[*REDDIT automatically resets this impeachment article to zero when you vote – try it]
When President Bush said the sixteen infamous words, “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa”, people were terrified, and most supported going to war. He was referring to a document originally obtained from Italian intelligence, which purported that Hussein had purchased a grade of enriched uranium commonly referred to as “yellow cake” from the African nation of Niger. Former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, had traveled to Africa, and had warned the CIA that the document was a forgery. The CIA told the state department, and they told the White House. It was obvious that the claim simply did not belong in the State of the Union speech. Everyone under the sun but Bush himself was eventually blamed for the gaffe by White House spokesman, and media pundits. The source of the President’s claim in his State of the Union Address has now been positively identified, according to White House aide Jeffery Mathers. It was not the Niger document from Italy at all, but a photograph. (Read More)


  1. I think I’m confused. It seems there is alot of talk of dishonesty.

    Your the president and respsonsible for the countries safety and you have British intelligence along with your own telling you there are Uranium deposits found it Iraq. Whatever grade it was, they broke their treaty by buying it, and would most likely buy more.

    [Ed. Note/fact check: The uranium they had was not weapons-grade, was subject to regular inspections by the UN since the Gulf War and the U.S. was well aware all along of Iraq having it.]

    Um…just what is it do you think he should have done? Ignored a dictator who already tried to assasinate his father and tried to take over other countries with brute force. Perhaps waited until he actually got to making a weapon of mass destruction and blown something to kingdom come.

    [We stopped Saddaam from taking over Kuwait and did the wise thing in withdrawing rather than pushing on to Baghdad during the Gulf War. And yes… the POSSIBILITY that a country MIGHT SOMEDAY develop WMDs is most certainly not justification for a preemptive war of aggression. This is specifically stated in multiple treaty agreements the U.S. is bound by American law to obey.]

    I don’t think alot of people has put themselves in the position he’s been in. He had to make a choice of offense instead of defense with the information and I have to point out that he doesn’t make these decisions alone. Congress and the Senate which are mostly Democratic supported those choices.

    [“Offense” in this case is a war of aggression which is specifically against International Law and American Law as treaty signers. These laws were put in place in reaction to Hitler’s wars of aggression in the 40’s. If you accept Bush’s justification for a war of aggression, then you must be consistent and accept Hitler’s justifications for a war of aggression because they both claimed they did so because the countries posed a threat and in both cases they were proven to be liars.

    You say: “Congress and the Senate which are mostly Democratic supported those choices.” You are misinformed. At the time of the votes to invade and occupy Iraq, Republicans had a majority in both the Senate and the House.]

    With all the debate and pointing fingers and general panic and the media filming strategy secrets it’s no wonder the gov’t doesn’t clue the American people in on what’s going on. Not that they would think about it, but I certainly wouldn’t be sharing. Nothing plunges the ecomony faster than a panic button.

    [Government must be transparent to be trusted. This is the most secretive White House administration in American history and is proving to be the least trustworthy. ]

  2. [Ed. Note: In the interest of not allowing our pages to become the pawn of the Bush Administration/NeoCon disinformation campaign we are highlighting untruths in this entry. All IFP comments are in brackets. The comment by “Wiley” is otherwise unchanged.]

