George Bush’s Al Qaeda Lies Exposed

Response to the National Intelligence Estimate

National Security Network

President Bush is misleading troops about who they are (and are not) fighting in Iraq.

President Bush makes fallacious connections between Al Qaeda in Iraq and the Al Qaeda who attacked the US on 9/11. “Some say that Iraq is not a part of the broader war on terror. They claim that the organization called al Qaeda in Iraq is an Iraqi phenomenon — that it’s independent of Osama bin Laden and it’s not interested in attacking America. That would be news to Osama bin Laden. I presented intelligence that clearly establishes this connection. The facts are that al Qaeda terrorists killed Americans on 9/11, they’re fighting us in Iraq and across the world, and they’re plotting to kill Americans here at home again.” [CNN, 7/24/07 ]

The nation’s 16 intelligence agencies agree that Al Qaeda has regenerated its ability to strike at the United States through its bases on the Afghan-Pakistan Border. “We assess the group has protected or regenerated key elements of its Homeland attack capability, including: a safe haven in the Pakistan Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), operational lieutenants, and its top leadership.” [National Intelligence Estimate, 7/07 ]

(Original Article)