pennsylvania-state-map.gifAfter Downing Street — Jane Dugdale 610 527 4170

PHILADELPHIA — A Town Hall Meeting entitled “2008 is Too Late! IMPEACHMENT: Why Do It NOW and How To Do It” will be held at the First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, 19103, on Thursday, July 5, 6 – 9 PM. Nationally known speakers include The Nation Washington Correspondent John Nichols, World Can’t Wait National Coordinator Debra Sweet, Hip Hop Caucus CEO the Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Journalist Dave Lindorf, and Blogger Walt Uhler. Anti-war activist Jeff Garis will moderate, including an open discussion between the audience and the speakers.

Similar Town Hall Meetings are being held around the country from New York and
Boston to Detroit, Chicago and San Francisco, as indicated in a full-page ad in The New York Times on Friday, June 22, 2007, which also asked, “How much more damage can Bush do before 2008?”

“It’s especially appropriate to hold this Forum in the birthplace of the constitution,” said Jane Dugdale, Main Line Citizens for Impeachment organizer. “This is the greatest constitutional crisis of my lifetime, with an Executive unchecked by Congress. The constitutional remedy for this is impeachment.”

Impeachable offenses highlighted at these forums include at least the three following: 1) lying to wage a war of aggression; 2) spying illegally on US citizens; and 3) condoning the use of torture. Some forums include up to 12 impeachable offenses.

One purpose of these forums is to encourage Congressional Representatives to sign on as co-sponsors of H Res 333, articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney, submitted in spring 2007 by Rep. Dennis Kucinich, which currently has eight co-sponsors. Another purpose is to encourage House Judiciary Committee Chair Rep. John Conyers to initiate hearings on the impeachment motion, which he is empowered to do.

Supporters of the impeachment movement remind Rep. Conyers that he co-sponsored H Res 635 last year, with 38 co-sponsors, calling for the impeachment of President Bush, and he published a 300+ page report, entitled Constitution in Crisis, detailing the impeachable offenses of the Bush Administration. Many people thought at the time that he would initiate impeachment hearings as soon as there was a Democratic majority. Organizers of the Impeachment Forums urge him to do so immediately, “before it is too late,” according to Steve Young, Philly World Can’t Wait organizer.

Sponsors of the July 5 Forum include Philly World Can’t Wait, Main Line Citizens for Impeachment, Bryn Mawr Peace Coalition, Brandywine Peace Community, Chester County Move to Impeach, Montgomery County Democracy for America (DFA), Delaware Valley Veterans for America, Penn Against War, Drexel Students For Peace, Temple 911 Truth, Students for Democratic Society, Code Pink Philly, Delaware River Code Pink, and PDA/DFA Progressive Democrats of South Jersey.

For more information about the national impeachment movement, see, and For more information about
the July 5 Forum, contact [email protected], or call 267 408 6286.


WHO: Coalition of Groups favoring impeachment, nationally
Known speakers
WHAT: Town Hall Meeting on Impeachment
WHERE: First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut St., Phila.
WHEN: Thursday, July 5, 6 ““ 9 PM

1 Comment

  1. July 4, 2007
    A Patriot’s Message
    The hammer falls on the Constitution of the United States of America. Our freedom and Democracy, our sovereignty as a nation is coming to an end.
    The politically appointed neoconservatives in Justice sneer at Habeas Corpus; Geneva Convention; worker, consumer and investor protection; education; affirmative action; individual rights and “entitlements” like Social Security and health care.
    The corporate neo-con conspirators (Establishment) have their own agenda of a New World Order; W.T.O; N.A.F.T.A; immigration; globalization and “free trade”; military seizure of foreign oil fields; employing a private army of mercenaries and propagandist; “dealing” with Afghanistan Opium drug lords harboring Osama Bin Laden and financing Al Qaeda.
    The ideal corporate model is “Communism” where individual freedom and democracy are mute. The board of directors rule. The corporate neo-cons hate our regulatory government, Constitution and Individual Rights.
    Our Federal Government is purposely bankrupt by war/trade debt and the ideal corporate nation, China, are carrying trillions of dollars of our debt. Communist China and their junior corporate American partner’s technically own the”U.SA” resulting in “Globalization” and loss of sovereignty. Mission accomplished. The surge strategy is not to win the war but to pump oil and further indebt U.S.A to Communist China. Patriots, sign on! Impeach Bush, Cheney and nullify their Supreme Court appointments!

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