    What a very misleading comment. [Great opening remark prior to the completely misleading entry to follow.] “About 550 metric tons of yellowcake concentrated uranium were recently shipped out of Iraq. It had been part of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program….” Explain anyone what yellowcake may be used for? [Powering nuclear reactors – which is why Canada bought it from Iraq since it was not ‘weapons grade’.] Libs are making the argument that it was under the protection of the IAEA. [Actually, those committed to telling the truth make that argument.] They seem to forget that Saddam threw the IAEA inspectors out of his country for a period of 3 yrs just before the invasion. [Uhhhhhhh… no. The inspectors were in Iraq up until a few weeks prior to our March, 2003 invasion. There are photographs of Hans Blix holding the suspect aluminum tubes which the Bushies lied to us as being ‘proof’ of centrifuge building when they were simply mortar launchers left over from Desert Storm. 3 years? That’s a load of crap.] Who was watching it then? [Hans Blix and the rest of the UN inspection team that was ordered out by President Bush NOT by Saddaam.] Also I find it interesting that the Bush admin kept the existence of this stock pile under wraps to try and protect it from our enemies even though it would have helped to quell the no WMD rant from the left. [Uhhhhhhhhhhhh……. no. It has not been under wraps. The UN and the USA have been well aware of this stockpile dating back to Desert Storm. It wasn’t “under wraps”, it was not newsworthy since it was not weapons grade and therefore was allowed under treaty for Iraq to possess it. The only reason the sale was secret was to avoid the risk of theft, terror attack or protest of it while in transport.] That is putting the countries [sic] interests first in front of personal political interests. Thank you President Bush. [For being a Weapon of Mass Distortion?] Also as some people seem to forget who actually started this war. [Yep. THAT’S for sure!!!] REMEMBER 9/11 FOLKS. [Uhhhhhhhhh…. nice try, but there was not a single Iraqi involved in 9/11 attacks. Saddaam and Osama were bitter enemies – the former a secular Ba’athist, the latter a radical religious zealot from the close Bush family friends, the bin Laden’s who was trained by our CIA. Al Qaeda had no significant presence in Iraq prior to 9/11] “Bill Clinton 1998………”Earlier today, I ordered America’s armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq’s nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors.”

    [That’s right, the Bushie mantra returns! When in doubt… BLAME CLINTON!!!]

    “Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas, or biological weapons.”

    [Uhhhhhh… Sadaam’s dead. Time to stop denying that we are in Iraq for their oil. Everyone from Bush to Rumsfeld to Cheney to Greenspan have admitted that. The only ones who don’t are the Bushie/Corporate toadies such as “Miley” who is very likely being paid to get this misleading crap out in advance of the November elections.]

    “And so we had to act and act now. Let me explain why. First, without a strong inspection system, Iraq would be free to retain and begin to rebuild its chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons programs in months, not years.”

    [The inspection system was working. Bush called the inspectors out of Iraq amid a barrage of lies to the world, the American people and most importantly, Congress, which is why impeachment articles are going to be discussed by the House Judiciary Committee on July 25th.]

    [Seriously… Don’t expect to pollute our website with your baseless, partisan shill nonsense without being called to account.]

  3. Paul quits.

    Game, set match.

    It is so simple to win arguments when I have all the facts on my side and I am dealing with someone incapable of the simplest of research (or even reading apparently).

    This educated, mature adult says…

    Buh bye, “Genius”.

  4. Trying to talk sense to irrational,illogical,angry people like you is a waste of time. When you decide to admit you’re wrong about anything let me and others know. If all you want is a site/thread where everyone agrees with you then you should include a disclaimer. Educated, mature adults should be able to accept a little constructive criticism without the need to belittle others. When you grow up, maybe you’ll realize this. Enjoy your site/thread with your puppets. Have a nice life.

  5. “Also, to attached [sic] information from another post or site is a practice frowned upon by most.”

    What the heck??!?!?

    On the contrary! It is what scholars DO for gosh sakes. Backing up EVERYTHING with supporting provable evidence and verifiable links and sources is EXACTLY how actual thinking people engage in debate and discourse.

    It is misconceptions like this that have you addicted to b.s. pablum spoon fed to you by the corporate hacks such as Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Hannity and all the Bushie salesmen. You have GOT to get new sources for your information.

  6. “I am just a concerned citizen. ”

    Actually, you are aiding and abetting war criminals either with your ignorance or with your lies or possibly both.

    “As I didn’t read all of your bla, bla, bla”

    Sooo let me get this straight… you didn’t read what I just wrote… yet you are reacting angrily to it with four consecutive posts? Why would I doubt the veracity of your claim?

    Do you realize that you posted a link (incorrectly) for an article that you obviously hadn’t actually read – or weren’t able to properly assimilate honestly. Then when I found the link for you and read the article and painstakingly made clear that the article backed up each and every point I’ve made all along, you refused to read my comment YET ATTACKED ME FOR WHAT YOU SAY YOU HAVEN’T READ.

    Wow! This is a new one. Why don’t you start attacking me for what you think I MIGHT write tomorrow since you seem to have magical super powers!

