Dewalt: My Field Trip to the Statehouse

2002889956.jpgAfter Downing Street — I went into the Vermont Statehouse cafeteria at noon on Tuesday, and found an empty seat at a table with three members of the House Judiciary Committee, which is where an impeachment resolution is currently stalled. As they explained all the reasons why they couldn’t bring up the resolution for discussion, it became clear that, while they are very interested in following protocol, and very worried about losing any votes on the floor, they were less concerned with the immediate Constitutional/military crisis that we are facing today, and not impressed with the fact that they may actually be able to do something about it.
Apparently, the only thing that will move them is a deafening roar from the populace. The representatives conceded that they have been hearing from Vermonters, just not the right ones. They have been hearing from Vermonters from every corner of the state. If they had been paying attention, they would have seen Vermonters in the streets earlier this year, calling for an end to the war and the impeachment of Bush and Cheney. They are surely mindful of the pro-impeachment votes of 40 Vermont towns. (More)


  1. Before the “free speech protectors” censor this post, those of you who are fact and not emotion-of-the-moment driven, might want to consider the finding of both
    Robb-Silberman Commission and Senate bipartisan panel on whether Bush lied on the pre war intelligence and how much everybody knew before the war. I am not a repub, fact is I am not even american, but even I can see that the authors of this website as well as the movement are nothing but “bolsheviks” with unbelievable degree of fanatism.
    I love the following part”..The representatives conceded that they have been hearing from Vermonters, just not the right ones.”
    So apparently the ones that are not “right” should not have representation, or should be ignored in a democratic society, right dear comrades?
    Truely nothing is new under the sun, including this foaming at mouth intolerant propoganda masquerading as democratic process. Welcome to 1915 Russia dear comrades…
    Kamchatka Bear
    P.S.: will the “freedom of speech” protectors censor this before it appears on the website? it’ll be curious to see.

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