Bush Era

Alberto Gonzales Resigns

Alberto R. Gonzales, whose tenure has been marred by controversy and accusations of perjury before Congress, has resigned. He is expected to announce the decision to reporters at 10:30 Eastern time this morning in Washington. […]

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Bush Era

Fascism is alive and well in… Quebec, Canada !??!?!?

by Mikael Rudolph These pathetic and cowardly “agent provocateurs” tried to instigate violence at a peaceful protest. Photographs showed that the arrested pseudo-protestesters were wearing the EXACT same boots as the cops who were ‘arresting’ […]

Bush Era

Eight reasons to impeach

Why does President George W. Bush deserve to be impeached? Let me count the reasons: 1. Leading our country into a war in Iraq using a propaganda campaign of lies and false documents. 2. Sending […]