    This is why you have locked in on the opinions you have. Because you are incapable of researching anything yourself so have to settle for abdicating your otherwise reasonable intelligence to those that are devoted to misleading you – such as the Bushies who are committed to getting you to believe that “Saddam had WMDs and posed an immediate threat” lie.

    Unless and until you learn how to learn, you will continue to be a dupe for their misinformation campaigns.

    “A fool is born every minute” ~ P.T. Barnum

  7. Your non-partisan claim sure seems to sound liberal democrat to me.

    [Ed. Note: We have nothing to say here, but just are adding another comment because Paul is being so whiney.]

  8. Also noted to anyone who may care, as I look back, Mikael also altered my post #21 with editor notes to discredit the information given. Once again I have not altered your posts. I should ask why you alter mine, but this is obvious.

    [Ed. Note: Once again Mr. Wiley is lying. His post was not edited. An editor’s CLEARLY marked comments are added in brackets SEPARATE from his post.]

  9. It would appear that bringing up issues of common sense with you is a waste of time. You also seem to think that you know everything and anyone who disagrees with you knows nothing. If there is a disallusioned supremist in this argument, it is you not I. Have fun trying to control the puppets who may think you have all the answers. I for one am not one of them.

  10. I also have not referred to you as a liberal conspirator to discredit GOP backers. Although, you may have done a lot to support that opinon. As I didn’t read all of your bla, bla, bla, I also didn’t notice a comment about the 4 devices said to be potential weapons. You have a pick and choose approach to your rebuttal. Once again this is a tactic to discredit and avoid the real issues. You never gave me your opinion on a lot of these issues because you seem to like to be secretive. Later you’ll come back and give an ah! hah! I caught you response laced with insults which seem infantile. I wonder if you could talk with anyone you disagree with without insults? Also, to attached information from another post or site is a practice frowned upon by most. If someone takes the time to look up information and then include ways to find this information, why would you refer to them as lazy?

  11. Someone told me that you would refer to me as a troll. I am a registered non-partisan American voter. Why do you spread lies about someone being a GOP troll? Your namecalling doesn’t make anything a fact. It would appear that the conspiracy theorist is you. One of my posts was added to. I never included (SIC) after any of my typos or grammar mistakes. This does appear to be a tactic to discredit and changing an original source without the originator’s consent seems dubious whether it be a common practice or not. It is also interesting that you need to fuel your ego by calling someone dumb, stupid,ignorant or worse. Once again, namecalling doesn’t qualify as valid evidence. It’s just your opinion. You may or may not be intelligent as may I, but you have no more evidence to the contrary other than your namecalling or personal opinion. No matter what you believe, how much or how hard you believe in it, it will not make a lie the truth or vice versa. I am just a concerned citizen. I have not accused you of anything other than banter and avoiding the issues. Not that I read all of your bla, bla, bla on your last post.

    [Ed. Note: This commenter is lying about his posts being altered when in fact misspellings are simply being noted. Interesting that he claims to have not read a post but is angrily reacting to it. Hmmm… it would seem a pattern is developing…]

  12. Mr. 150 I.Q. but somehow a 26%er still supporting war criminal Bush,

    Do you mind if I just call you “Genius”?

    Self-proclaimed Genius Paul,

    You say:

    “I think the major difference between you and I is that I will defend your right to your opinion and I don’t believe you would do the same for me.”

    Wrong. Your entire comment was posted without change. The only edit earlier was the commonly used editorial note “sic” which means, to those of us who understand journalism rather than confusing it with FAUXNews a la corporate sell-out O’Reilly, “as written by author”. The rest of your first of four comments was an unintelligible rant against liberals as best I can tell so I really have no response to your: “bla, bla, bla liberals suck, bla bla worship God, bla, bla, bla, worship Bush”, etc.

    “Yellow cake can be further refined to weapons grade material. Stop lying about this! You also never had a reason why Saddam had this material or why he would be allowed to keep it. Give a real answer and stop avoiding the real issues.”

