Ron Paul, Republican Presidential Candidate, indicates he supports impeachment investigations..
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Ron Paul, Republican Presidential Candidate, indicates he supports impeachment investigations..
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why doesn’t paul join kucinich in demanding impeachment? i mean paul claims to be a protector of the constitution….
Spreading the truth. Good stuff. I agree with Kucinich, the only way we can avoid war in Iran is to impeach these bastards. And what are people thinking? How quickly do people forget? I’ve seen polls showing a majority of Americans support action in Iran. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? What’s wrong with people? Do they never learn? WAKE UP AMERICA!
Yay Ron Paul
It is now September, 2007, and this country is lurching closer to dictatorship and a police state than ever before in our history. In April, Dennis Kucinich filed House Resolution 333: Articles of Impeachment against Richard B. Cheney, a move the congressman indicated he believed might be the only way to stop a US invasion of Iran. Has Ron Paul become a co-sponsor of HR 333 yet? If he has not, I would like someone who is more familiar with Ron Paul and his politics to explain this to me.
There is no doubt in my mind that Bush and Cheney deliberately lied to Congress and the American people about the reasons for the need to go to war against Iraq. And there is no doubt that illegally spying on American citizens and torturing accused war prisoners constitute high crimes and misdemeanors that the Constitution says are grounds for impeachment.
Impeachmwnt is long over due for all the lies Bush And Cheney have told the American public. They have made us a 3rd world country and the Walter Reed scandle and the handling of our mortally wounded troops is a disgrace. The torture at Abu Brabe is a violation of the Coneva Convention. It is time to get some new people who can do the job! There were no wepons of mass destruction, unrnamium or yellow cake and thes people who leaked Valierie Blame’s name need to be taken to task.
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