‘AttorneyGate’: Gonzales, Miers, Rove involvement emerging

Sampson: Gonzales approved firings
By Jeremy Jacobs – March 29, 2007
A former top aide to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales testified Thursday that Gonzales and then-White House counsel Harriet Miers signed off on the firing of eight U.S. attorneys and on at least two occasions said that the attorney general’s recollection of events was inaccurate.
Sampson’s remarks come in the wake of the Justice Department’s admitting Wednesday that it was not forthcoming in providing correct information regarding White House senior aide Karl Rove’s role in the firings. In a letter to four Democratic senators, Justice officials erroneously stated the Department had no knowledge of Rove’s influence in appointing Tim Griffin to replace H.E. “Bud” Cummins for the Little Rock, Ark., U.S. attorney post.