    Uhhh… no. You are wrong. Not all uranium is the same. This Yellow Cake uranium was not convertible into weapons grade of any kind Saddam could have had access to. This stuff was sold for use in nuclear power plants in Canada to make electricity. If it had been capable of being easily processed into weapons grade material, don’t you think this would have been the first topic out of Dana Perino’s mouth to the press corps? Hello!.. is there any rational thinker home? The reason nobody but blathering GOP/NeoCon/Right Wing wacko bloggers is making a big deal out of this is because…


    The UN has known about this stuff and inspectors have been keeping watch on it for over a decade. The U.S. government has known about it as well, of course. The reason it isn’t getting more air play outside of the moronosphere is because IT ISN’T CAPABLE OF BEING MADE FOR USE IN STANDARD NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND NEVER WAS. That is why the Iraqi government was allowed to keep it – BECAUSE IT WAS LEGAL TO DO SO. And that is why they were allowed to sell it to Canada.

    Are you really so naive to think that the U.S. government would have allowed the Iraqis to sell this on the open market if it were weapons grade? How gullible can you be?

    If you are so brilliant, why couldn’t you figure out how to look up the article yourself and post the actual link? As a one-time courtesy I will compensate for your obviously lazy, unpracticed research habits and look it up for you:

    The article contained these quotes:

    “While yellowcake alone is not considered potent enough for a so-called “dirty bomb…” ”

    “…can be enriched for use in reactors and, at higher levels, nuclear weapons using sophisticated equipment.”

    Sophisticated equipment which, of course, Saddam didn’t have and wasn’t even within decades of having.

    “Accusations that Saddam had tried to purchase more yellowcake from the African nation of Niger — and an article by a former U.S. ambassador refuting the claims — led to a wide-ranging probe into Washington leaks that reached high into the Bush administration.”

    Those so-called “accusations” were bald-faced lies supported by a CONVENIENTLY DISCOVERED, FABRICATED DOCUMENT and the “former U.S. ambassador” was Joseph Wilson. The Bush Crime Family led by chief thug Dick Cheney sent four simultaneous ‘leakers’ out (facts revealed during the Libby trial yet moron bloggers keep the “Armitage only leaker” lie alive): Richard Armitage, Libby, Karl Rove and Ari Fleischer, to expose the identity of Wilson’s wife, CIA NOC Intelligence Officer Valerie Plame Wilson in an act of political retribution.

    If you or I were to ‘out’ an active American Intelligence during wartime, we would be charged with high treason and pilloried as any traitor should be. Why are you defending these enemies to our nation?

    “Tuwaitha and an adjacent research facility were well known for decades as the centerpiece of Saddam’s nuclear efforts.”

    HELLO!!! THIS WAS NOT A SECRET FIND OF URANIUM WE DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT BEFORE!!! The only thing secret about this story is that when you ship multiple tons of ANY kind of uranium around the world you don’t just tell everybody where and when to find it. Are you catching up to reality now? The secret was to protect the shipment, NOT that the Iraqis had uranium. That has been known for years and years. They had it LEGALLY and in full knowledge of the world’s nations because… one more time…


    “U.N. inspectors documented and safeguarded the yellowcake, which had been stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War. There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said.”

    and later…

    “U.S. and Iraqi forces have guarded the 23,000-acre site — surrounded by huge sand berms — following a wave of looting after Saddam’s fall that included villagers toting away yellowcake storage barrels for use as drinking water cisterns.”

    Are you catching up to reality, Genius?


    I am starting to realize that it is possible that you are paid by the Bushies as part of their disinformation war against the American people – just like Armstrong Williams and the rest of the COINTELPRO-type “Newspeak” Bushie disinformation campaigners. If you are, please let me know. I know of some professional journalists who would pay big money to hear an insider in these programs to become a whistleblower. I mean, that is the only explanation for your possibly feigned ignorance to such obvious truth.

    If you aren’t, you seriously are deeply deluded and should seek professional help. These fantasies of yours are quite disturbing and your paranoia could get even worse without proper treatment.

    I find it hilarious that even the article you tried to use to back up your argument completely supported my claims.

    Have you even read it?

