war. However, since World War II, the United States has been involved in many major conflicts without resorting to a war declaration. This led to some ambiguity over the extent to which the president is allowed to conduct military action under his constitutional authority as commander in chief of the armed forces, without prior congressional approval.

    In Vietnam, this question was addressed through the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which was a 1964 resolution issued by Congress giving President Lyndon B. Johnson approval, without a formal declaration of war, “to take all necessary steps, including the use of armed force, to assist any member or protocol state of the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty requesting assistance in defense of its freedom.” Both Johnson and his successor, Richard Nixon used the Resolution as a justification for escalated involvement in Indochina.

    In an attempt to clarify the issue further, Congress passed the War Powers Act in 1973. As stated in Section 2(a) of the act, it was passed to insure that
    “the collective judgment of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, and to the continued use of such forces in hostilities or in such situations.”
    While some have questioned the constitutionality of the War Powers Act, it is very precise in the conditions it sets out for military deployments. Section 5 (b) puts a time limit of no longer than 90 days for the use of United States Armed Forces in a foreign nation without a declaration of war or a joint resolution of Congress otherwise authorizing the use of force.

    On the question as to who has ultimate say so, Section 5(c) of the War Power Resolution makes this crystal clear, stating, “Notwithstanding subsection (b), at any time that United States Armed Forces are engaged in hostilities outside the territory of the United States, its possessions and territories without a declaration of war or specific statutory authorization, such forces shall be removed by the President if the Congress so directs by concurrent resolution.” In other words, Congress can mandate the removal of troops at anytime, if there has not been a formal declaration of war.

    The required formal resolution to allow the use of Armed Forces to into Iraq was Public Law 107-243, passed by the 107th Congress on Oct. 16, 2002. The resolution accused Iraq of harboring people responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Congress also concluded that “Iraq’s continuing weapons of mass destruction programs threatened vital United States interests and international peace and security,” and declared Iraq to be in “material and unacceptable breach of its international obligations” and urged the President “to take appropriate action, in accordance with the Constitution and relevant laws of the United States, to bring Iraq into compliance with its international obligations.”

    In short, the authorization of force was based on the Weapons of Mass destruction theory, which was proven to be a lie based on old intelligence and Iraqi defectors. Even Bush has admitted this. No retraction of the resolution has been made; neither has an apology ever been issued by Congress or the Bush Administration on behalf of the American people to the United Nations or Iraq.

    The Iraq resolution invoked the War Powers Clause, therefore requiring the President of the United States to gain congressional approval for all troop deployment, as stated in Section 2(b) of the War Powers Act, which points to the Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution as the basis for legislation on the war powers. It provides that “Under Article I, section 8, of the Constitution it is specifically provided that Congress shall have the power to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution, not only its own powers but also all other powers vested by the Constitution in the Government of the United States.”

    Once the justification for the Iraq resolution was found to be inaccurate and unsubstantiated, a new resolution for the immediate removal of our troops should have been issued by Congress, and a congressional hearing and investigation for gross misconduct and even possible criminal charges against Rumsfeld, Powell, Cheney and Bush himself should have been started.

    The framers of the Constitution made clear that the United States Congress has the ultimate say so, and the War Powers Act merely reinforces that authority.

    Why are we as Americans not marching up to Washington and demanding the immediate impeachment of the whole Bush administration cabinet?

    ©2007 OhmyNews

  94. Re: #121:

    (a) AUTHORIZATION.—The President is authorized to use the
    Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary
    and appropriate in order to—
    (1) defend the national security of the United States against
    the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and

    [They lied to us and lied to Congress about any threat Iraq posed. They conspired to suppress evidence brought multiple times to them by Joseph Wilson who had proven there was NO evidence Iraq had attempted by buy Yellow Cake uranium from Niger yet they continued to lie to us and lie to congress about this].

    (2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council
    resolutions regarding Iraq.
    (b) PRESIDENTIAL DETERMINATION.—In connection with the
    exercise of the authority granted in subsection (a) to use force
    the President shall, prior to such exercise

    [The President did not report to the House prior to invasion as dictated here.]

    or as soon thereafter as may be feasible, but no later than 48 hours after exercising
    such authority, make available to the Speaker of the House of
    Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate his
    determination that—
    (1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic
    or other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately
    protect the national security of the United States against the
    continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead
    to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council
    resolutions regarding Iraq; and

    [Bush lied about inspectors being pushed out. He ordered them out. Read Richard Clarke’s book. Read what Hans Blix has to say. Read something. Hell Reichsters… learn to read!!!]

    (2) acting pursuant to this joint resolution is consistent
    with the United States and other countries continuing to take
    the necessary actions against international terrorist and ter-
    rorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or
    persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the ter-
    rorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.


    section 8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution, the Congress
    declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statu-
    tory authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the
    War Powers Resolution.
    this joint resolution supersedes any requirement of the War
    Powers Resolution.

    “The Iraq resolution invoked the War Powers Clause, therefore requiring the President of the United States to gain congressional approval for all troop deployment, as stated in Section 2(b) of the War Powers Act, which points to the Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution as the basis for legislation on the war powers. It provides that “Under Article I, section 8, of the Constitution it is specifically provided that Congress shall have the power to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution, not only its own powers but also all other powers vested by the Constitution in the Government of the United States.”


    read this, and how about not deleting it this time.

    [I read the title. The first two works were “Democrat ignorance”. The use of the derogatory term “Democrat Party” traces back to Joseph McCarthy. Immediately I knew it was a heavily biased and distorted opinion piece posing as journalism. Why waste my time? If you think you are going to get anything of value from the New Republic, you are sadly misguided. Why not just dust off your old copies of Pravda?]

  96. What bothers me? What truly bothers me is that I have put my life on the line more times than I can count for ingrates like yourself. I have been places and done things that will never be known. I have friends that have died and their families were told they died in a training accident. All so that cowards like you can sit there and babble on about situations you know nothing about but think you do. If you truly knew what goes on in the world outside of your bubble, you would shit in your pants.

    Like an earlier poster said, you will not pass Jessicas law but you will waist you time with this.

  97. And you know this because you were there? I did 1 tour in Afghanistan and 3 in Iraq. You should not talk about which you know nothing.

  98. Mikael…

    your site has finally made it to the big time… Don’t hate us for coming by… Hell, try and convince us that your point of view is correct… Is it OK for a Mime to type words?

  99. So… Bush lovers…

    What exactly is it about this particular article that raises your ire so profoundly?

    Really. I am asking a very honest question.

    Why this article and not the previous 4,346 article posted on our site?

    Over 140 comments already and some of you just got your vomit machines started.

    Is it the red beanie cap?

    The long beard?

    Or is it the realization that the Emperor you worship and his minions are vulnerable to criminal prosecution? Why is that such a threat to you?

  100. Here’s an interesting tidbit from the past:

    “WASHINGTON (CNN) — In a major victory for the White House, the Senate early Friday voted 77-23 to authorize President Bush to attack Iraq if Saddam Hussein refuses to give up weapons of mass destruction as required by U.N. resolutions.”

    But now we know that Saddaam had no WMDs. So how could he give up what he did not have?

  101. So all the old hippies in Vermont are going to waste time with this ridiculous impeachment movement but you people can’t pass Jessica’s Law or a resonable facsimile? You shit-stains belong in San Francisco with all the other nit-wits. Real freedoms are at stake in Venezuela and many other places in the world you probably can’t even identify or locate on a map. And this idiot Wannabe in the Che Geuvarra beret and Castro beard is the result of a sperm that WON the race to the egg??? You folks shoud stick to producing syryp and leave running the country to folks who haven’t done a little too much LSD.

  102. Rebutting this guy’s child-like tantrum of impeachment would be like rebutting a Seinfeld episode. One could lay out impeachment charges against any president in history. Rebutting any of them including this clown’s child-like spoiled rotten tantrum would only make the rebuttal just as trivial. I don’t rebut my ten year old child when she acts like a fool, I just laugh, shake my head and tell her to grow up. In this guy’s case, its way too late to lecture so we just laugh. Grow up, act like adults and if you have a beef with American democracy, try your opposition out in Pakistan or Iran and show us you’re a little more than American spoiled brats. Then we’ll stop laughing and give you a rebuttal.

    My first thought was “How many of my Brother Firemen are being killed right now? Is my cousin OK? (Tommy was killed)

    It’s so safe to vent your paranoid spleen against Bush, when you would shit yourself finding yourself in the aisle of a United flight with a Jihadi screaming Allah Akbar while taking you their ride to Hell.

    It’s a pathology based in cowardice and self hate, disguised as a pseudo religious peace movement. Peace, my ass.

    How about joining a REAL heroic demonstration, and go join the Venezuelan students fighting for REAL freedom against a REAL DICTATOR.

    But something in your sick masochistic sniveling minds lead you to adore him like Fidel, while reviling your own. Kind of like lashing out at Mommy and Daddy while living off them rent free and demanding the car.

    Thank God we have so many amazing men and women who go and fight even for your pitiful lives.

    And stop your whining and make believe resistance movement. If G.W. and Cheney were as evil as you spout your rantings, or the commies you love, their would be a
    knock on your door tonight, and no one would hear from you for a long long time.

  104. I have to jump in on this and answer #61.

    Do you believe there were significant connections between Iraq and Al Qaeda before the invasion and occupation of Iraq?

    Who cares, there was a connection with terrorist organizations. After Viking Hammer/ugly baby we did some other stuff I can’t talk about. So, yes there was a connection with many different terrorist groups that he sponsored. Where do you think Abu Abas was captured and do you even know who he is? Do you know where Zarqawi was treated after he was wounded in Afghanistan? And yes I did kill some Al Qaeda people in Iraq at the beginning of the conflict.

    Do you believe Iraq had WMDs before the invasion and occupation of Iraq? Again, I was there and yes he had them. Why don’t you lookup how much refined Anthrax it would take to kill a couple million people in the US.

    Do you believe Saddaam had anything to do with 9/11? No one ever said he did. This is a statement the left keeps throwing out.

