California Resolution to Impeach Bush and Cheney

By June Caldwell, California Chronicle

Interview with MARCY WINOGRAD, point person for the STATE OF CALIFORNIA RESOLUTION TO IMPEACH BUSH AND CHENEY, to be introduced at the CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION, April 27 – 29, 2007 in San Diego.

Thank you for this interview at such a historical time! April 28, 2007 has been dubbed “Impeachment Day” nationwide. This California Resolution for Impeachment appears to be just one piece of a national movement that can no longer be called a ‘fringe group’. Please describe the Impeachment actions that are occurring on April 28, 2007 ““ including the resolution, Beach Impeach, and marches in San Diego and elsewhere in the country.

MW: April 28th is a national day of Impeachment actions, virtually all of them listed at Inside the San Diego Convention Center, delegates will unfurl “14-foot wide Impeachment is on Our Table” banners, march through the halls with our Impeach Bush & Cheney t-shirts, and greet House Speaker Pelosi and the Presidential candidates with signs calling for impeachment. Across the street from the San Diego Convention Center, in Martin Luther King Park, hundreds, if not thousands, of people will gather to demand impeachment and further away, on the sand abutting San Diego’s blue Pacific, an Impeach on the Beach activity will involve people forming the letters IMPEACH with their bodies in the sand.

(Original Article)