    “Earlier this year, the military withdrew four devices for controlled radiation exposure from the former nuclear complex. The lead-enclosed irradiation units, used to decontaminate food and other items, contain elements of high radioactivity that could potentially be used in a weapon, according to the official”

    Now THERE is something to note… however, taking into consideration that this stuff was undergoing regular inspections by UN monitors all the way up until Bush ordered the inspectors withdrawn (yes, that is the fact. they were ordered out by Bush NOT by Saddam prior to the invasion in March of 2003) and also taking into consideration that this radioactive material was STILL encased in these devices, it actually PROVES that there had been no effort by Saddam to extract it and use it for weaponry.
    The fear expressed in the quote above was simply the official making clear that it needed to be dealt with properly now – NOT in any way fear that Saddam had been in the process of using it to make nuclear weapons. That sort of paranoia is reserved for irrational Radical Right Wing bloggers and those simpletons who take their vomit for fact.

    By the way… what makes you so sure that I am the editor? I am just curious. There are actually a number of our staff that share editorial responsibilities.


    Your paranoia about your precious posts being deleted is hilarious. Each time a new commenter posts for the first time, our system automatically withholds the comment until approved by one of our editorial staff. We do this, just like any other website does, in order to protect ourselves from SPAM. When you changed your name here from “Paul Wiley” to just “Paul”, the system caught your three most recent entries in our SPAM filter.

    There… so it wasn’t a conspiracy theory after all. Those black helicopters aren’t ours… in fact… they are only in your head under your tinfoil hat.

    Feeling better?

  13. For further information on this supposedly harmless (According to Mikael) radioactive stuff found in Iraq, go to and look for an article titled “Secret US mission hauls uranium from Iraq”. Near the end of this article it states that 4 devices that could potentially be used in a weapon were found. The article also suggests that other items that aren’t mentioned were also discovered. Also, I noticed I made another grammar mistake in my haste earlier. I don’t need your assistance Mikael and you shouldn’t be changing my posts.

    [Ed. Note: The link provided above was to the MSNBC.msn facepage. Here is the actual link to the story: … It is a common GOP troll tactic to toss out links and purported “facts” that have no basis in reality. Rush Limbaugh has made a whole career out of this technique. This comment is a perfect example. “Paul” adds a link that leads only to an MSNBC.msn facepage and claims it backs up his fantasy opinions. Please read the actual article which makes clear that his claims are completely without merit. But decide for yourself.]

    [Ed. Note #2: This commenter also accuses us of altering his posts, which we have not done. Again… a common GOP troll technique of false accusation. Heck… it worked for Joseph McCarthy in the 50’s!]

  14. Unless it is the policy of this site to correct every typo in a post, stop editing mine! In the haste to write some things in order not to forget how you would like to say it, mistakes are sometimes made by normal human beings. My IQ is somewhere in the 150’s and I am well educated. So don’t try to use this as a ploy to undermine my intelligence.

  15. I just saw another comment on the yellow cake not being weapons grade. The yellow cake was sold to Canada to fuel a nuclear power plant. This is exactly what I said. Stop misquoted [sic] and misrepresenting the facts. Yellow cake can be further refined to weapons grade material. Stop lying about this! You also never had a reason why Saddam had this material or why he would be allowed to keep it. Give a real answer and stop avoiding the real issues.

  16. Wow! it is amazing how much bile you can spew. Funny how there was no mention of being wrong about anything. Hello! there was yellow cake. Admit it and get over it. Dislike Bush and every other person who doesn’t agree with your views if you like. Did you notice I never got so angry against your opinions that I felt the need to curse. I think the major difference between you and I is that I will defend your right to your opinion and I don’t believe you would do the same for me. So much for freedom of speech. How is it freedom of speech if every liberal calls something they don’t agree with hate speech? Don’t forget also that Jefferson was one of the main pens on the Declaration of Independence. This said that a creator was self-evident and that he gave us the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. None of this said everyone had to have a liberal opinion or that liberal Americans and their opinions were the only ones that count or that could be true. The only hate or anger I see coming from any of this is from you. May GOD keep us from rule of your kind.

  17. The reason nobody cares about the Yellow Cake that Iraq recently sold to Canada is that because it is not ‘weapons grade’ it has always been legal for Iraq to possess it.

    Those that aren’t making an issue out of it include the entire Bush Administration, the Pentagon, every single military advisor and every informed, intelligent American citizen.

