Vermont newspaper calls Bush worst president in U.S. history, calls for impeachment

On Friday the 13th, April 2007, the Brattleboro Reformer, the third largest newspaper in Vermont that dates to 1876, joined the chorus of people calling Bush the worst president in U.S. history and for his impeachment . — When the story of our time is written by future historians, there will be but one question asked: When confronted with the malevolence and mendacity of the Bush administration, how did the people in positions to do something about it react? Does Vermont want to go down in the history books as standing up to the worst president ever? We, the people of Vermont, have the chance to affect the outcome of this story. We must seize this opportunity. (More)

What can WE do?
Contact Speaker of the VT House Gaye Symington and Senate President Pro Tem Peter Shumlin, and tell them they’re failing to fulfill her oath to defend/protect the Constitution.
Peter Shumlin ““ (Home) 802-387-4447
Gaye Symington (Home) 802-899-3324
115 State Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05633-530
(Work) 802-828-2231
[email protected]


  1. Rich,

    No Administration in American history before this one has ever systematically plotted to overthrow our system of government, remove checks and balances, pollute the justice system with sycophantic ‘yes-men’…

    The list goes on and on…

    Lincoln had integrity. Bush does not.

  2. hey you guys are REALLY stupid. And I capitalize that to emphasize just how stupid you are. All I want to say is how dare you call Bush the worst president in history. Have you been alive for every president? Have you personally met them all? Have you done extensive research on all of them? Well I think you haven’t done any of those. And when you think about it, you can’t compare presidents dipshits. There is this thing called time…and its always changing. So in conclusion, every president has different situations and things that affect their presidency. I’d love to see Lincoln or Johnson try to handle the present.

  3. I have many issues, comments, statements and opinions just like everyone else, creating conflict and discourse in our actions or INACTIONS. Its time for a few deluded people to open there eyes and apply some logic to there reasoning and realize this will be remembered by our grandchildren as a time of wanton ignorance and self rightousness for the justification to perpetuate the drive for wealth. Humanity is not driven by unity, its not driven by betterment of oneself or our enviroment. Its about our own selfish oblivious need to secure wealth. This need, this drive, what really fuels our existence will be our undoing. It’s killing millions now, disease, starvation, war. All byproducts to fulfill western needs. Are we not repeating history here? (Remember that old saying “Doomed to repeat it”) So you must be saying to yourself okay Barry so what do we do now? Well we (Humanity) really only have about three options. First is the U.S middle class (ever the widening gap between the wealthy) remove there current “administration” with an effective one not so “driven” to line there pockets and secure their future needs. Put a stop to war and destroying your enviroment and then we all go about our business waiting to see who’s going to blow who up first. Two would be we start working together, not for our own benefit but for the benefit of humanity as a whole, we share knowledge and technology freely, (Whats that other old saying “Teach a guy to fish and he eats for life”) and our Third and unfortunately most likely option considering the possible advancement into Iran) is that we all die. We won’t have to worry to much about our grandchildren then will we?

  4. I suppose I’m the first to respond. I live in Canada and have been born and raised here. However, my mother immigrated in the early 80’s. At birth, my mother got me dual citizenship, so I can legally live and work within Canada or the United States. This also means I can vote. In 2004 and the election before that, I voted for President Bush. Not because he was a good choice, but because he was really…the best candidate.

    Bush is the worst president period. I hope he gets impeached and there is a tribunal for his war crimes. He is a criminal and michael moore was right. The bush goverment imposes their “were always right” policy. If you disagree, they’ll send the cops after you and call you a terrorist. If your not a bush supporter, you support terrorism. Isn’t that the same old story?

    Bush is a liar, a cheat, and he failed the country just as he failed each and every company he ran.

  5. Yet another headline for Duh magazine.

    People often declare Bush the antichrist, but the Book of Revelations says that the antichrist would be loved by millions. They call him incompetent, but when you have this number of scandals, it’s not incompetence, it’s deliberate. They say he’s doing it to save his legacy, but really he knows his legacy is shot and now he’s doing it to make money for/from the war profiteers or to get a cushy job after he leaves office. This man is as evil as they come, amoral and every action that he takes to “reveal” more of his compassionate side is as staged as his “Mission Accomplished” jet carrier arrival. He uses troops as props, Virginia Tech as a stage to try and milk some approval points, and his wife as a political attack dog (whom by the way looks like a real bitch).

    Bush doesn’t just deserve to be impeached, he deserves to be jailed. Maybe there’s room at Abu Greib.

    [Editor’s note: The above link to a photo is dead. If you find it, forward it to me and I will edit it on your entry]

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