Pelosi Impeachment Postcards…

We at York Grassroots are offering free downloadable postcards addressed to Nancy Pelosi demanding that she make impeachment of bush and cheney a high priority. Organizers are offering printed postcards to various summer fairs and events for people to sign and donate a quarter toward the postage (most times they donate more). You’d be amazed at the reaction everywhere we go!

The idea is starting to catch on and I’ve sent the cards to several other organizations and publications which are also distributing them.

If you’re interested in using our postcards, drop me a line. No charge whatsoever. There’s no price on democracy. You can see a picture and download a copy at
We’ll be bringing stacks of them to the impeachment rally on Sept. 15.

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1 Comment

  1. You may or may not agree with me but please take a moment to read what I am

    thinking. I’m going to be blunt and hit topics that usually end up in heated

    debates. Before I go on I’d like for all to read and understand this quote from

    one of our very own forefathers who is probably rolling in his grave with anger

    at how our country turned out. Benjamin Franklin!! Yes it was he that said–

    “Any society that gives/trades Liberty for security will deserve neither and

    lose both.” We should heed these words because from what I’m seeing… we are

    running out of time and freedom.

    Now I’d like for all you to ask yourselves…why Impeach one old RICH tyrant

    just to probably and most likely get a younger rich tyrant who was a friend or

    family member of the one you just impeached? Why did I use the word rich? well

    its a funny thing but money has a way of corrupting the mind and morals. Not

    true for everyone but most cases I would say yes. So you must be wondering now,

    whats the point I’m trying to throw out? Well I answer that with another

    question. Why not impeach/throw out our entire political personal nation wide

    from President to senator to congressmen etc. AND replace those corrupted and

    stale fools who have humiliated us in front of the ENTIRE world with just normal

    simple everyday hardworking Americans. Sure the idea is VERY challenging but

    what we need is a clean slate and fresh people untouched by the old corrupted

    geezers in power. I love this country…to see it fall from grace hurts me.

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