    Do you believe Iran is building a nuclear weapons program? Are you truly naive enough to believe he was not trying to develop a nuke.

    The never ending torture argument is making me ill. I went through worse in SERE.

    As for Libby, he was not convicted of outing Plame. The President did not completely pardon him, only commuted his sentence. Should Sandy Berger have served jail time? Should Senator Leahy be removed from the Senate? Look up why they call him leaky Leahy. His leak lead to the death of an Egyptian operative.

    You really should come out of your parents basement and travel the world a little. What say you go to the middle east, talk a little crap and see how long it takes before your head is removed from your body.

    Also, please tell my how the President is being a fascist. What rights have you lost? Who do you know that has been affected? Do you think Chavez is a fascist? Al Gore and John Edwards are more of a fascist than the President. Why is it that when Republicans speak people like you shout them down and throw stuff but we allow your side to speak uninterrupted? Which side is supporting free speech and which isn’t?

    One last question for you. If you were solely responsible for the safety of 300 million people, what would you do? Stating “well, I would not go into Iraq” is not a real answer. Lets hear your plan.

    In the end, only the strongest will survive. And remember, while you sleep your enemy trains.

  105. This is a Bush Drangement Syndrome type nut. He hates America in it’s present form, capitalist and a republic. He wants us to be like Cuba, but believe he won’t suffer like the litle people because he’ll be a leader.

    Let’s cut to the ending, mail this dipshit a bus ticket to Key West, hand him an inner tube and give him a compass and the compass heading to Havana. Swim to Ciba you Castro wannabe…

  106. Good luck getting your police force to try to enforce your warrent. I’m sure they are too smart to go against the Secret Service guys guarding the President. If I were Bush I’d visit the town the day after this law was passed just to make these clowns look like the nincompoops they are. Come to think of it, I’d schedule a personal meeting with red-beret fellow here, too.

    Maybe Daims will brave the Secret Service men and the sharpshooter teams to make a citizens arrest. After all, he’s doing this out of love for his country, not to stroke his own ego, right? And a true patriot is always willing to sacrifice his life for his country and his beliefes, right?

    I saw some sharpshooter teams on my building when the President visited Philly while I worked there… MANY teams of sharpshooters upon many buildings all around Carpenters Hall when he spoke there. Don’t worry, Mr. Daims… I’m sure all of those highly trained marksmen will probably hold their fire out of respect for your self-congratulation by identifying your proposal with the Declaration of Independence 😉

  107. Always good to see the terrorist supporters in action in Vermont. I see Kurt gave up his towel for the cutesy Che headgear. What a nutjob!

  108. ,It’s people like this that scare the hell out of most people. not much separates them from say Che , Castro
    Chavez, so your brilliant la la la that doesn’t make you smart as far as most people are concerned just another double dipped
    goof ball from the land of New Hampstershire. sad to say used to be the seat of great patriotism. Now just a joke. I would’nt
    expect any thing out of New England, need an example look at Kennedy and Biden two stalwarts of liberal hypocrisy. what is it about that area of the country is it the air?

  109. Hey look now it’s 38-28 New England. Of course Bush allowed the world trade center to be blown up. Everyone knows that. And that E4 Puke guy is a pretty tough dude.

  110. I would love to see the President go to Brattleboro just to call your bluff. If anyone tried anything, the Secret Service would have their guts for garters so fast your head would spin. How pathetic!

  111. Hey Mikael if you believe that the President of the United States knowingly conspired to murder 3000 U.S. citizens in order to launch some massive war…. Afghan, Iraq, and you mention Iran too, to enrich some unknown coroporations why did you not include that on your list of impeachable offenses? Could it be some sane part of your mind, however tiny, knows that is utterly insane and offensive to most people?

    By the way what was your first thought on 911 when you saw it on TV… was it to blame some evil coroporation or “Bush”, or was it to think about kicking the ass of whoever did it? Honestly I think people that think like you that I have met are too cowardly to enlist or join in the fight against a real enemy and would much rather rant against Bush. It is much easier to support the war on terror if all it means is voting democrat and hating Bush, then if it actually means the United States has real enemies that must be killed for us to live free and without fear of some jackass with a boxcutter or a suicide belt. You can’t actually fight our enemies so you make new ones out of your own countrymen, and all you have to do to fight them is march in a couple anti-war rallies and rant online about how much you hate “Bush and Cheney” and some unknown corporations.

  112. Do not bother Jim. This idiot believes that the evil “Bush and Cheney” masterminded 911. I think he is pretty much gone.

  113. Saddam did have WMDs!!! What the hell did he gas the Kurds with?!!!!

    Take the blinders off !!

    [Editor’s comment: Sarin gas used in the Gulf War was long since inert by the time the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003].

  114. “attacked Iraq without the approval of Congress nor the UN – both of which are necessary under International and American law.”

    It is not a requirment to have the approval of the UN…. that is a John Kerry fantasy.

    Also you then trend into truther rant……You were kinda of speaking sense until then. You are a sick individual.. I will call a truther names. you are a disgusting piece of garbage.

  115. hahahaha took off my post….. sad, so sad. Ok The Left is wrong, history will show it. Thats good enough for me…..

  116. Are you leftist slobs gonna commit suicide when the Republicans win the White House next year? Or are you just goning to claim another conspiracy? Pitiful little traitors.

  117. Factually incorrect.

    That is the resolution passed by Congress in Oct. 2002 authorizing the use of force against Iraq. I invite your attention to page 5, Sec. 3. There is no requirement for the president to get any further authorization from Congress.

    You substitute your opinion for fact on foreign intelligence, proving in the process that you have a very simplistic notion of how they function. Your idea of an echo chamber is laughable.

    And yes, you have wandered off into conspiracy theory land. While war games were going on that day, there is nothing to suggest that Cheney was overseeing them. Northern Vigilance: an Air Force drill simulating a Russian attack, in which defense aircraft normally patrolling the Northeast are re-deployed to Canada and Alaska. Russian exercises were being held at that time in the Arctic and North Pacific and the drill was based on the observation of that exercise. Which is why the date of the exercise was changed.
    You really have to get out more and stop living in your own echo chamber. You’ll be happier.

  118. #117 & 118

    This site has fact after fact after fact.

    Just because you knuckle-dragging, toothless wonders don’t have the intellectual capacity to understand those facts isn’t our fault.

  119. “Yet Bush sought and got congressional authorization for that war.”

    No, he most certainly did not. Congress nearly unanimously approved the condemnation of Saddaam for alleged violations of treaties, but Congress specifically said that Bush would have to return to Congress in order to gain approval to attack Iraq. Bush, knowing he did not have the votes in Congress to gain that permission attacked Iraq without the approval of Congress nor the UN – both of which are necessary under International and American law.

    “You also claim he doctored the intelligence to justify that war”

    As the Downing Street memos made perfectly clear and as later Australian government records of interactions with the Bush Administration confirmed, Bush “fixed the intelligence around the policy”. The day after 9/11 Bush told his flying monkeys to find a link between the attacks and Saddaam. None existed, yet he wanted to attack anyway. The origins of the plan to invade and occupy Iraq (and Iran) can be found in the NeoCon stinktank group Project for a New American Century’s document: Rebuilding America’s Defenses. In it the plan to attack a series of countries in the middle east to gain a strategic and economic advantage there was laid out. They said that the American people wouldn’t buy in without “a new Pearl Harbor” to gain their consent.

    And guess what? They got their “New Pearl Harbor” at exactly the time they wanted it – less than a year into Bush’s first term. What a coincidence, huh? Gee… I wonder why ol’ Dick Cheney ordered two concurrent war games exercises to take place on September 11th LONG before the attacks – in which the majority of Air Force jets were routed far away from Washington D.C.? Ever wonder why Dick Cheney assumed authority over those war games – for the first time in American history they were overseen by someone outside of the Pentagon.


    “every intelligence agency in the world believed that Saddam possessed WMDs”

    In the circular reality of Bushie Land that you live in, of course you believe that. The reality is that the Bush Administration quoted multiple intelligence agencies around the world who were quoting American Intelligence agencies. It was an “intelligence” echo chamber. There was absolutely no verifiable evidence that Saddaam had WMDs. Of course not. BECAUSE HE DIDN’T HAVE ANY.

    And it was Bush that pulled Hans Blix and the rest of the inspectors out of Iraq – not Saddaam as they later claimed. Blix and his crew had free reign to go anywhere and view anything. I have a photograph on my computer of Blix HOLDING THE SUPPOSED “NU-CA-LURE” ALUMINUM TUBES. They were old mortar barrels left over from the Gulf War.

    I have interest in actual dialogue, but it is such a waste of time to attempt to communicate rationally and reasonably with the ’30 percenters’ whose denial is so deep and their digital lobotomies so complete that they STILL trot out old long-proved false arguments and claims… or if that doesn’t work, there is the old standby; “It’s Clinton’s fault”.

    Seven years of watching the NeoCon supporters lies shift and shimmy in reaction to the truth coming out bit by bit. Always in denial, always in lockstep loyalty to the Emperor they worship. Always changing their tune according to exactly what Karl Rove told Scott McClennan or Ari Fleischer to tell them what to think. Bushie talking points parroted by the sheeple daily. I hear a White House spokesman say it and immediately that is the line the Bushies toe. No original thought – just regurgitated bullshit propaganda.

    It gets old.

    Anyone who still supports this President, this Vice President and this Administration after the mountains of evidence of criminality and corruption (Jack Off Abram anyone?) leading right to the top time after time after time is simply incapable of dealing with reality.

    Pathetic. Moronic. Unfortunately most likely enough of ’em to keep Bush and Cheney from the fate they deserve:

    Impeachment. Removal from office. Convictions as War Criminals. Incarceration.

  120. It appears these traitors are upset that Bush has put a stop to terrorist attacks to fellow countrymen and have taken the fight to where the bad guys are. It appears these traitors miss the days of Saddam terrorizing innocents. And where is the resolution to arrest true criminals like Castro and Chavez if they set foot in Vermont. You scum make all freedom and American loving folks sick.

