Help VT get impeachment out of their Judiciary…

by: patrioticresponse
… A Vermont House resolution calling for the impeachment of George Bush is now waiting action in the Judiciary committee. It will take a flurry of calls and letters to get them to move on it. Unfortunately, Sanders and Leahy both have been putting pressure on the statehouse leadership to not take action. The will of the people only goes so far with these two, apparently.
Here is a list of phone numbers of the judiciary members. The numbers came from the legislature’s web site, so don’t be shy about calling. Please tell them to move on this resolution and let it go to the House floor for consideration.
Bill Lippert , chair – [802] 482.3528
Maxine Grad – Moretown [802] 496.7667
Margaret Flory – Pittsford [802] 483.6854
Alison Clarkson – Woodstock [802] 457.4627
Andrew Donaghy – Poultney [802] 287.9693
Avis Gervais – Enosburg [802] 933.4794
Willem Jewett – Ripton [802] 388.0320
Patty Komline – Dorset [802] 442.8613
Kathy Pellet – Chester [802] 875.1372
Dick Marek – Newfane has already signed on as a co-sponsor.
Speaker Gaye Symington also requires some persuasion. You can call her at [802] 899.3324.