‘War criminal’ cries get protesters quickly removed from hearing

Nick Juliano

As soon as Rep. Ike Skelton gaveled a joint Congressional hearing to order this morning, protesters could be heard yelling “war criminal” at Army Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, who were about to testify about conditions in Iraq.

At least one woman could be heard shouting briefly, before Skelton (D-MO) ordered anyone who disrupted the proceedings to be removed from the hearing room.

“Out they go,” Skelton said. He paused a few seconds, then asked no one in particular, “Are they gone?”

Members of the anti-war group Code Pink have been a near constant presence at hearings on the Iraq war, and several members have been removed from hearings and arrested for other Capitol Hill protests.

It was not clear who was removed Monday, nor whether they were arrested or will face criminal charges.

Petraeus and Crocker are making their first appearance on the Hill Monday to assess the results of President Bush’s troop surge, which began earlier this year.

(Original Article)