1. I’d like to thank everyone for their support. That is my car and my son. I wish that more people around here felt the way we do.

    I suggest everyone checkout RonPaul2008.com. I believe he is the right choice for President. Though he is a Republican, ewww, I believe he is an honorable man.

    For Example,

    He has NEVER voted:
    -to raise taxes
    -for and unbalaned budget
    -to raise congressional pay
    -for a federal restriction on gun ownership
    -to increase the power of the executive branch

    He HAS voted:
    -against the Iraq war
    -against the Patriot Act
    -against regulating the internet
    -against the Militart Commissions Act
    -against every bill contrary to or prohibited by the U.S. Constitution

    In addition,
    -he has never taken a government-paid junket
    -he is not accepting a government pension
    -he returns a protion of office budget every year
    -he is Washington’s leading advocate for freedom
    -he was voted the Tax-payer’s best friend
    -he is for smaller government, less spending, less taxes, and more freedom and privace for the individual.

    go to RonPaul2008.com for more information.
    I also have many videos of him at http://www.myspace.com/kerilyn82

    Ron Paul Revolution…Hope for America…Be a part of it!

    BarbaraRose, RN
    Knoxville, TN

  3. I am glad to see something in TN beginning. It is a time to sand up and speak out! Thank you for leading!!!

    I am a proud American citizen. I fly our flag at the entrance to my home.I propose this great country reclaim the basic princlples established by our founding fathers. We must move forward with
    America’s true mission: To be an Example of Strength, Courage,
    and Compassion. I do not believe this means taking over another
    country using force; it means to show by example.

    If there is no attempt at impeachment of the president, vice
    president and remove their supporting staff, a precedent will be
    set I feel. The next President should not be handed the powers claimed under the Bush Administration. Sen. Boxer was right. This is the closest our country has come to living under a dictator.

    Let us revist our nation’s founding principles and rebuild our
    nation into one of great strength, courage, and compassion for all
    people. We have areas of our own country that could be labeled
    third world and yet nothing is being done to overcome this situation.

    Let there be Peace on Earth and let it begin here at home. Let
    create a benevolent government, and a truely powerful, awesome
    nation based on our founding principles! By being the example
    others will wish to follow in our steps.

    Bless US Everyone, BarbaraRose, RN

  4. Rock on! little Dude for Impeachment!!!

    I hope you let your Mom or Dad do the driving when you need to travel around town…

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