“The fundamental lack of respect that Giuliani showed our FDNY members is unforgivable”

**IFP Does Not Endorse any Political Candidates for President or other public office. See below**

Firefighters Union Letter On Rudy Giuliani – March 8, 2007

“Regrettably, the situation with former Mayor Giuliani is very different. His actions post 9/11 rise to such an offensive and personal attack on our brother and sisterhood — and directly on our union — that the IAFF does not feel Rudy Giuliani deserves an audience of IAFF leaders and members at our own Presidential Forum.”

**This article is of interest to our readers and is posted on our site not because any candidate received or didn’t receive an endorsement for their candidacy but rather because the actions of Mayor Giuliani during and after the tragedies of 9/11 are of great national importance and are worth examining. A large portion of the evidence at the scene of the most horrific crime ever committed on American soil were scooped up, put on barges and shipped to China to be melted down long before any thorough investigation could have been completed. This was done on orders from the Federal level with the acquiesence of Mayor Giuliani.

At the time of this writing more than 52 separate investigations of the Bush Administration have been initiated by Congress. So many critical questions remain in the wake of the woefully inadequate 9/11 Commission Report, which was based upon a highly partisan, hand-picked Presidential Commission. The Bush Administration grudgingly allowed this after 441 days and then only in with the caveats that they have absolute final editing rights to the final report. President Bush and Vice President Cheney also only agreed to testify together, behind closed doors, not under oath and before only a small portion of the commission panel of their coosing. The investigation must be re-opened by a truly independent Commission so that the families of the victims, the American people and the rest of the world can know the entire truth about the “New Pearl Harbor” that has been used as the basis upon which the last five and a half years of the Bush Administration’s coordinated assault upon the our Constitutional liberties and freedoms has been justified.**

~ Mikael Rudolph



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