Speaker Pelosi is taking a tally for IMPEACHMENT

From a 911TruthNC — Code Pink list:”PLEASE CALL Nancy Pelosi’s office right now. Here’s the deal as forwarded to me:
House Speaker Pelosi’s office is taking calls voting for Impeachment of Bush/Cheney at 202-225-0100. For toll free numbers to Congress: (800) 828 – 0498, (800) 459 – 1887, (800) 614 – 2803, (866) 340 – 9281, (866) 338 – 1015, (877) 851 – 6437

Folks, each of you who have been wanting impeachment need to commit right now to ask at least 10 others to call and ask each person to commit to asking 10 others to call and so on. It needs to happen fast and NOW.

Let’s deluge the Speaker’s office with demands for Impeachment of Bush AND Cheney. Congressman Kucinich (http://kucinich.us) has recently introduced legislation to impeach Dick Cheney. Please mention Kucinich’s House Resolution 333 when you call.

Also, send a DIY Impeachment to her.


  1. I beleive strongly that Bush and Cheney need to be removed from office! They have done a terrible service to this country and should not continue to service. This country will not begin heal until they are removed from their jobs. Please get them out!!!!!!

  2. I would like to register my support for the Bush and Cheney impeachment.

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