VIDEO-Salt Lake City Mayor calls for Bush’s impeachment

WASHINGTON (CNN) — He’s a mayor in a state that President Bush carried by 46 percentage points in the 2004 election, but Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson told CNN Monday he thinks it’s time the president should be impeached.

“We think if impeachment were ever justified, this certainly is the time,” Anderson, a Utah Democrat, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “This president, by engaging in such incredible abuses of power, breaches of trust with both the Congress and the American people, and misleading us into this tragic, unbelievable war, the violation of treaties, either international or our Constitution — our own domestic law, and then his role in heinous human rights abuses, I think all of that together calls for impeachment and certainly would communicate to the rest of the world that is not who we are as the American people.” (Watch video and read more)