  121. Here’s how silly all this impeachment nonsense actually is.

    Prior to 2004 there was almost none. Then Kerry lost. Suddenly the left decided the will of the people had to be overthrown. John “Missing Turkeys” Conyers began holding fake “impeachment hearings”, systemically milking the looney left of their money by shaking them down in favor of impeachment.

    Fast forward to 2007. Dennis KooKoocinich, acting on orders from UFO Commander BZnnizx Prime, introduces an impeachment motion in the House. The Dems are so embarassed that they try to bury it but Republicans surprise them and demand a debate. Desperately the Dems seek to divert the measure into permanent obscurity and end up sending it to Judiciary under that same Conyers who was patting himself on the back for his play acting. Conyers deep sixes it. KooKoocinich is booted out of the debates in Iowa as a complete embarassment to his party. The liberal media stops writing about him. Respectable Democrats, such as can be found, are now denying ever having heard of him.

    In short, maybe the aging hippies of Vermony ought to be arresting Democrats for fraudently pumping impeachment, then taking it off the table. The rest of us will pop popcorn and watch you all make fools of yourselves.

  122. All of your so-called impeachable offenses go back to the war. Yet Bush sought and got congressional authorization for that war. So you are SOL on that one as a rationale for impeachment. You also claim he doctored the intelligence to justify that war. Trouble is, there is absolutely no evidence to support that claim. Indeed, every intelligence agency in the world believed that Saddam possessed WMDs. Did they all doctor the intelligence to suit Bush?
    People like you live in a dream world where their opinions become fact, in part because you never make an attempt to honestly listen to others who disagree with you. When you begin a conversation by referring to the other party as fascists and Nazis it’s apparent you aren’t listening and aren’t interested in any sort of dialog.

  123. [This post deleted as it contained nothing of substance. Posts that are purely personal attacks do not contribute to the level of discourse and are not welcome on this site.]

  124. #111: “Again let me point out for the second time just because I do not think that “Bush and Cheney” should not be impeached does not make me evil or brainwashed. I just do not have the same opinion as you.”

    What a pleasant post!

    Good work Mr. Puke!

    You may now play with the other children. Just behave!!!

  125. Bush’s Dad was a Nazi financier who profited during the war years doing business with Hitler’s companies. Or did you miss that part of American history? It isn’t that much of a stretch to compare the Neo-cons with the Nazis – although they are much more similar to the Italian corporatists or the Japanese imperialists.

    Torture camps, hundreds of detainees ‘disappearing’. Round-ups of Mexicans and Arabs in the place of homosexuals, gypsies and communists. Suppression of free speech. Comprehensive manipulation of the media. Attacking dissenters and trying to make them look unpatriotic. Rigging elections. Illegally stacking the courts with lickspittle loyalists. What do you call it? Here is more on that subject:

    The 14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism

    Would it help if I called you on the phone and read it to you? I have observed a pattern of mindless spouting without any research or study on your part. Who tells you what to think? What are your news and information sources?

    Ron Paul is not a member of the Reich Wing. Arlen Specter doesn’t seem to be a card-carrying member and shows some integrity now and then. Our own Norm Coleman in Minnesota isn’t really a fascist – he is just a spineless wimp who would do or say anything to move up the Party ladder.

    Yes, I call names. Never said I didn’t. But I have backed up my points with comprehensive posts that you obviously are incapable of reading – or at least comprehending. And I never threatened anyone, you “dressing up and pretending I’m a soldier” coward.

  126. Again let me point out for the second time just because I do not think that “Bush and Cheney” should not be impeached does not make me evil or brainwashed. I just do not have the same opinion as you.

  127. Well Mikael in a post that points fingers at name calling you seem to enjoy it alot..
    “Hmmm… I check back after lunch. Two intelligent comments and ten more comments full of name-calling bile from the Bush worshipers. Ten comments from the radical reich wing of the Republican Party and not a single point of interest to be found in the lot.”

    I guess Reich wing, pretty much calling them nazi’s, and Bush worshipers are not names. By the way another question is there any difference in your opinion between “Reich” wing of the Republican party and the Republican party? Seems to me you throw the word fascist at anyone who disagrees with you.

  128. Hmmm… I check back after lunch. Two intelligent comments and ten more comments full of name-calling bile from the Bush worshipers. Ten comments from the radical reich wing of the Republican Party and not a single point of interest to be found in the lot.

    Here is my favorite pair:

    #103: “What a bunch of communist faggots”

    #97: “Mikael is pretty much the only one calling people names”

  129. So now I am a wingnut and I should be in diapers? All this from a guy I haven’t said a word to. All because I disagree with your opinion that Bush and Cheney should be impeached? Wow real tolerant.

  130. In this case the village idiot never left but multiplied his numbers. How embarassing for the community. They definately know nothing about the law but want their 15 minutes of fame. Why don’t they just form their own country and run it how ever they want.

  131. Seem this Michael dude is as much a lefty loon as Johnny is. Hey Mikey, IMPEACH THIS you seditious piece of crap!!!!

  132. Here’s what stands out from reading all these comments.
    1. There appears to be one, two at most, regular readers of this site who are true believers. Quite likely the same two who run the place. Even more likely that
    2. They’ve seen more people here in one morning than they normally see in a year after one conservative blogger linked to them.
    3. They are not used to having their myopic beliefs challenged.
    4. The experience has shocked them down to their Marxist toes as it it sinks in that the vast majority of the country regards them as nutballs.

  133. Hi Mikael,

    Well, I’ve spent (wasted?) some time reviewing the comments made in response to the posted article and while the rationales for not just impeachment of our so-called “leadership” but for their arrest and prosecution for war crimes and crimes against humanity have been well documented both on your site, mine, and numerous others around the web, I do not see a single post from the outraged ‘pseudo-patriots’ that makes an argument against impeachment or arrest that carries more intellectual weight than “well, oh yeah?”

    They’re akin to the elementary school-yard bullies whose literary depth is no deeper than the “…and so’s your old man” taunt“. Irritating, but devoid of content.

    The droves of idiots responding to this post (to even label them ‘fascists’ would give them more credit than their due since their comments demonstrate them incapable of embracing a coherent political philosophy… they are, indeed, narcissists) must all be in some sort of contact in order to flood your blog with such a putrid cascade of witless comment… fools of a feather, etc.

    But, as I think you pointed out above, if this commentary is indicative of what our country has to offer we’ve no future since the political process that gave us Bush and his ongoing social, environmental, diplomatic, military, and fiscal disasters is, sadly, the will of the people.

    The people will get the government they deserve…

  134. Shorter e4puke –Yea, we wingnuts are such nice and decent folks. It’s those meany liberals calling us names and hurting our tender feelings and all. Well, E4puke, go and change your diaper then re-read the first few comments on this site. I’m sure the actual truth of who started calling names will not get thru your wingnut skull, but maybe it’ll keep you busy until Mikael gets back. As for your 11% congressional approval comment, keep reading the polls where they say the people want dems to continue controlling congress next election by a large margin, not to mention the White House. And now your pea-brain incompetent prez Bush has vetoed the Defense Bill and soldiers won’t get their pay raises as scheduled, nor will money for wounded GI’s go thru. All this so the Iraqi’s might not get sued by other soldiers who were tortured in their country. Way to support the troops.

  135. Mikael,
    Please explain one thing, if there is soo much overwhelming evidence to the guilt of our President and vice President how come they are still in charge?????
    Is Pelosi blind???

  136. I can’t believe it!!!!!

    A real F$%*ing genious on this thread!!!!, too bad he is also a real F_ _ King moron

  137. Another point about this quote
    “may label your posts “For Amusement Purposes Only”, but this isn’t like a Rush Limbaugh show or an Emperor Bush speech in which all guests are screened and dissenting opinions aren’t allowed. We encourage dissent on this site.”

    We encourage dissent on this site????????????????????????? How the hell exactly? By calling me a liar or by implying I’m a brainwashed fascist? Honestly how the hell can you say you “encourage dissent”?? Really my second post you just called me an idiot pretty much and did not even respond to it. After that you just called me names. Wow that is encouraging to dissenters.

  138. I never even said I liked President Bush either, you just read my mind again I guess. I just do not think there is any grounds for impeachment other than in your idiotic mind.

    I like this quote here.
    “The 30% ers are in for their big spasm of power before they become the crazyass minority party next fall. It’s why all the feces slinging cause there’s nothing else left for them in American politics, for the foreseeable future.”

    Democrat congress now down to 11percent, and this guy calls people that disagree with him a crazyass minority. Wow fantastic wtf do you think you people on the left have been acting like for the last 7 years if not crazy ass? Do you realize the only ones going around and spouting names are the people that agree with impeachment on this website? You two should honestly scroll up and reread what you type because obviously you do not remember typing. Mikael is pretty much the only one calling people names, calling people liars, implying that we are fascists and brainwashed. People respond to that negatively….. and his response to their response is to call more names and dismiss their opinions. He sounds like this evil “Bush” he keeps talking about.

  139. I may label your posts “For Amusement Purposes Only”, but this isn’t like a Rush Limbaugh show or an Emperor Bush speech in which all guests are screened and dissenting opinions aren’t allowed. We encourage dissent on this site.

    I think your speaking here about Mrs. Clinton.

  140. Okay Bushie trolls…

    I am off to have lunch, work out, bow down before my black light poster of Che’ (NOT).

    Come back again soon. Your blind loyalty to this “soft fascist” regime should be well-documented so that future generations can learn from the mindless lock-step loyalty you embody.

    And thanks for raising the online profile of our site. Come back soon! Every visit raises our visibility and promotes the cause of impeachment.

    Really! C’mon back.

    I may label your posts “For Amusement Purposes Only”, but this isn’t like a Rush Limbaugh show or an Emperor Bush speech in which all guests are screened and dissenting opinions aren’t allowed. We encourage dissent on this site.

    Just don’t make threats of physical harm. That is against the law.

    “Violence: the last resort of the incompetent”.

