Impeach Activist Mario Penalver Reaches Washington, D.C.

On September 11, 2007, after a journey of more than 980 miles, antiwar activist Mario Penalver reached his final destination–Washington, D.C. His walk for Peace, formally entitled, “March of the People: Impeach the President, End the War, From Chicago to Washington, D.C.,” began on June 21, 2007. On the north side of Lafayette Park, near the White House, he shared his views about his experiences on the walk and also his thoughts re: the attack on the Rev. Lennox Yearwood, on Sept. 10th, by Capitol Hill cops. For details on Penalver’s splendid effort on behalf of Peace and Justice, go to: The rally at Lafayette Park was sponsored by the DC 9/11 for Truth organization, check out, Matt Sullivan served as the moderator for the event. Today’s affair combined the efforts of the 9/11 for Truth Movement and representatives from the Peace Movement working to bring the Bush-Cheney Gang to justice.