    The only people that are trying to make a big deal out of it are the dumbest of the dumb GOP/NeoCon bloggers who are falling all over themselves in their ignorance trying to convince the naive that this is somehow ‘proof’ that Saddaam had WMDs and that Bush wasn’t lying.

    You are proving yourself to be among those naive enough to swallow this crap.

  18. “Mr. Clinton committed a proveable crime and is still considered some type of hero by you and others!”

    You are ignorant. I have never supported Bill Clinton.

    “If the lives of unborn children are not important to you”

    You don’t know my views on abortion. You are even more ignorant.

    “Oh! and by the way: Our officials are elected by a mainly democratic process, however the official type of government of the U.S. is a Republic. Look it up or go back to school! Or just maybe you don’t know the Pledge of Allegiance: and to the Republic for which it stands!”

    If you would take the time to read my earlier comment you would see that I explained that the USA was founded as a Democratic Republic. In fact, one of the first political parties formed was the Democratic Republicans (Thomas Jefferson, etc.). The other was the Federalists (John Adams, et al). You are invoking that classic Republican tactic: erecting a straw man argument, knocking it down and jumping around like an imbecile screaming: “I won! I won!.

    Thank you for the 7th Grade level history lesson on WW II. Nothing you have said about Neville Chamberlain in any way shows any resemblance to Democrats, who have funded every single war budget that idiot Bush has put before them. The only actual difference is that Democrats support bills that take care of the troops once they are home (injury care, etc.) while the Republicans do everything in their power to undercut that effort – all the while claiming to “support the troops”. Fucking hypocrites.

    “They also falsely believe that others wish to live with us in peace. ”

    Soooooooo… it is my ignorance to think that “others wish to live with us in peace”? All brown people, all foreigners, all muslims, all Arabs are warmongers? If that is true, then why is it that We were the ones to preemptively invade a foreign nation that held no immediate threat to us?

    “There is an enemy that will lie, cheat, steal, kill etc. to obtain what they want. Fanatical muslims are what we call them. Much of their book of religion teaches them this (The Koran or Quran).”

    If you really believe that all muslims are our enemy then you are even more ignorant than I could have ever imagined.

    “We have enemies that want us to submit to their religious laws or die.”


    The deeper discussion is about WHY these people hate us so much. Previous to 9/11 only ONE Iraqi national was ever involved in a terrorist attack on the U.S. – the U.S.S. Cole bombing. Now that every single person in Iraq is related to someone who was killed by the U.S. attack and occupation, knows someone who was tortured, taken away in the night with a hood over their head, lost a limb, was falsely accused and tortured at Abu Gahrib…


  19. On History: Back in the 1940’s a maniacal man named Adolf Hitler aspired to rule the world. A british leader by name of Neville Chamberlain went to discuss peace with Hitler. He came back celebrating a peace contract he had obtain from Hitler. Hitler continued his agression and took over most of Europe. If not for leaders like Winston Churchill and FDR, Hitler and his Axis would have taken over the world.

    Today’s Democrats eerily resemble Neville Chamberlain. They believe they can talk their way out of anything. They also falsely believe that others wish to live with us in peace. There is an enemy that will lie, cheat, steal, kill etc. to obtain what they want. Fanatical muslims are what we call them. Much of their book of religion teaches them this (The Koran or Quran).

    We have enemies that want us to submit to their religious laws or die. I wish we could have peace, but these people will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. We have an enemy that we have no choice but to fight. We need leaders like Churchill and FDR to stand against these evils when nobody else has the courage. We need men and women like those of WWII to fight against these people. Don’t delude yourself into believing that fanatical muslims don’t really want you dead. It will be a most fatal mistake.

  20. Oh! and by the way: Our officials are elected by a mainly democratic process, however the official type of government of the U.S. is a Republic. Look it up or go back to school! Or just maybe you don’t know the Pledge of Allegiance: and to the Republic for which it stands!