  141. NIghtjar,

    Not to worry. They are enjoying the formerly constitutionally-protected right of free speech that the Bushies they worship are hell-bent on taking away from them. How ironic is that?

    Your comment on Malkin is great. Do you think these political neanderthals know or care that Ms. Malkin has written in support of the detention of Japanese-Americans during WWII and called for Arab-Americans to be rounded up in similar fashion?

    Such a beautiful group of thinkers these folks have surrendered their intellects to.

  142. Stumbled onto this site and seems like you’ve got a central command for every mouth breathing wingnut troll on line. Aren’t they just sweethearts, Mikael. Maybe Malkin’s intertubes got crossed or something. Well, anyway, good post. The 30% ers are in for their big spasm of power before they become the crazyass minority party next fall. It’s why all the feces slinging cause there’s nothing else left for them in American politics, for the foreseeable future.

  143. #77:

    I have been asked about seventy questions here, so you could try to be a bit more patient.

    I am going to use my superior mind-reading capacity noted multiple times above to explain why Pelosi hasn’t started impeachment proceedings:

    1). Impeachment starts in the House Judiciary Committee, where articles of impeachment of Dick Cheney are being considered by the membership. Pelosi has nothing to say about it officially, except she may have forced Conyers to take it off the table before letting him have the Chairmanship of the HJC – a cherry post he has long coveted.

    2). Pelosi knew about water-boarding and the use of other torture techniques 4 or 5 years ago along with fellow Democrat Jane Harman and did nothing. As government-sponsored torture is a war crime and a violation of the Geneva Accords (the U.S. ratified the Geneva Convention Accords so they are a part of American law), Speaker Pelosi could be equally held responsible for that illegal activity.

    3). She thinks impeachment would hurt the Democratic Party chances to regain the White House and strengthen majorities in both houses of Congress. She is gambling on this one as what is perceived to be a Democratic-controlled congress has an 11% approval rating. Lieberman is a Republican by his voting record, so the Senate is actually not really in Democratic control. That and Bush’s veto pen are the real reason why nothing is being accomplished in this Congress other than furthering the profits of the “Military Industrial Complex.”

  144. I think your a liar Mikael. I think you are a right winger posing as a left winger trying to make you guys look bad. You are probably paid by the evil KKKarl Rove.

  145. E4Puke:

    Looks like you got a little salt in someones papercut 🙂

    [Editor’s note: Actually Mr. Puke violated our limitations on posting comments. In the interest of raising the level of public discourse we prohibit physical threats or posts that are simply personal attacks with no other value pertaining to the issue of the thread. He is tentatively welcome back, but if he violates it again his posting privileges will be blocked indefinitely.]

  146. Well he can read my mind obviously fiddle. My spelling sucks, I rely on spell checker and do not spend huge amounts of time typing on blogs, I have a life sue me.
    Saying that the “Bush and Cheney” murdered hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq is when you called servicemen murderers. Since the evil dynamic duo couldn’t possibly, well maybe in your pathetic mind, be the ones killing all those people it would have to be someone like me. Hence you called me a murderer. F@ck you.
    Oh yeah nice touch calling me a liar.

  147. Okay, so let’s find out…

    Military posers…

    Name, rank and serial numbers please. And where you enlisted, where you went through basic training, etc.

    Why should I trust these defenders of political fascism? Why should I support them? Why should I pretend I believe they can be trusted?

  148. #81:

    “F@ck you”

    Wow… your intellectual capacity is underwhelming.

    I will say it again. Any member of the military who is not “supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic” is in violation of their oath and unworthy of their position. Resign your post or retire, I don’t care, but you are not worthy of your honored position if you support confirmed domestic enemies to the Constitution Bush and Cheney and their cabal. You are derelict of duty. Unworthy of serving in our esteemed military.

    Treason was BY DEFINITION committed when Cheney/Bush ordered Libby, Fleisher, Rove and Armitage to simultaneously ‘out’ the identity of an active NOC CIA officer during a time of war (actually occupation, but who’s splitting hairs). If you read the transcript of evidence and testimony spoken in evidence AND ACCEPTED AS FACT by Libby’s defense team, you would know this to be true.

    So the President and Vice President have aided and abetted in High Treason against a CIA agent during wartime. What does that mean? It means they should be prosecuted as war criminals after being removed from office.

  149. I would love to see the red Communist beret-wearing hippy and his comrades get mowed down by the Secret Service when they attempt to place our Executive Officers under arrest. Vermont is populated by lunatics.

  150. “Just a suspicion, but I doubt you are really in the military or ever were.”

    … based on a typo? Puh-leease.

    See? Trying to show off your “intellect.”

  151. “You are unworthy of your duty.”

    I was waiting for E4 to respond, and I agree with him 100%: F@ck you.

    Your family has a proud military heritage and of all people, you should know that anyone who volunteers for military service is at least due the benefit of the doubt (since someone has to man the guns, and I didn’t see any military activity on your resume).

    Besides, one person’s “defending the Constitution” = another man’s “treason.”

  152. I would gladly put a bumper sticker on my car that says:


    And Pukey…

    Please scroll back and find where I can be quoted calling military personnel “murderers”.

    And so your stand is that military recruiters on campus DON’T affect students? Are you really implying that recruiters DON’T have an affect on them? Really? That is your claim… that the presence of military recruiters on campus has no effect on students.

    By the way. If you were actually in the military and didn’t just play one as a blog troll… don’t you think you could spell “personnel” correctly instead of spelling it “personell”? Just a suspicion, but I doubt you are really in the military or ever were.

  153. Spent some time in your little state about 3 years ago,found it full of pompas ass prima donnas
    a little advice Amigo take your thumb out of your mouth and grow up!!While your at it ditch the
    hat and get a shave…By the way where is your “Che'”T-shirt???

  154. [This post deleted. Mr. Puke has resorted to threatening physical violence. In doing so he has broken the law. If Mr. Puke continues to threaten physical violence against anyone on this site his posting privileges on this site permanently. This will be his only warning. For the record, her e-mail address is: [email protected] and IP is:]

  155. Hey Mikael:

    Still waiting to here your answer as to why with all you evidence the House Democrat leaders haven’t started impeachment procedings against the evil Bush/Cheney crime family?

  156. Hey SGM do you figure that this guy realizes he is calling military personell murderers, liars, and implying that by their very presence on a high school that they “affect” the students? I am going to take a wild guess and say this guy doesn’t have a bumper sticker that says “Support the Troops” on his car.

  157. Mr. Puke,

    “So in your opinion lobbying congress and attending protests is serving your country?”

    You don’t think lobbying congress to honor their oaths of office is serving the country? Your view of what constitutes serving the best interests of the nation are markedly myopic.

    You are supporting what REPUBLICAN presidential candidate Ron Paul calls “soft fascism” with your blind loyalty to Bush/Cheney.

    Editor and publisher of “The Conservative” – Pat Buchanan called upon the electorate to “vote conservative” in last fall’s mid-term elections and said to vote out any and all republicans supportive of Bush/Cheney.

    So now are Rep. Paul and Mr. Buchanan “leftists”? Everything is to the left of fascism – or what Mussolini called “corporatism” (he would know).

    So are you for or against supporting and defending the Constitution? If you are against it and not actively working for it, then you are falling short of honoring your oath of service in the military and if active should retire. You are unworthy of your duty.

  158. #70 – I read it, originally and I stand by what I said. Popping off about a score on a high school test is supposed to mean something when you infer that minors aren’t capable of talking to a recruiter …

    And, I think the main reason why no one is willing to regurgitate the points of impeachment is that they’ve been regurgitated enough over the last 4+ years, and if they had any leg something would have been done, by now. Billy Jeff got his due to some pretty scanty evidence and you’re claiming Bush has gone biblically evil. With a D majority the last two years and no traction on impeachment … makes ya’ think, doesn’t it?

  159. “Oh really? I have lobbied congress, attended protests, been threatened by fascists like you on the street. You are a coward for accusing me of hiding.”

    So in your opinion lobbying congress and attending protests is serving your country? I am really confused by that honestly. You then blatantly call the SGM a facist and say he is like people that threatened you on the street. Uh who threatened you? I am going to hazard a wild guess and say it probably wasn’t him. To accuse him of being like people you met on the street that obviously gave you a hard time for having a differing opinion than the one you have is a huge leap of imagination.
    So harrasing people that have a different opinion than the one you have is the new definition of “fascism” ? Really then wtf do you call what your doing? Anyone that disagrees with you is evil, pea brained, brainwashed, and a host of other names. I name that fascism even though I do not think you are a fascist you simply have a dramatically different opinion than mine. I think you are wrong about some things I have seen you post and I also think you are so “brainwashed” as you call it by your own ideology that you do not see yourself making 2 hypocritical statements in the span of 10 minutes.

    Just to let you know buddy, people to the right of you politically are not evil or brainwashed they just have a different opinion.

  160. And by the way…

    Calling for members of Congress to honor their oaths of office and defend the Constitution against the domestic enemies to it infesting our White House makes me a liberal?

    Wow… I thought Republicans and Libertarians were all in favor of the Constitution. Silly me… I guess the right is against defending the Constitution.

    See how much you are teaching me?

  161. E4Puke – (I love that nick but what are you going to call yourself when you make E5)? You can tell school is out for Christmas break – I wonder if his parents know what he is doing. I have enjoyed the last couple of hours with this clown. Now I am Billy Boy to him. He is just having fun. He hides behind his keyboard – that tells you what type person he is. Happy Holidays and don’t pay any attention to him. He probably failed the ASVAB anyway.

  162. #58:

    “My biggest criticism of liberals is how often they insist on discussing their intellect.”

    Uhhh… if you were to read back you would see that I was responding to someone saying that I thought that I was a smart person.

    You might try reading the entire thread before popping off next time.

  163. Oh yeah one more thing, you call Bill Oreilly a propagandist….He says that is his opinion when he does the show, so his opinion in your mind is propaganda. You are basically saying, tell me if I am wrong please, that right wing opinion is propaganda.
    By the way I really hate Bill Oreilly if his head was any more fatter he would look like a tick about to pop. Who watches that crap anyway I rather watch ESPN.

