Minneapolis Star Tribune
Letters to the editor for Thursday, July 12
Strib isn’t listening
I am greatly frustrated with the Star Tribune’s complicity in the lack of local dialogue about impeachment. Despite every indication, including a Newsweek poll, that a clear majority of Americans favor it, we hear practically nothing about it. It’s time we started talking loudly about accountability, which means nothing more or less than impeachment.
The Bush administration has committed countless impeachable offenses. Lying to Congress to justify war, violating the Geneva Conventions’ provisions about how captured soldiers and detainees are treated, allowing torture, ignoring FISA laws and the Fourth Amendment, leaking classified information, and reserving the “right” in signing statements to violate hundreds of laws are grave matters. These law violations threaten the very existence of American democracy.
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have made it quite clear that war and torture will not end on their watch. When we consider how many Americans and Iraqis will die during the remainder of their term, not to mention the precedent we set by allowing the executive branch to flagrantly abuse its power, impeachment emerges as the clear remedy. The Star Tribune’s reporting should reflect public interest in democracy and impeachment.
-Impeach for Peace