  21. Who mentioned worship? You did. It is obvious that no matter what evidence is presented to refute liberal claims that you and other liberal backers will find some reason not to be wrong. I don’t think I’ve ever heard any one of you admit that you are wrong about anything. The beginning of this article asks where is the yellow cake in a sarcastic humor like manner. The yellow cake evidence is presented and you change the story. I do not worship Mr. Bush. There are several things I don’t agree with about his presidency. No child left behind is a joke, sending money to rebuild New Orleans on the same site when the same type of incident can and may occur again and little to nothing done about the rising costs of fuel. Mr. Clinton committed a proveable crime and is still considered some type of hero by you and others! He also passed partial birth abortion which is an atrocity! How long will people like you condone the unwaranted slaughter of approximately 1.2 million unborn children a year in the U.S. and 50 million a year in the world? I suggest you get your priorities straight. If the lives of unborn children are not important to you, don’t claim to have this country’s best interest in mind!

  22. “All this proves is that the U.N. was incompetent or had something to gain in allowing Iraq to keep the yellow cake. ”

    Hmmm… Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. Got your tin foil hat on, Mr. Wiley. Better check outside to see if that sound is black helicopters landing in your backyard.


    Mr. Wiley, your tired, worn out arguments of decade-old comparison to Clinton is laughable. Clinton lied about staining a dress while in the middle of a trumped up partisan attack trial. Bush lied and stained the Constitution of the United States and left a deep, dark blood stain of honorable young American lives on Iraqi soil in an unnecessary war – a war for profit. Not to mention destroying American foreign relations around the world.


    You are half right about our nation’s political principles. We live(d) in a democratic republic – a supposed representative democracy whereby our elected officials do our bidding in our best interests. This President who you apparently worship and his criminally corrupt collection of thugs have destroyed any vestige of that relationship between citizenry and government.

    As a Bush worshiper you are in a tiny and shrinking minority of the ill-informed, uninformed and just plain stupid that don’t realize along with the remaining 74% of America that this is a horrible President and that he has led us in a terrible direction.


    Just give it up! The Yellow Cake that was recently sold to Canada was NOT WEAPONS GRADE URANIUM SO IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN USED IN A NUCLEAR WEAPON.

    E D U C A T E Y O U R S E L F P L E A S E ! ! !

    Enjoy your FAUXNews-induced digital lobotomy!!!

  23. I also noticed that this site refers to our country’s government as a democracy. Maybe you should go back and take government 101. Our government is a republic not a democracy. If you don’t believe me and you wish to skip the research just recite the Pledge of Allegiance to yourself and it may soon hit you.

  24. Besides if you want to consider a presidential liar, why don’t you recall those famous words said upon a courtroom stand: “I did not have sex with that women [SIC]!” Not only was this a lie, but also perjury! If someone says a country has refined uranium and it turns out they do, how is this a lie? There is a lot more evidence to convict Mr. Clinton!

  25. If you re-check this you will find that there were no nuclear power plants or commercial uses for this refined uranium that can fuel a power plant. It also is necessary to refine uranium into yellow cake before you can further refine it to create nuclear weapons. If there is no source for domestic use, what do you think Saddam planned to use it for? All this proves is that the U.N. was incompetent or had something to gain in allowing Iraq to keep the yellow cake. For more interesting information that may turn out to be the rest of the story, go to and check the archives for “About That 500 Tons of Yellowcake”. Also if yellow cake is not a threat, Why did a majority of the U.S. congress vote to go to war against Iraq mostly based on the possibility that Iraq had yellow cake? Why don’t we want yellow cake in the hands of potential terrorists? Maybe you do think it is used to bake birthday cakes with?

  26. Mr. Wiley,

    The yellowcake uranium removed recently was of too poor a quality to ever be weapons grade.

    From Crooks & Liars blog:

    If you check into this, you’ll quickly find that the uranium a) was not weapons grade and b) was well known to the UN and IAEA and was being stored legally by Saddam’s government. It was legally in Iraq according to international law.

    I wondered if the right wing echo chamber would use this as “proof” that the WMD claims were true after all. I got even better than I hoped, as not only do they use it that way, but they reveal how dishonest they are by the way they have done this.

    Top recommended post at Redstate:

    Yellowcake uranium found in Iraq, Saddam’s legacy, Bush was right!
    Well…not so much.

    But if it makes you feel better to try to rewrite history to justify your worship of this failed presidency… you just go right ahead.

