Representatives Want To Know From Their Constituents: Is it Time for Impeachment of Bush & Cheney? Act Now!

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A Coalition of the Willing to Impeach appears in Congress.
Anthony St. Martin of Pledge to Impeach
[…]Last Monday Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL 7th) stated to Pledge to Impeach spokesman Anthony St. Martin and independent reporter Jay Marx that though he currently defers to “leadership” on the issue of impeachment he would be compelled to represent his constituency if a Citizen’s Petition calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush came from his district. When word of Rep. Davis’ willingness to part from leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA 8th)’s insistence that impeachment be “off the table” was relayed to Rep. Diane Watson (D-CA 33rd)’s Chief of Staff, Jim Clarke, Mr. Clarke replied, also guardedly, but with certainty, that Rep. Watson would also represent such a petition coming from her constituency. Clarke even went as far as speaking for Rep. Conyers (D-MI 14th), whom he said would respond similarly to such a petition if it arrived with at least 1% of the district’s support. In other words, impeachment is just 6,500 petition signatures away from the floor of Congress.

It must be conveyed here, that Mr. St. Martin observed a prevailing tension or even fear in the eyes of some who work in the House Office Buildings. His feeling that those Members opposed to this administration have been locked up and suppressed to the point that they find no sense to bringing their own bill for impeachment, only to be defeated and further isolated, or worse. However, the statements of Mr. Davis and Clarke can be seen as a plea for help; that if given the chance to bring a citizen’s petition, these Members could claim that they have no choice but to fulfill their duty of office and bring it to the floor. As ironic as it may seem, WE must not let THEM down.

The Pledge to Impeach campaign has immediately taken it on to respond to these Member’s ovations by seeking out every political group or club that has been collecting petition signatures for impeachment and pairing them up with Congresspersons who make the same commitment to represent that petition on the floor. With special focus on, but not limited to the
districts of Davis, Watson, and Conyers, we will need our own coalition of citizens and impeachment groups willing to work together to bring our maligned Representatives what they need to fight for this greatest of causes. We may not have the same opportunity once war breaks out in Iran. We must act now. We must act together. And we must not fail. Contact us ASAP and join the Coalition of the Willing to Oppose Bush/Cheney.

Contact these Reps:
Rep. Danny Davis

Rep. Diane Watson

John Conyers
(734) 675-4084
[email protected]


  1. What is everyone scared of? being called un American? The same thing that bush and his staff are trying to promote should be his undoing. I think at least 20%
    of Americans could do a better job than bush I also think that political offices
    should be paid the same as the as the military. and people who really care should donate there time not be paid. Public service is (Service to the USA) not for profit.

  2. dude dis is soo much fun i could jut rite & its gettn poasted
    giggle giggle
    okay l8r

  3. okay dis is gay day diddnt evan put my roxn comment on here
    wat da hec
    tottl disreaspect rite there
    bottom line i hate bush. i could be a better prez then him. im 13 & i may not no a lot but i do no wen some1 is being a royal jack ass
    l8a playa
    ~secrate agent spy~
    luv 2 all my homis
    peace out ya’ll

  4. Maybe we’re going about this backwards… Since Rove accomplished getting the FCC to MONOPOLIZE the CORPORATE-OWNED-MEDIA we now have NO coverage of our impeachment demands. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier… perhaps what we need to do is target the ‘mainstream’ Media to STOP the blackout of our demonstrations and demands!

    Think about it!

    Congress doesn’t know OR care what We, the People want. The majority of Americans who simply wonder: ‘why someone doesn’t impeach these liars” are UNAWARE that so many of us are out here working our tails off to DO that! We are rendered invisible by the PNAC-Owned, monopolized media!

    Go to Sign a Pledge. Pass it on. Gather ALL the petitions we have all been collecting to bring (or send copies to [email protected]) to Capitol Hill… the date for this has been postponed to May 10th, giving groups time to collect many more signatures on their petitions during the many events being held by A28 and many others.

  5. This administration is easily the worst in my lifetime and may be the worst ever. I feel the constitution of our great nation has been assaulted almost past the point of recognition. The very constitution this current office holder pledged to defend. There is no defense for such lawlessness. Beyond that this administration has lied to us as a matter of course. The lies have gotten us into an unnecessary war to cite one of the worst offenses. What is worse yet, it could happen again. But the scariest prospect of this administration is that they, Bush/Cheney and their cronies believe their own lies. And just as scary they intend to stay and finish their mission of destroying America. They must be stopped for the survival of democracy and America.

  6. BUSH should have been IMPEACHED….. let’s do it and then throw his ass in jail.

  7. I think not only should they be impeached they should be tried for treason and war crimes and hung at the gallows if found guilty. I am talking about Bush,Cheney,Rove, and all of the bastards that lied to the American people and having caused so much damage to the US, damage to our world standing our military, and the damage they did to an other ccountry, the killing of over 600,000 in Iraq. These people have disturbed the world almost in the same catergory as Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Gee, I mean these new Nazis.

    T Brown

  8. You know it’s easy for a Liberal Democrat to not like this entire administration but this problem is now bigger than a Liberal’s bias.

    Unless you are completely blind and in denial of the lies that have been perpetrated against the American people, then any thinking compassionate person must understand that this administration must be removed from office. They are going to ruin us and I don’t think they really care what happens to this country.

    They need to be impeached and then tried for War Crimes and Treason. They have committed treason against this nation. Embarrassing. Shameful. Traitors!

  9. Yeah…finally Democrats with balls and a sense of doing the right thing for the good of the country. God bless America.

  10. Yes. The whole crew, as soon as humanly possible. The crimes they have collectively committed far supercede ‘I did not have sex with that woman’ & whatever the definition of ‘is’ is. President Pelosi, VP Murtha, Secretary of State Clinton sounds jes fine for me in the interim, even if Mitzi Romney wins in 2008.

  11. GW here again. Ya’all know what? You Democrat ‘s don’t have the cahones to impeach me. You won’t even stop me from spending a trillion dollars on a war I lied us into. So if you won’t stop funding it how can you impeach me for it? And they say I’m the dumb one… HeHeHe. Peace Out or what ever you whimps say these days. GW

  12. I agree. You FOOLISH AMERICANS have no sense whatsoever. Only stupid morons would elect somebody like me. I dare you morons to try it. I will overthrow the republid if you do.

  13. You can’t leave messages unless you’re in their District. Can you publish REAL emails for them?

  14. I pledge impeachment to Bush and his gang: Cheney, Rove and their AG Toad. And to the injustices that put them there. One trial, under law, with the nightmare expunged once and for all.

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