Another New York Voice for Impeachment

Isn’t it time to remove Bush from office?
First published: Thursday, April 26, 2007

How many letters need to be written, how many opinions or complaints need be made about our government, theoretically a government of the people for the people, before they will be heard by our elected officials in Washington.

A few examples:
The United States is one of the world’s largest polluters of the air, and yet refuses to sign or endorse the Kyoto protocol.
The U.S. Congress continues to push for stem cell research to achieve breakthrough in medicine to give promise of cures for Parkinson’s disease, regenerate damaged tissues, and a whole host of advancements to improve health care and yet such legislation, we are told, will be vetoed by the President.
The United States is one of the few remaining countries that does not have a cogent and unified system of health care for all of its citizens, leaving thousands without health care insurance.
The United States continues to engage in an unauthorized war costing the death of thousands of our military personnel, and unknown and countless more deaths of innocent civilians in Iraq, Pakistan and elsewhere and billions of dollars each month.
The United States has lost face with most of our former friends and allies. The United States, our America, is no longer the symbol for democracy for a free world.
All of this has happened in the last 6 1/2 years of the Bush administration. There seems, to me, to be sufficient cause and evidence to impeach and remove from office the President, the vice president and others who continue in their administration who have lied and embarrassed our country.

(Original Source)