  27. The Ledger from Lakeland, Florida has an article on pg. A-2 (Friday July 11) titled “One Step Remains to End Iraq Nuke Program”. It states that 550 metric tons of yellow cake have been successfully removed from Iraq and that the Saddam regime was in possession of this yellow cake. Sometimes it takes awhile for the truth to turn up.

  28. U.S. gets ‘yellowcake’ uranium out of Iraq

    July 6, 2008Recommend (3)

    The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

    The removal of 550 metric tons of ”yellowcake” — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam’s nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.

    ”Everyone is very happy to have this safely out of Iraq,” said a senior U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

    Source: Chicago Sun Times

  29. The Butler report was based upon ITALIAN INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TRANSCRIPTS OF–wait for it–the forgeries. The WHOLE intelligence laundering operation has been thoroughly DEBUNKED. Even the follow-up and follow-on BS that has been circulated in the press has been discredited, including the Butler Report follow-up, which was based upon transcripts of the orginal forgeries which were always misrepresented, from the beginning, as being INDEPENDENT pieces of confirming evidence for the forgeries from which they were transcribed.

    These efforts to repeat and recirculate the same debunked LIES arising from the SAME intelligence laundering operation, over and over and over for YEARS shows that there is clearly a criminal black propaganda effort ongoing.

    I don’t know how much Christopher Hitchens got paid, but he and every other “journalist” who has provided these propaganda services should be made to tell, under oath, who paid them. LONG, LONG after Mr. Hitchens story about the trip in 1999 of Ambassador Zawahie had been debunked, Mr. Hitchens continued to shill that preposterous fabrication in his unrelenting efforts to accuse Joe Wilson of being a liar.

    Andrea Mitchell reported on national television, just days ago, that the polls show that most people would like to see Scooter Libby pardoned, when the FACT is that 82% of the public oppose it. This kind of LYING is not new to Ms Mitchell: She once said, on television, that “everyone” knew Valerie Plame’s identity, a lie that forced Patrick Fitzgerald to exhaustively survey the Washington DC area in order to confront Ms Mitchell with her lie and offer her a chance to recant it under oath, WHICH SHE DID.

    It’s clear to me, that simply getting serious with Scooter Libby for BEING A LIAR is not enough. We have people fabricating reasons to go to war, and each and every one of them must be dealt with in a serious fashion.

    Two days ago, Victoria Toensing appeared before the House Oversight Committee, and had the arrogance to LIE UNDER OATH before that Committee regarding the content of a statute she had helped draft 25 years earlier, and it appears that her sole object in being brought before that Committee by the Republican Minority, was to state that LIE. Ms Toensing stated, in direct and unambiguous terms, that Valerie Plame Wilson was NOT COVERT, according to the statute known as the Intelligence Identities Protection Act.

    IN FACT, the clear language in that statute, and the testimony of Valerie Plame Wilson, and the testimony of the current Director of the CIA, all demonstrate that Ms Toensing LIED Under Oath before the Committee, and I doubt that fact was overlooked by the Chairman, and I doubt Ms Toensing is going to have the last word on that matter.

    Ms Toensing is yet another propagandist on the payroll, and her part in the propaganda effort is repeating the line that “no underlying crime was committed,” and providing the plausible reason why. Her “plausible reason why” IS A LIE.

    The TRUTH is that there WAS an underlying crime, but Bush and Cheney declassified Plame’s identity (July 2003) and applied the declassification retroactively to shield the leakers from prosecution. I believe it was about week after this action that Bush said he didn’t know who the leakers were, and that he doubted we would ever know.

  30. “dishonest”?

    Here is dishonest:

    “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa”.

    That stated by President Bush with full knowledge that they were lies before he spoke those words.

  31. Funny but misleading. There was real evidence that Saddam Hussein wanted uranium ore from Niger, besides the forged Italian documents.

    While critical of the intelligence analysis prior to the Iraq war, the Butler Report confirmed that the forged documents were not used in the assessment that Saddam sought yellowcake, and that Saddam did indeed try to get yellowcake uranium ore from Niger. Other analysts disagree, but Bush only said the British believed it, which they did. This joke about sweet yellowcake is cute but dishonest.

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