America! If You Will Not Impeach This Tyrant,
Who Will You Impeach?


The Smirking Chimp

by Sherwood Ross | Feb 14 2007
If you, my fellow Americans, will not demand the impeachment of the worst president in American history, a man who is a traitor to our Constitution, an instigator of unjust wars, a destroyer of worlds, a strutting global tyrant, and a threat to the very survival of human life on this planet, who will you impeach?

This George W. Bush, this wastrel, this smirking twister of truth, this volcano of lies, this heinous torturer, this killer of innocents, this Thief-of-Baghdad, this mass murderer, this open sewer of aggressive militarism, in short, this blot on the very name of America, must be compelled by Congress and the American People to answer for his alleged and apparent crimes.



  1. Nancy Pelosi has forgot who she works for, she works for WE THE PEOPLE. Her EGO has gotten in the way of her doing the right thing. It’s like I have been saying “that nothing is going to change because the Dems are controled by the same big businesses that controls the Reps.” If John feels that King George II is doing such a good job than join the ARMED FORCES & go to Iraq & see for himself.

  2. The best explanation I’ve heard is that the Democrats have gotten ‘learned helplessness’ over the past 6 years, from being bullied by the Republicans, called unpatriotic, traitors, whatever. But having said that, I’ve heard of at least one impeachment bill / motion being submitted. I don’t think the Dems have the votes for it though. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Repubs join in though, if GW attacks Iran.

  3. John,

    Nancy Pelosi is well aware of the impeachable offenses of the President. What she is doing is playing politics by taking Justice for their crimes “off the table”. We at do not think that is her perogative and we are in the process of letting her know that.

    She works for us. We the People demand Justice and open, honest governance.

    If you have any questions about the impeachable offenses, go to and investigate for yourself. If you can read through all of the evidence shown on this site and still not see why this pResident is a criminal that must be removed from office immediately, please feel free to respond and tell us why what we are saying is specifically not true. This is an open forum and we encourage debate and discussion.

    Thank you for your comment.

    Mikael Rudolph
    [email protected]

  4. Well John, the evidence is in plain sight for anyone who cares to see it.
    The problem isn’t with compiling proof. The problem has been pulling enough courage together to do the job.
    Should those who would seek to impeach fail, they too would become targets.
    I wouldn’t try to impeach until I knew I wouldn’t fail.

  5. If you have proof and anything more than your opinions of the man on these grounds I’m sure Pelosi would like to see it.

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