  164. Puke…

    Again, your reading skills are lacking. I ASKED if you were a racist. There is a difference. Your over-reaction makes me think that the answer is probably yes. Methinks thou dost protest too much.

  165. Bill says:

    “He would rather hide behind his keyboard”

    Oh really? I have lobbied congress, attended protests, been threatened by fascists like you on the street. You are a coward for accusing me of hiding.

  166. ? I never said Bill Oreilly was a journalist??? Where did you draw that conclusion.. Oh wait a minute the mind reading power sorry. You also just called me a racist, why? What did I ever do to you?
    Before you said this too “You are claiming you never, ever spoke with a minor about eventually joining the military?” So in your mind even mentioning or talking to a minor about possible military service is a bad thing? Is it, I really want to know?

  167. Mr. Puke says:

    “Do you think this guy considers what his mother did, being at the same time a journalist and activist, propaganda?”

    She was an activist for Native American rights. Does that make her a liar in your third grade world view? Are you a racist, Pukey?

    Bill Moyers is not a propagandist. He is a journalist. You are ignorant.

    Bill O’Reilly is a propagandist, most certainly NOT a journalist.

  168. Nice hat, love the Hugo Chavez look.

    As for impeachment, I love how you transplants to Vermont want to take town meeting goverment and make it your soapbox for your “causes”. If the meetings were about what they were intended for (local issues), I bet you guys wouldnt even show up. Your usually too busy working in your grow rooms or hanging at the local Starbucks.

  169. Well SMG I am just wondering how this guy can make two completely hypocritical statements. He says rebut this guys points, I try to. Then he dismisses what a say and calls me an idiot. Then he says I am being antogonistic. I guess him calling me a f@cking murderer would make a little antagonistic. Also the idiot, pea brain, and brainwashing comments. This guy can READ MIINDS too. I mean wow that is fantastic he should be in Vegas right now playing a high limit game of texas holdem.
    A question though, he seemed quite proud his mother was a journalist and activist, then he quotes Bill Moyer and something about propaganda. Do you think this guy considers what his mother did, being at the same time a journalist and activist, propaganda?

  170. What is your idea of a journalist Mr. Puke? Name one you respect?

    The job of a journalist is to expose hidden truth. Apparently from your perspective when that truth reveals something incriminating against the Bushies you worship, your minimal intellectual skills lead you to write them off as liars.


    “They can not just “sign” up minors in high schools.”

    Your reading retention skills are inadequate. I never said anything about minors being signed up in high school. I said that the majority of high schoolers are minors so most of those affected by the presence of recruiters are minors.

    W O U L D I T H E L P Y O U I F I T Y P E D M O R E S L O W L Y ?


    How about this for the affects of propaganda:

    Do you believe there were significant connections between Iraq and Al Qaeda before the invasion and occupation of Iraq?

    Do you believe Iraq had WMDs before the invasion and occupation of Iraq?

    Do you believe Saddaam had anything to do with 9/11?

    Do you believe Iran is building a nuclear weapons program?

    Just checking to see if you live in reality.

  171. Oh, and one more thing Mikael – I was a recruiter for three years. I don’t think you can find one person who will tell you that I lied to them. In fact, if I had I would have been under investigation. And as far as being children – if you knew anything about recruiting, you would know that if the person is under 18 than the parents have to sign the request for enlistment with them. And the recruiter does not sell JOBS – he sells the service. The enlistee picks the job they want and are qualified for at the MEPPS. The Recruiter has nothing to do with the job they select because the recruiter is not with them at the MEPPS. Learn the facts before you make a bigger fool out of yourself.

  172. mikael – you are the man. When Pelosi takes over then things will really turn around. Gay parades every day, abortion stores on every corner, no guns, no smoking, universal health care, day care, mandatory pre school, disband the military and boy scouts, and make any criticism of the government a hate crime. That’s the first 30 days. After that we can burn bibles and start reading the Koran because we’ll be turning over the country to the towelheads before the next election. Only good news is that you and your ilk will be the first heads to roll. Happy new year.

  173. “I am a smart person. In fact, I have tested as borderline between Highly Intelligent and Genius. I tested out of the 96th percentile out of high school”

    BFD. Good for you. Yippe-wazooo.

    My biggest criticism of liberals is how often they insist on discussing their intellect.

    Stupid is as stupid does — your high school tests don’t mean anything. Hell, I scored in the 98th percentile, and I think you’re a whack job. Add those apples up, how do you like ’em?

    “I just recognize your baseless antagonism as a waste of time to engage for the most part.”

    And yet you take the time to tell us all why you aren’t taking the time to respond.

    Face it – if Bush could be impeached, he would have been, by now. Then again, the Congressmen calling for the impeachment are ensconced in their own levels of corruption and tom-foolery. Phpt.

    There’s no issue here other than some serious denial of reality.

    Based on a purely democratic viewpoint, you folks are out-voted on your own site. That’s the result of common sense — not the result of some capitalist, military-industrial complex conspiracy.

    Take a deep breath. Grab a beer. Sit down and just ride it out. It’s almost over. Not only will you be fine when it’s all said and done, you’ll be safer. Whether you want to be, or not.

  174. If you have to say your smart you are probably not. You also say I am antogonistic… So your words are completely benign then I guess? saying I have a pea brain and I am brainwashed those are just compliments.

  175. Mikael – I make a statement and you sure do read alot into it. I asked you to define what service to the people meant to you. I don’t think I was tooting my horn about anything but I can make one statement – and I guess you will find fault with this also – It is because of people like me (and yes, your relatives) that you have the right and freedom to criticize myself and others. And please, tell me that you would be writing the same things you are writing if you were living in Iraq under Suddam and calling for his impeachment because of his torture chambers and rape rooms. There is no way in hell you would so that tells me something about your moral fiber. E4Puke – thank you for saying what you said and thank you for your service. Unfortunately Mikael will never be able to understand how we feel about things because he has never experienced any of it. He would rather hide behind his keyboard.

  176. Hahahahhahh. You quote Bill Moyers that is funny. He is not a journalist he is an activist look at some of his quotes for god sakes. If you want to find out what a journalist should do go look up the tenents of journalism not quote Bill f@cking Moyer who I think we can both agree is far to the left.
    Your opinion of recruiters is naive. The recruiter does not “sign” people up. They have to do that at MEPPS. That is where they find out what MOS’s are available and such. Which means they have to make an active choice to go with the recruiter to a hotel, then spend take the ASVAB and spend an entire day doing a physical. They can not just “sign” up minors in high schools.

    So what your saying it seems to me is that just the presence of someone in uniform at a high school is not only a lie but propaganda? You seem to have the opinion that these people in high school, lets just call them retards since you seem to think anyone that does join up is retarded, can not look up on the internet well known facts about the US Military? I am putting question marks up because I can not read your mind, that is only a power you have. I am drawing conclusions based on your responses, which seem to me to have a total disregard for anyone that signs up, we are all victims of propaganda and lies hence your use of the word “affected” when speaking of minors in high schools that allow recruiters. I am taking a wild guess that you oppose this? Again I can not read your mind so please answer.

    You also say I can not recognize truth…..? So “truth” is now your opinion I guess? Since I have a different opinion than you then I am “hard-wired to propaganda” or “You are completely brainwashed” or I have a “tiny little kumquat of a brain”. Wow holding opinions like that must make it ridiculously easy to dismiss any information that doesn’t hold up to your worldview.

  177. Mr. Puke,

    I am a smart person. In fact, I have tested as borderline between Highly Intelligent and Genius. I tested out of the 96th percentile out of high school.

    I just recognize your baseless antagonism as a waste of time to engage for the most part.

    I may get around to responding to your bile-filled rant, but I have to water the cats and pluck the lint out of my belly button first. Important stuff, you know.

  178. For your information Mr. Puke…

    The vast majority of high schoolers are minors… ergo sum… the vast majority of those affected by the presence of military recruiters in high schools are minors. Is that tough for you to figure out?

    So your point would be that military recruiters DON’T lie to potential recruits? That is incredibly naive of you. How many people do you know who have joined the armed forces? Of those. What percentage got to do what they were told they would get to do by their recruiters?

    C’mon… at least pretend you are basing your challenges and claims on reality.

    “Is there any difference between journalists and activists anymore anyway?”

    Embarrassingly ridiculous statement. You are completely brainwashed. Gone. In your teeny tiny little kumquat of a brain, you assume journalists lie. There aren’t many journalist alive today, but by definition:

    “Journalism is the act of making public what someone wants to remain private. The rest is propaganda.” ~ Bill Moyers

    You, Mr. Puke, are hard-wired to propaganda and therefore incapable of recognizing truth.

  179. Anything intelligent to say? Great one from someone who keeps pointing for people to activily reject this guys claims. You just dismiss my opinion and rejection of this right away. Good job, I guess you can add hypocrite to mind reader as skills you enjoy. I bet you actually think you are a smart person.

  180. What is amazing is how the left wing kooks think this deserves real debate and discussion…

    [Actually more than 3/4s of the comments on this post are from radical fascists (supporters of BushCheneyCo). ]

  181. Here is another great pull quote from you

    believe that it is – especially during this time of trumped up jingoism and false reasons to justify sending soldiers overseas to risk their lives protecting the assets secured by the oil barons and their private armies. They can come to job fairs like everyone else. I also believe that peace activists deserve equal time to the chronic liars (many, hopefully not most) that work for the military and deceive minors in high school. Military recruiters should sign their names personally to their promises and when found to have misled young people they should be arrested and jailed for child abuse.

    Point 1 you just accused military personell of lying, please feel free to back that up with any sort of fact at any time. Anyone signing up now if they have half a braincell knows they are probably going to serve a tour overseas, it is what we sign up for actually. It is in the f@ckin job description. Then at the end you say they should be jailed for child abuse. Anyone signing up is not a “child” they have to be 18 buddy. The evil “Bush and Cheney” are not sending peoples “sons and daughters” over to Iraq, they are sending armed adults in uniform who know full well wtf they are doing.

