Hebron Democrats Vote to Impeach Bush/Cheney

HEBRON – The Democratic Town Committee is seeking to have President Bush and Vice President Cheney impeached, and has called on a Democratic Connecticut congressman to take action.

The Democrats during an Aug. 21 meeting backed a resolution to impeach the president and the vice president.

The resolution cited 12 “crimes,” among them: violation of the oath of office to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution, lying about the need for military action in Iraq, allowing torture of prisoners, and violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by conducting “warrantless” eavesdropping.

It says any of the 12 would be “sufficient in and of itself to warrant impeachment proceedings.”

Hebron Democrat Gil Salk, who wrote the impeachment resolution, said Wednesday that by voice vote Aug. 21, about 20 Democrats voted in favor of the resolution and two voted no.

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