Kucinich Defends Cheney Impeachment as Honoring His Oath of Office

In first debate, Edwards and Clinton skirmish over Iraq War votes
Michael Roston

Other than Rep. Kucinich, none of the other candidates said they would support the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney. The Ohio Congressman was asked to defend his argument that impeachment was a good use of American time.

“I took an oath to defend the Constitution. My colleagues have spent a lot of time talking about Iraq tonight. This country was taken into war based on lies,” he argued.

He then added, “Mr. Cheney must be held accountable, he’s already ginning up cause for war against Iran. We have to protect and defend this Constitution…the American people should know there is at least one person running for president who wants to reconnect America to its goodness, its greatness, its highest principles.”

a href=”https://impeachforpeace.org/impeach_bush_blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/Debate_at_South_Carolina_State_University_0426.html”>(Original Article)

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