    Point 2 Another pull quote
    My mother was a journalist and an activist. Her contributions to this nation were just as important and just as valid.

    Journalist and activist? I am wondering two things, did she disclose her “activism” or was that left up to the reader to find out? Is there any difference between journalists and activists anymore anyway? I am left wondering how can someone even be a “journalist” and an activist at the same time, a journalist is supposed to be objective not spew their own activism out on paper in disguise as journalism. I guess you and her obviously have no moral qualms with lying, something you accuse recruiters of doing, and disguising activism as journalism.

  182. I love number 15 this is laughable.

    15. condoned criminal conduct and obstructed justice by commuting the sentence of convicted
    perjurer Scooter Libby to keep him silent and to demonstrate that Bush and Cheney will not
    allow high officials in the administration to be held accountable for their criminal acts;

    So you basically take your own opinions and give motives to what the evil “Bush and Cheney” do. Wow so I guess mind reading one of your many talents? And by the way commuting and pardoning is a power the President has that cannot be challenged. The last president before him did alot of that and noone could do a thing since it was not illegal in any way shape or form.
    This one is retarded too and really deserves no comment

    4. killed over 3700 American soldiers and severely wounded nearly 30,000 more in the pursuit of
    an illegal, immoral, and unjust occupation of Iraq. While Bush and Cheney have stated no
    truthful noble cause for the war, one of the central purposes appears to be to take control of Iraq’s
    immense oil reserves to financially benefit private corporate interests. See Bush’s benchmark
    listing fact sheet released the same day Bush announced the “surge” that expressly called on the
    Iraq parliament to “enact hydrocarbons law to promote investment . . . ”

    The war for oil mantra again. By the way buddy the evil “Bush and Cheney” did not kill 3700 soldiers those were the enemy doing the killing. You can pop up some friendly videos of theirs on youtube if you care. They are the ones chanting alo akbar while they detonate an IED. Sorry though do not let me get in the way of your fairy tale world where “Bush and Cheney” are your War on Terror and not the actual enemies of this country which attacked us you may have forgot.

    Number 7 …. I am not going to cut and paste it but if you actually go and read the Geneva Convention it does not apply to combatants not in uniform or who use churches as supply depos or in military activities. Here let me repeat that IT DOES NOT APPLY TO COMBATANTS NOT IN UNIFORM. The evil “Bush and Cheney” did not make that up, and it is a pretty big leap of intuition of you to say that they “set the stage” for torture, I am guessing Abu Gharib. Well you do seem to be able to read “Bush and Cheneys” minds so go ahead.

    Number 1 deliberately misled the nation and doctored intelligence, as described in the Downing Street minutes about the threat from Iraq in order to
    justify a war of aggression and an occupation of Iraq, as further described in House resolution H.

    As you should know first off “Bush and Cheney” do not make up intelligence estimates, that is done by intelligence agencies, and sometimes they match or do not match policy preferences by the commander in chief. If you want to say that “Bush and Cheney” “hyped” the threat well then you need to go back and arrest the last 2 presidents as well and half the idiots running for office since they said the same things “Bush and Cheney” said and voted for the war too. I bet you have some little comeback for that blaming “Bush and Cheney” for their votes.

    Number 2 and 3….In number 2 you say that the a violation of the UN charter is grounds for impeachment…..Uh no look at the constitution it says nothing about the UN. The UN was founded actually over a hundred years after the constitution. Number 3 you say the the United States is responsible for murdering hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians. I have heard this claim on TV and on the internet alot and it really pisses me off. Ok “Bush and Cheney” would not be doing the killing, military personell like myself would be. So you are basically calling me a f@cking murderer when you say that. I DID NOT KILL ANY IRAQI CIVILIANS. Yes and people wonder why they get their patriotism questioned.

    In closing F@ck You, nothing I can say will change your preconcieved opinions, since you obviously can read “Bush and Cheneys” minds. You give them motives, and then damn them for the motives you ascribe to them. If you didn’t know that is an actual mental disorder. Look it up.

    In one of your posts you describe anyone that defends “Bush and Cheney” as facists and brown shirts. You also ranted against some evil corporations which in your demented little mind I am sure are all fat white guys sitting around smoking cigars and murdering puppies. Then you call anyone defending them a “non-thinker” Uh I have heard everything you have said mouthed much more eloquently on 50 leftwing blogs and on television. By celebrities, media moguls, and even by singers and such on MTV. Saying and believing that the evil “Bush and Cheney” are psychopaths with the worst motives possible for every action is a new fad. So that would probably make you the non-thinker. Nice going though working in your hate for other right wing figures such as Rush, Hannity, and Orielly. They must have evil motives in your mind too huh? Probably they like to choke kittens while having a direct oil pipeline to Iraq pump into their house. The actual facist would be you buddy, you give your political opponents evil motives and damn them as evil. That is what facists do. Then since their opposition is “evil” anything they do to defeat them is morally correct. I am sure when the next republican president, whenever that is, comes along you will hate him too since he will be a facist tool of some evil corporation bent on global domination.

  183. RE: #42:

    “… take ROTC out of their high schools and ban military recruiters? Is that in the best interests of the people?”

    I believe that it is – especially during this time of trumped up jingoism and false reasons to justify sending soldiers overseas to risk their lives protecting the assets secured by the oil barons and their private armies. They can come to job fairs like everyone else. I also believe that peace activists deserve equal time to the chronic liars (many, hopefully not most) that work for the military and deceive minors in high school. Military recruiters should sign their names personally to their promises and when found to have misled young people they should be arrested and jailed for child abuse.

    And Bill… please… do you really think that being in the military is the only way to serve the country? Aren’t teachers serving the country? Aren’t activists promoting the restoration of the Constitution serving our country? Or don’t you believe the U.S. Constitution is worth protecting and restoring?

    I’m all happy and warm inside as you toot your own horn and try to impress everyone with your chosen career. I am a son of the American Revolution. My father was in the Phillipines waiting for the invasion of Japan when WW II ended. My great Uncle Jim retired a Lieutenant Colonel after fighting in WWi, WWII and Korea. Big f***ing deal. My father for one was intelligent enough to get his Masters Degree at Princeton on the G.I. Bill back when the U.S. Government honored and actually took care of veterans. He served his community and his country for the next 50 years – but didn’t try to impress people with his veteran status. In fact, he rarely brought it up. You could learn from him.

    My mother was a journalist and an activist. Her contributions to this nation were just as important and just as valid.

    Don’t try to play all high and mighty with your line of work. It just doesn’t justify or strengthen your positions.

    Try formulating an actual rebuttal of the claims made by Mr. Daims and the claims of the National Lawyers Guild or the claims on the evidence page of this website if you can.

    If you can’t, just give up and get off your porcelain soapbox. It is embarrassing that you cannot debate these issues on their merits.

  184. Mikael – #43 – thank you. It was not meant as a criticism. What is it with you and the word criticism. Don’t you recognize an observation when you see one. Isn’t that what you did – cut and paste? If that is what you did than it is a “fact” not a criticism. But then, I really don’t think you recognize facts (now that is criticism).

  185. Oh, and Bill,

    “while you were cutting and pasting”

    Another criticism?

    Somebody has to do your research for you. Allow me. It is my privilege to educate the uninformed and digitally lobotomized.

  186. Mikael – Please tell me what “…in the service of the people” means to you? I served the people of the United States for 24 years, 10 months and 29 days.
    I am also smart enough to figure out that if you were a Republican we would not be having this discussion right now. (Did you call for Clinton to be impeached when he sent cruise missiles into Iraq?) (Did you call for Clinton to be impeached when, as Commander-in-Chief he violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice by committing adultery?) Of course you didn’t.
    And I don’t believe that I made a complaint about San Francisco – I just made an observation. Most of the decisions and actions of the elected officials of San Francisco are exactly the opposite of what I believe are in the best interests of the majority of Americans. Of course, that is only my opinion – you are free to believe what you want to belive. Or are you one of the people who believe that we should not have a standing military? Didn’t the elected officials in San Francisco try to take ROTC out of their high schools and ban military recruiters? Is that in the best interests of the people?

  187. Apparently it has never occurred to the Che worshippers and other anti-American leftist dolts that their comments and actions would quickly land them in prison (or worse) if they lived under the type of government they so rabidly worship. Thak God we have a real man in charge, so the wingnuts are free to spout their drivel. The left simply cannot be entrusted with the security of the country, as their three candidates to replace W so ably prove.

  188. Well when people from San Fran seem to all be truthers, socialsts, and communists there are reasons to complain about them. Also their elected officials complete disdain for the military, well documented if you care to look it up, and events such as the Folsen Street Fair. San Francisco deserves the nations scorn. Vermont for electing the socialist Berny Sanders deserves some too. Oh yeah and Mikael by your post number 36 I take it you supported Impeaching Bill Clinton due to his crimes then too huh?

  189. Bill,

    “…in the service of the people”

    What a novel concept. Apparently something you either don’t support of don’t understand.

    And BTW, the congressional district that encompasses San Francisco is the single most active district in the nation in terms of contacting their members of Congress. Is your complaint about San Francisco that there are too many gays there or that there is too much ethnic diversity?

  190. Mikael- while you were cutting and pasting comment #36 you left out the mission statement on the National Lawyers Guild homepage:

    The National Lawyers Guild is dedicated to the need for basic and progressive change in the structure of our political and economic system. Through its members–lawyers, law students, jailhouse lawyers and legal workers united in chapters and committees–the Guild works locally, nationally and internationally as an effective political and social force in the service of the people

    Jailhouse lawyers? Why does it not surprise me that their headquarters is in San Francisco? Enough said.

  191. #17:

    “When the VP is removed, the President appoints a new VP, who needs to be confirmed by a simple majority of both houses. So you get rid of Cheney, and then Bush appoints Newt Gingrich, John Bolton or (hahaha) Karl Rove as VP”

    Your logic crumbles to dust at this point. the chances of criminals like Gingrich, Bolton (who couldn’t even get confirmed to head the UN, thank God) or especially Rove are slightly less than nil.

