Senator Murray Reviews the “Do-It-Yourself Impeachment”

A LiveJournal Friend of IfP (samvimes) met with Senator Patty Murray’s King County Director regarding the impeachment issue. While the Senator’s views on impeachment were cautious, it was expressed that, “Senator Murray recognizes, and experiences herself, the frustration with the Bush Administration over their many impeachable offenses. If a motion to investigate were to make it to the floor, Murray would vote in favor.”

Samvimes continues, “I grasp that she’s in a difficult position. Murray has been arguing against my beloved SJM 8016, the state resolution introduced by Eric Oemig that would, if passed, force the impeachment issue into the limelight at the Federal level. Why? Because she’s concerned that such a measure would leave Washington State in a vulnerable position–which I interpret to mean “subject to reprisals”. Murray is putting Washington State first, so she isn’t willing to stick her neck out to get the impeachment process started. I suspect a lot of Senators and Representatives feel the same way.”

Here’s the part about IfP’s DIY Impeachment, “The other thing she didn’t know about (and as I said, she was quite well-versed and almost nothing else I said came as a surprise to her) was the idea of “Do-It-Yourself Impeachment“. I asked her about it right at the end. She noted that they have access to legal counsel who could explore the idea further, and explain how it might work. I pointed her to my post about it, and she said she would look into it.” (Read More)

1 Comment

  1. that is nice. “looking into it” seems to be the most
    action so far…. BUT Anthony St Martin has ‘The Word’
    (yeah, the ‘worth’ of that remains to be seen) of
    THREE (intimidated) congresspersons from the House of Representatives who say they definately WILL enter
    impeachment on the Floor IF THEY ARE FURNISHED WITH

    This is what we ALL have been working for!

    EVERY group needs to send a group representative with
    their petitions/letters (and those city/state
    resolutions, too) to accompany St Martin on May 1st
    OR send copies of your petitions/letters to be
    delivered that day!

    THEN we have to hold their feet to the fire and force
    them to KEEP their ‘word’. It’s time to rev-up the
    movements and have a NEW ‘boston-tea-party’ about
    taxation without representation! This time we’re
    throwing the rats overboard instead of the tea.

    Incidently, there seems to be some confusion about
    what The Pledge means. It is a threat to ‘strike’ –
    The “strike” threat that pledgetoimpeach asks for:
    here is a more thorough description:
    It’s a brilliant plan – and unlike that awful mess in
    Miami, where senior citizens were shockingly attacked
    by the “riot squad” gestapo… this is totally
    nonviolent and doesn’t cost anyone anything (most
    people can use accumulated sick days – we wouldn’t
    expect policemen & doctors to participate all the way) – you just do not ‘do’ anything: don’t work, just stay home
    “sick” for a few days, you simply agree to stay safely
    in your homes, not travel, not spend money, not eat
    ‘out’ – you don’t go golfing or to the movies – you
    eat at home, play checkers with the kids, barbeque in
    the backyard with the neighbors, catch up on that
    ‘honey-do’ list, plant a garden, read a book, clean the
    garage, paint the doghouse, take a bike ride — and
    the gestapo can NOT hammer anyone with riot sticks,
    squirt mace in your face – you won’t be knocked down,
    kicked, punched, dragged or taken away to guantanamo…
    – nobody gets arrested ‘for having the flu’.
    And, no, there isn’t a set-time for the duration of the
    threatened ‘strike’ …congress needs to know it could
    last as long as it takes. BUT coming WITH all those
    petitions, it most likely would never need to be
    ‘called for’!

    PS~ does anyone know anything about that votetoimpeach
    website that was supposedly begun by/for Ramsey Clark? It boasts 864,352 signatures today – yet nobody seems to
    know how/who is responsible for them… all the
    ‘contacts’ found either come back as “UNKNOWN” or are
    never replied to. Whoever is sitting on that many
    signatures needs to cough them up, asap! They could be
    a deciding factor as far as the three Representatives
    are concerned. Contact [email protected]

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