Kucinich: ‘Imperial’ vice president needs to be impeached

David Edwards and Nick Juliano, Raw Story

Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, continued to stress his case for impeaching Vice President Dick Cheney, saying his role in pushing the false case for war is akin to a high crime against the constitution.

“To me it’s about the constitution, it’s not about the personality,” Kucinich said Monday morning on Joe Scarborough’s MSNBC show. “And the constitution requires the highest office holders to have the highest standards and obedience to the law, and I think serious questions have been raised, which is why I introduced the resolution.”

…”There’s kind of an imperial vice presidency that’s moved in,” he said. “And I think that congress has to move forward to use the remedies that our founders set forth in the early debates about making those that hold the highest offices accountable.”

(Original Article)

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