    The rest is pointless.

  192. International Courts can convict war criminals in absentia and call for their arrest upon arriving at participating countries.

    Henry Kissinger cannot travel to a number of countries as he has been convicted in International Courts. Charges are pending right now against Donald Rumsfeld. These convictions do not have to wait until end of Bush and Cheney’s terms.

  193. For those who are capable of reading and writing more than monosyllabic insults, try the National Lawyers Guild Impeachment Resolution:

    Resolution on Impeachment of Bush and Cheney

    Whereas George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney:

    1. deliberately misled the nation and doctored intelligence, as described in the Downing Street
    minutes, about the threat from Iraq in order to
    justify a war of aggression and an occupation of Iraq, as further described in House resolution H.
    Res. 333
    and as listed in House Resolution H. Res. 635

    2. committed crimes against peace by initiating war against Iraq in violation of the UN Charter;

    3. committed crimes against humanity in their conduct of the occupation of Iraq in which they
    killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and created millions of
    refugees,,1892888,00.html and

    4. killed over 3700 American soldiers and severely wounded nearly 30,000 more in the pursuit of
    an illegal, immoral, and unjust occupation of Iraq. While Bush and Cheney have stated no
    truthful noble cause for the war, one of the central purposes appears to be to take control of Iraq’s
    immense oil reserves to financially benefit private corporate interests. See Bush’s benchmark
    listing fact sheet released the same day Bush announced the “surge” that expressly called on the
    Iraq parliament to “enact hydrocarbons law to promote investment . . . ”
    3.html and;

    5. committed further crimes against peace by threatening Iran in violation of the UN Charter, as
    described in House resolution H. Res. 333
    bin/query/z?c110:H.RES.333: and;

    6. detained thousands of prisoners without charges and without providing the ability to confront
    their accusers at a fair trial

    7. condoned the torture of prisoners in violation of the Geneva Conventions, the US anti-torture
    statute of 1994, the US War Crimes Act of 1996, and the oath of
    office and and
    Bush’s refusal to faithfully execute the laws prohibiting torture and his declaration on February 7,
    2002 that the Geneva Conventions did not apply to prisoners in Afghanistan and in Guantanamo
    set the stage for torture there The Rumsfeld approved
    Guantanamo torture techniques were then imported to Iraq in August 2003, where the
    International Committee of the Red Cross found “systemic” mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners in
    several facilities and where the Schlesinger Report confirmed in August 2004 that abuses were
    “widespread” and “serious both in number and in effect,” and that there is both “institutional and
    personal responsibility at higher levels;”

    8. approved at least two different illegal electronic surveillance programs of American citizens
    without a warrant in violation of the fourth amendment and in violation of the Foreign
    Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, and repeatedly lied to the American people by stating that
    no surveillance was taking place without a court order. The first program includes intercepting
    phone and email conversations without warrants and was exposed by the NY Times on December
    16, 2005 After that program
    was exposed Bush said the program was carefully targeted to just include international calls and
    suspected members of Al Qaeda. Then, the second program was exposed by USA Today on May
    11, 2006. It provides a wholesale attack on the fourth amendment by recording call identification
    information of tens of millions of purely domestic calls as well as international calls;

    9. attacked basic human rights protections in the constitution including habeas corpus, fifth
    amendment freedom from loss of life, liberty and property without due process of law, eighth
    amendment freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, and fourth amendment freedom from
    unreasonable search and seizure;

    10. attacked the separation of powers in an effort to consolidate power in the executive;

    11. attacked the messenger who revealed that Bush “twisted” intelligence “to exaggerate the Iraqi
    threat.” Just as Nixon retaliated against former Pentagon analyst Daniel Ellsberg, according to papers filed in court by special
    prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald in April 2006, there was “concerted action” by “multiple people in
    the White House” to “discredit, punish or seek revenge against” former Ambassador Joseph
    Wilson for his July 6, 2003 NY Times op ed piece
    dec0&ei=5007 that ripped the cover off of Bush’s false assertions in his 2003 state of the union
    address that Iraq was trying to buy uranium from Africa for building a nuclear bomb. In
    retaliation, and to silence other would-be critics, the White House collected information about
    Wilson and disclosed to reporters that his wife, Valerie Plame, was a covert agent in the CIA
    counterinsurgency division, putting her life, and the lives of her contacts, at risk in violation of a
    US law protecting intelligence personnel (The Impeachment of George W. Bush, by Elizabeth

    12. as the sole person under the Federal Stafford Act with responsibility and authority to issue
    emergency orders to mobilize the military and any federal resources needed to aid and assist in a
    disaster (see Failure of Initiative, February 2006 report of the House Select Bipartisan
    Committee to investigate the Preparations for and the Response to Hurricane Katrina, Bush failed to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, violated
    the public trust, and demonstrated reckless and inexcusable indifference to human life before,
    during and after Hurricane Katrina. Bush knew but did not act until too late, and then he lied
    about it on national TV. Footage and transcripts from briefings Aug. 25-31 demonstrate that
    Bush was personally told well in advance of the “unprecedented strength” of the hurricane, the
    “devastating damage expected,” and that “water shortages will make human suffering
    incredible,” according to highly accurate predictions by the National Weather Service. The
    Associated Press reported that “in dramatic and sometimes agonizing terms, federal disaster
    officials warned President Bush and his homeland security chief before Hurricane Katrina struck
    that the storm could breach levees, put lives at risk in New Orleans’ Superdome and overwhelm
    rescuers, according to confidential video footage,”
    bin/artman/exec/view.cgi/47/18079. Yet Bush failed to muster resources to evacuate residents in
    advance and failed to assist New Orleans residents after Hurricane Katrina hit. Then three days
    later Bush told Good Morning America, “I don’t think that anybody anticipated a breach of the
    dyn/content/article/2006/03/02/AR2006030202130.html In years before the storm
    Bush demonstrated inexcusable criminal negligence and violated the public trust by cutting the
    budget for hurricane defense, though the high probability of the breaching of the levees and the
    enormous risk to human life from a major hurricane hitting New Orleans were predicted and well
    known for years before the hurricane hit;

    13. failed to take care that the laws be faithfully executed by issuing signing statements
    that claim the authority to disobey laws based on the president’s own interpretation of their
    constitutionality, and then by taking action in violation of these laws, including the US law
    making torture a crime, laws regarding Congressional oversight that require providing
    information to Congress, laws regarding domestic spying, laws regarding civil liberties, and laws
    strengthening whistle blower protection, thereby expanding the president’s own power by
    stepping into the legislative and judicial functions at the expense of Congress and the
    courts, upsetting the balance among the three branches of government, and moving us away from
    the rule of law toward vastly increased executive
    aws/ and;

    14. converted the Justice Department into an arm of the Republican Party by firing meritorious
    federal prosecutors who refused to base decisions on whom to prosecute on political
    considerations–to help Republicans win election, an offense James Madison discussed in a
    speech to the Senate on June 17, 1789, in which Madison said, “The danger then consists merely in
    this, the president can displace from office a man whose merits require that he should be continued in it.
    What will be the motives which the president can feel for such abuse of his power, and the restraints that
    operate to prevent it? In the first place, he will be impeachable by this house, before the senate, for such
    an act of mal-administration; for I contend that the wanton removal of meritorious officers would subject
    him to impeachment and removal from his own high

    15. condoned criminal conduct and obstructed justice by commuting the sentence of convicted
    perjurer Scooter Libby to keep him silent and to demonstrate that Bush and Cheney will not
    allow high officials in the administration to be held accountable for their criminal acts;

    16. obstructed congressional investigations of these and other acts by the administration by
    defying subpoenas from Senate and House committees seeking documents and testimony under
    oath by administration officials and former administration officials; and

    Whereas the constitution requires the president to take the following oath of office: “I do
    solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States, and
    will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States;”

    Whereas the constitution provides that the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully
    executed;” and

    Whereas the constitution mandates that “the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of
    the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of,
    Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors;” and

    Whereas impeachment was so important to our founding fathers that it is mentioned six times in
    five different sections of the constitution; and

    Whereas George Mason, a primary author of the Constitution, said that impeachment was the
    single most important part of the entire document. “Shall any man be above Justice? Above all
    shall that man be above it who can commit the most extensive injustice?” July 20, 1787; and

    Whereas “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” is a term of art that means a serious abuse of power,
    whether or not it is also a crime, that endangers our constitutional system of government, or an
    abuse of public trust. (See Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment: Report of the House
    Judiciary Committee, 1974,
    srv/politics/special/clinton/stories/watergatedoc_3.htm, articles by Elizabeth Holzman who
    served on the House Judiciary Committee during the impeachment hearings of Richard Nixon in
    1974; and, and the book, The
    Impeachment of George W. Bush, by Elizabeth Holtzman)

    Whereas each of the above listed acts meets or exceeds that standard; and

    Whereas impeachment is the only constitutional method to protect Americans from a president
    intent on abusing power, violating the constitution, violating the laws, and breaching public trust;

    Whereas Bush and Cheney threaten further crimes, including launching a war of aggression
    against Iran, and whereas sufficient time remains in their term of office for them to commit those
    crimes so allowing either or both of them to remain in office for that remaining time will
    facilitate these crimes, and whereas pretexts for attacking Iran have been issued, as described by
    a former CIA Middle East field officer and current Time Magazine columnist,8816,1654188,00.html; and

    Whereas failing to hold Bush and Cheney accountable not only condones their crimes but
    facilitates a future president committing similar or greater crimes; and

    Whereas members of Congress swear an oath to “support and defend the constitution of the
    United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” and no part of this oath permits
    exception for partisan advantage, the next election, political expediency, whether it is distracting
    from other issues, or how much time they have left in office; and

