Impeachment Boycott

Boycott major corporations from April 14-22:
“By holding back on our spending with discipline and resolve and in sympathy for the millions who live in misery because of this administration’s policies, we not only show our concern for the pain of others, we also put a little fear in the hearts of those who have profited from this travesty.”

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“I can not do everything,
but I can do something.
My effort, along with the efforts of others, brings about change. I pledge to take action now.”

2)Spread the Word
Most people have no idea of what they can personally do to achieve impeachment and peace. This action can be effective, but we need most everyone who is opposed to this adminbistration to take part. To do that we have to spread the word far and wide, not just on the internet. So take some time each day to write letters to the editor about the boycott, hand out flyers to family and friends, print out some posters or stickers and generally spread the word however you can. Remember that there are over 150,000,000 people who want this situatiion dealt with, that many people spitting on the sidewalk at the same time is a powerful statement, that many people moving even of $1,000 dollars out of the system for the week equals…well do the math.

3) Move your money now
The first step in economic resistance is to take control of your money. Take it away from the top predatory banks, the ones who make their profits from things you really don’t want to know about. Put that checking and savings account to good use in a local bank, savings and loan or credit union. Start now, this may be the single most important step you can take!

4) Get out of the Market
Ok, so you have a nice portfolio of investments in Fortune 500 companies. You are counting on selling high, just like everyone else, or you have just been running your investments on autopilot waiting for retirement. Those investments are contributing in a big way to the mess we are in. Move your money. Dump those stocks now and reinvest in ethical companies or just cash out into Euros. Think about it, if we hit the kind of participation we need the market will dump that week anyhow. Save yourself some cash and strike a blow for Democracy. Change your position….now.

5)Free your mind….Kill the TV
The television is the primary tool the corporations and this administration use to control our behavior. We like Coke (the drinking kind, not the Bush party favor kind) because we are familiar with it. In reality it’s just sugar water but it is sugar water made by a company that has become so enormous that they can’t turn around without breaking some little third world country. There is blood in that Coke and in fact there is pain and suffering involved in the manufacture and sale of most large corporations products. One rule of thumb is that if you see their ads on TV, they are too big. If they spoend that money trying to influence you to buy their stuff then they also spend their money trying to get bills killed and laws passed to make it harder and harder for you to avoid their products. Kill the TV, kill their access to your mind. Of course you can still rent the DVDs of “Desperate Housewives”, it’s the commercials and fake news we have to avoid.

6) Plan to Reduce your Oil and Gas Use
Look, we all know that the oil and energy companies have been profiting at our expense (and at the expense of over 700,000 human lives) since this war began. So why haven’t we all realized that every dime we give to Exxon and their cronies goes to encouraging this kind of behavior? Now some people are going to shut the power off to their houses, bike and bus wherever they need to go and picket and flyer gas stations during the boycott week. Others are just going to stay home, ride the bus or carpool. Do what you can, just minimize the use of energy as best you can

1 Comment

  1. 3) Move your money now
    The first step in economic resistance is to take control of your money. Take it away from the top predatory banks, the ones who make their profits from things you really don’t want to know about. Put that checking and savings account to good use in a local bank, savings and loan or credit union. Start now, this may be the single most important step you can take!

    Why have a bank account at all??? This is assuming you have money to start with… I’m down to $80.00 & 3 years for change, & no it’s not under the mattress… Under Slick Willie I was workin’ Under King George II I’m thinkin’ about what I’m going to do when the money runs out!

    I USE my TV to watch Documentaries on all kinds of things (Alex Jones for starters) so why should I kill it?

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