Impeachment Wiki setup in response to Reddit deluge…

In the last few days, there have not only been a deluge of articles about impeachment on Reddit (a popular online news redistribution site), but they’ve been overwhelmingly voted to the main page of the site. This resulted in a lot of anger from those still supporting this regime. It also resulted in one person setting up a Reddit wiki on impeachment. Now people interested in continuing the impeachment activism can do so there. Not that we should be run-off of Reddit of course. 🙂 I’m actually suprised by this development since I’ve noticed a systemattic (and seemingly automated at times) attack on any postings about impeachment. There seem to be people (or machines) knocking down impeachment posts. Apparently the support became to great to be ignored.

P.S.: The immediate knocking down of this post is a good example.

P.P.S.: Hmm. Now that I brought attention to the knocking down, it’s heading up again. 🙂


  1. SPAM is a many-flavored thing
    The SPAMMOBILE is on a mission. A mission of deliciousness. Traveling the world, handing out free samples of SPAM, and making the world a better place ­ one bite of SPAM at a time.

    How could so much love roll around on wheels? Well, it usually starts with an old trolley car and a whole lot of welding. Then we slap a yellow and blue paint job on it, fill it with SPAM and an electric griddle, and voila, we’ve got a SPAMMOBILE!

  2. Impeachment of Cheney and Bush is the only way to save this floundering Republic. Or maybe the Repukes don’t want it saved? How will they feel with a unitary executive that isn’t a republic_an?

  3. Is it spamming for a lot of people to be interested in a concept? I would pose that the spamming is occuring on the other side. I’ve noticed unnatural demoting of posts in an instantaneous automated way.

  4. its not so much an automated and systematic downvoting of impeachment posts so much as a response to the cumbersome and synchronous nature of the postings. Surely there is a more elegant solution to the need for political motivation than the obvious spamming of news aggregators? All one accomplishes by these posts is an active dismissal by those opposed and a guilty feeling of foolishness by those who approve but realize that internet posts are hardly a medium for social change…


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