    Whereas failure by Congress to initiate the one remedy–impeachment–provided by our
    founding fathers to protect the constitution from such serious abuses has put that constitution, the
    rule of law, civil liberties, our democratic form of government, the separation of powers, the
    lives of our men and women in uniform, and the lives of countless civilians at severe risk; and

    Whereas citizen pressure led the Vermont State Senate and 87 cities and towns around the
    nation to pass impeachment resolutions; and

    Whereas a poll conducted by on July 5, 2007 found that
    54% of American adults want the US House of Representatives to begin impeachment
    proceedings against Vice President Dick Cheney while only 40% oppose, and whereas the poll
    also found that 45% are in favor of the same thing for President George W. Bush while 46%
    oppose; and

    Whereas in view Congress’ ongoing complicity with the war, the torture, the lies, the warrantless
    wiretapping, and the imprisonment without trial, and its failure to protect rights and civil
    liberties, it is up to the people themselves to defend the constitution and our civil liberties by
    building larger grassroots movements, including a movement for impeachment;

    Therefore be it resolved that the National Lawyers Guild calls upon the U.S. House of
    Representatives to immediately initiate impeachment proceedings, to investigate the charges, and
    if the investigation supports the charges, to vote to impeach George W. Bush and Richard B.
    Cheney as provided in the Constitution of the United States of America; and

    Be it further resolved that the National Lawyers Guild will establish an NLG Impeachment
    Committee open to all members to coordinate action by the NLG in support of impeachment, to
    work with national and grassroots impeachment organizations, and to provide legal assistance for
    those efforts to strengthen the national campaign for impeachment; and

    Be it further resolved that the NLG Impeachment Committee will help organize and coordinate
    events at the local, state, and national level to build public participation in the campaign to
    initiate impeachment investigation, impeachment, and removal of Bush and Cheney from office
    without further delay; and

    Be it further resolved that the National Lawyers Guild calls on NLG members to ask their
    respective member of Congress to support H. Res. 333 to impeach Cheney and to introduce or
    support other impeachment resolutions; and

    Be it further resolved that the National Lawyers Guild calls on all other state and national bar
    associations, state and local government bodies, community organizations, labor unions, and all
    other citizen associations to adopt similar resolutions and to use all their resources to build the
    campaign demanding that Congress initiate impeachment investigation, impeach, and remove
    Bush and Cheney from office without further delay; and

    Be it further resolved that the National Lawyers Guild will forward a copy of this resolution to
    the Speaker and the Clerk of the US House of Representatives, to Representative John Conyers,
    Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, to the various state and federal bar associations, to
    other peace and justice organizations, and to the news media.

    Implementation: By the NLG Impeachment Committee established by this resolution, by
    interested local chapters, and by national officers.

    Submitted by: James Marc Leas, [email protected]

    The resolution cosponsors are:
    Audrey Bomse, Marjorie Cohn, Laura Safer Espinoza, John Wheat Gibson , Eileen Hansen,
    Larry Hildes, Jim Klimaski, Jordan Kushner, Jim Lafferty, James Marc Leas, Kerry McLean,
    Bill Monning, Dorinda Moreno, Michael Ratner, Susan Scott, Jennifer Van Bergen, Aaron
    Varhola, Karen Weill

  194. Notice the Che hat; notice the resemblance to Castro. Notice how radical 60s leftism rots the human brain. Notice, again, the utter lack of historical knowledge of American history. Notice, too, that Kurt is a half-baked loser, and as President Harry Truman once wrote to “The Washington Post” music critic, Paul Hume: “you are a eight ulcer man on four ulcer pay.” Mr. Truman could be speaking about Kurt Daims today. This is a perfect example of why Vermont is a laughing stock to the majority of the American people. Oh, and I would like to see the local police try and get through the U.S. Secret Service and FBI to put handcuffs on the President of the United States. That would be a great YouTube moment. Kurt Daims is a fool.

  195. #24 – I went to the website you linked. Might be nice if whoever wasted their time putting it together included all of the facts and not just the ones to meet their agenda. And why waste time trying to defend something when there has been no offense committed? (Read #23 comment and rebutt that, please!) The only rebuttal to that comment is that Bush has not committed any crimes or that Pelosi is incompetent – it has to be one or the other.
    #23 – What you are saying is common sense. Haven’t you learned by now that Bush haters and Bush bashers don’t use common sense when formulating an opinion?
    #17 – Since the Bush haters claim that he “stole” the 2000 election than he has only been officially elected one time. That means he can run and be elected a second time according to law. Shall we start a “Draft Bush” rally cry? Since it’s raining here today I have nothing better to do.

  196. All this “arrest” attitude shows is now riled up people are getting about the Bush / Chaney administration. Those two criminals will never have a reason to come there so arrest is a moot point! I commend their conviction though.

    AL K.

  197. To Professors Mikael and Jodin,
    I’m not sure if “the brain-trust” of the left has figured this one out yet:

    The Constitution gives immunity to the sitting President from indictment or criminal prosecution.

    Are Daims and his brain-washed followers aware of this little legal glitch? Probably.
    Looks like just another liberal propoganda stunt.

  198. Impeach for Peace? Are you going to impeach OBL too? Every published report on both Iraq and 9/11 have told you that the president has broken no laws. Why in the hell do you nut-sacks continue with this crap…better yet why does the MSM actually listen to your drivel?


  200. Jim, good point. You have all these morons whining and complaining that they want the President impeached when there have been no crimes committed to be impeached for.

  201. Well, Mikael, it seems like you’re asking us to take your man Daims seriously. Which we can’t. He’s a buffoon.

    Well, so are you, so I suppose that’s why you want us to engage in a lengthy debate which would only cause your psyche to be raised higher on your own pedestal.

    I’d like to know, exactly, what war crimes Bush is guilty of. Since, you know, he hasn’t murdered civilians, rounded up his countymen for gas tests, placed anybody in concentration camps, or bombed any hospitals.

    You know, communist pastimes.

    Ye naive punks.

  202. Hey Mikeal :

    Can you name a crime that the President has committed?

    If there was one, don’t you think the brains helping Pelosi would have impeached someone by now?!!!

  203. What a coincidence… a barrage of moronic one-liners from the fascists in support of CheneyBushCorp. – all in the course of about 2 hours.

    Do any of you ever really just stop and consider what you are supporting, other than fascism and corporate control of our government?

    Of course not… Rush, Hannity and O’Reilly told you what to think and like the loyalist brown-shirts you are, you saluted and marched out regurgitating nonsense you don’t even understand yourselves enough to use it to debate the legitimate charges against the Bush Crime Family and their cronies.

    What a bunch of pathetic non-thinkers.


  204. Silly man in a silly red beanie. Red becomes you by the way. As Rodney Dangerfield would say,”It looks good on you hehehe.” What will you guys do with yourselves when GW goes away in 08? Who will you rant against with such joy? Maybe you guys should have a field trip for your silly little band, and go, personally, to put the cuffs on him and his “evil” henchman.
    “…as radical as the Declaration of Independence”???? For a second there, I thought I was reading the Onion. I’m still laughing though. And by the way, who’s your barber? Trotsky? Che?

  205. Hilarious!

    18 comments and not one actual rebuttal of Mr. Daims’ claims and charges.

    No wonder we find ourselves in the dire straights we are in with an electorate that chooses who they favor by what kind of hat they wear and have absolutely no idea what the Constitution is and why it is worth defending.

    Nice to have so many visits all at once from so many Bushie trolls, however. Thanks for visiting! Drop by any time!

  206. Let me get this straight:

    The plan is to impeach (and remove, I assume) VP Cheney first, then President Bush?

    When the VP is removed, the President appoints a new VP, who needs to be confirmed by a simple majority of both houses. So you get rid of Cheney, and then Bush appoints Newt Gingrich, John Bolton or (hahaha) Karl Rove as VP. Fearing charges of a partisan coup, one “D” (well, one “I”) in the senate and a handful in the House vote to confirm.
    Bush resigns.
    President Rove appoints Newt as VP.
    They, of course, become our nominees for ’08 and win 57/43.
    John (and the Mustache of Doom) gets SecState, and a really big stick to use at the State dept.
    You guys can fill out the rest of the dream team yourselves.

    Great plan! Where do I sign up?

  207. mikael,
    what part of NUT don’t you understand? merriam-webster= a foolish, eccentric, or crazy person.

  208. How does a 54-year old machinist retire? Any bets he is getting a government check of some kind each month. Got to keep those Democrats in power!!!! Buying votes by raising my taxes and giving my money away. And, Mikael, I agree with you – that is a fantastic comment by John. Concise and to the point.

  209. On John’s behalf, I apologize for his curt remark. It was obviously made in haste, and didn’t fully express his sentiment.
    How about ‘goofball’?

  210. Spoiled rotten children who don’t get there way through the democratic process act in such a manner. It is your constitutional right to act like children having a tantrum and I thank God we have young men in Iraq and Afghanistan who understand that democracy and freedom must be agrresively defended so that adults in arrested development can enjoy the convenience of playing impeachment games in cozy Vermont ski lodges. I would find it enlightening for you to engage in oppositional activities in the heart of Tehran, or how about standing next to former prime minister Bhutto a few days ago?
    Have fun with your playground activities. The rest of us will support the troops and support new found freedom in Afghanistan and Iraq. Thanks for the laugh.

  211. Anyone who is happy with this administration is either as twisted as they are, getting rich from this phony war on terror, or simply not paying attention. These guys should have been impeached years ago.

  212. Oh, and someone needs to inform this nimrod that the Beat-nick look went out back in the early 50’s… What a clown-posse…

  213. “Nit-wit” seems fitting for this clown. Like these yahoo’s could do anything with all the Secret Service that surrounds any presidential motorcade. What a bunch of communist morons. Ass hats, one and all.

  214. Obviously someone put too much LSD in the local water supply. The wild eyed guy in the red beanie looks like he is cruising for aging hippies with nipples at the belly button level.

    Maybe the Holstein Association should consider moving its headquarters to an American town.

  215. Idiot… and good for John… no further grand wisdom needed. The stupidity of this site and this proposal speak for themselves.

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