Houston Chronicle pick up Vermont Impeachment Vote Story

vermont.jpgApril 20, 2007, 1:08PM
Vermont Senate: Impeach the president

By ROSS SNEYD Associated Press Writer
2007 The Associated Press

MONTPELIER, Vt. — Vermont senators voted Friday to call for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, saying their actions have raised “serious questions of constitutionality.”

The nonbinding resolution was approved 16-9 without debate — all six Republicans in the chamber at the time and three Democrats voted against it.

Bush and Cheney’s actions in the U.S. and abroad, including in Iraq, “raise serious questions of constitutionality, statutory legality, and abuse of the public trust,” the resolution reads.

The Vermont Senate is believed to be the first state chamber in the country to pass such a resolution, said Bill Wyatt, a spokesman for the National Conference of State Legislatures.

“Many chambers passed resolutions about the war in Iraq, but none that we are aware have called for impeachment,” he said.

Advocates were thrilled with the vote.

Where is the rest of the main stream media? What happened to that ‘liberal media’? Nothing, because the idea of the ‘liberal media’ is a lie.

(Original Article)


  1. I am all in favor of impeachment. I have said so for the past 4 years. But who is going to listen to the average ‘Joe’.
    An impeachment would serve thas country well especially when a poll showing that 5 in one didn’t even know who Dick Cheney was. So why be in office? Especially an office that was stolen twice.
    We are wasting so much time with hearings investigations, etc. Congress should get on with the business at hand. Get rid of this administration. Get our young brave troops home. And be done with this mess.
    We need to put our country back in order and earn our credibilty back before these unpatriotic people took over.
    2008 is coming. I would like to see Bush and Cheney lose everything. No pension, no health insurance, no Secret Service protection, etc. Let them feel what (we the people) have been experiencing for the last 7 years. Let them pay for the price of higher gas. let them live in an economy run amuck because of their incompedence.
    These two are absurd, reprehensible to say the least.

  2. Jodin Morey wrote: “I believe the article is pointing out that the media is not picking this story up”

    Jodin, even Fox picked the story up. BUT most news outlets including this one (ok maybe this one is not a news outlet) failed to mention exactly how this non binding resolution was passed. In grand scheme of things it’s a small detail, but it is little details like this that account for the biases (or ignorance?). These little details convey the “mood” of the event. Like here… whether the resolution was widely supported or passed through using A PARLIAMENTARY MANEUVER.

    Let me give you another example of the bias in media and BUSH BASHING. Pro gun control. In the last week or so, after the horrible tragedy at VT, media has been circulating a myth that Bush let a 1994 gun ban expire and somehow it made the tragedy worse. What they “forgot” to tell you is that the ban prohibited production of NEW high volume magazines, it DID NOT OUTLAW selling, buying and owning of already existing ones. Well, all thoughout the ban you could freely buy them (granted for a slightly higher price), with thousands upon thousands in warehouses even at the end of the ban’s life. Impact of the ban or its expiration? ZERO… Little details as I said, nonetheless there are “experts” on CNN and other networks (who can not tell magazine from a clip) who tell that it’s Bush’s fault because he let the ban expire. (By the way unless I mistaken, Bush said he would approve the continuation of the ban, BUT the renewal never made it past congress). Little details…

  3. I don’t see how we’ve ever taught any hatred on here.
    Nobody on here has said it’s inappropriate to defend ones self or others.
    I don’t believe your hyperbolic speech is condusive to civil discussion. It doesn’t move the debate forward. It also probably has the opposite effect, as far as garnering support for you ideas.

  4. President Bush should not be impeached. whoever,
    started this blog does not understand what price
    we must pay for freedom. The mulsims are teach-
    ing hatered and so are you. I do believe you
    would rollover or turn the other check if
    someone is raping you child or killing your
    neighbor. I know I would fight until I have
    taken my last breath, but YOU are a coward and

  5. Um, I believe the article is pointing out that the media is not picking this story up, and one would think it would be plastered all over the media if it were “liberal.”

  6. I am very thrilled how you cherry pick the news leaving out interesting details. Allow me to fill in the mysteriously omitted part.

    Senate President Pro Tem Peter Shumlin, who engineered Friday’s vote, said the resolution reflected what he believes is the sentiment of Vermonters. THAT’S WHY HE USED A PARLIAMENTARY MANEUVER THAT NEARLY GUARANTEED THE RESOLUTION WOULD FLY THROUGH THE SENATE WITH NO DEBATE.

    so I am sorry did I hear someone saying “…because the idea of the ‘liberal media’ is a lie.”?

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