Get Real, Progressives! The Only Answer is Impeachment!
By Bill Hare

Not long ago progressives launched a fervent effort to replace Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General.

That effort was bolstered by communications from leading Democratic Party figures urging those concerned by Gonzales’s politicization and unswerving loyalty to the Cheney-Bush neoconservative junta to petition the White House with e-mails and letters demanding justice.

I was contacted via e-mail by a highly prominent Democratic Party senator enlisting my effort by adding my name and e-mail protest toward this pursuit.

While I had earlier joined in such petition efforts to snowball the prevailing powers, I finally declined for what I believe to be the logical reason that enough misdirected effort had already been dispatched in that direction.

Tyranny begins from the top down, which means Cheney and Bush. Before the cry was to remove Attorney General John Ashcroft, and thereafter the natural target was Alberto Gonzales.

So now Gonzales is gone and in a lead story in the New York Times today, September 12, it was revealed that a name high on the list of successors to the recently departed Gonzales is former Solicitor General Theodore Olson.

Olson’s credentials are interesting and pass the most stringent neoconservative litmus test. Olson was part of the “Get Bill Clinton” lawyer brigade and his deceased wife Barbara wrote a book denouncing Hillary Clinton.

When it was time to marshal forces to challenge American democracy by preventing a recount of votes in Florida in the 2000 presidential election despite the state’s constitution’s own clear language of enforcing “voter intent” in the wake of machine imperfections, Olson was there to lead the challenge.

That challenge was opposition to counting the votes of Sunshine State citizens who happened to live in poorer districts and were compelled to endure voting at polling stations with old and poorly functioning voting machines.

When the Florida challenge made its way ultimately to the U.S. Supreme Court, Olson and his cronies had ready allies in Chief Justice Antonin Scalia and his alter ego, Associate Justice Clarence Thomas. All were fellow members of the Federalist Society, a fraternity of lawyers fighting valiantly to push a neoconservative agenda.

Olson and Scalia had another connection as well, one that used to prompt judges to recuse themselves, but then again, these are different times. Olson represented the same law firm where Scalia’s son was employed.

Scalia saw no problem. After all, this was the same Chief Justice who later would go duck hunting with Dick Cheney when an important case involving the Bush Administration was waiting to be resolved.

Federalist Society brothers Scalia and Thomas rode to the rescue on that occasion to save America from installing in office the candidate who secured the most popular votes and, without judicial interference, would have become President, then Vice President Al Gore.

Scalia and Thomas made a judicially hypocritically U-turn to prevent Florida from enforcing its own election laws by conducting a recount. They had previously enunciated staunch states rights views on issues pertaining to federal involvement. Brother Olson and his team secured a 5-4 victory thanks to Scalia and Thomas.

So Theodore Olson is ideally qualified to serve as Attorney General under a neoconservative regime in which the law is whatever Cheney and Bush proclaim it to be at any given moment.

Can anyone realistically expect Bush to yield to Democratic Party recommendations and select anyone other than a roaring partisan of the Olson stripe? Does anyone believe that a modern day Daniel Webster or Clarence Darrow will emerge and be championed by Bush and Cheney?

In the New York Times September 12 story Senator Charles Schumer revealed disappointment over the prospect of an Olson selection, saying, “My hope is that the White House would seek some kind of candidate who would be broadly acceptable.”

Think of what Democratic Senator Charles Schumer of New York said! Can he be serious? Do Cheney and Bush seek “broadly acceptable” candidates for any position?

Senator Schumer, this is the preventive detention gang. They spy at the realm’s will, grab people off of the streets anywhere in the world, and torture at the regime’s pleasure.

This regime has achieved White House status based on two provably stolen elections. This regime launched a war based on provable lies that thus far has killed, according to current estimates, between 600,000 to 1 million human beings.

Get real, Senator Schumer! Get real, progressives! Stop launching petition drives to rid America of the latest neoconservative spear carrier.

Get real! Work toward the impeachment of Cheney and Bush!
(Original Article)

1 Comment

  1. I absolutely agree with you. To me it’s disgusting that Bush & Cheney are still in office. This is one of the reasons I support Mike Gravel for president. He’s one of the very few candidates openly talking about impeachment.

    It’s crazy to me to allow the abuses of presidential power of the Bush admin to go unchecked. It’s an awful precedent for future presidents.

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