[Video] Conservative Jerome R. Corsi: Impeach Bush

Conservative Activist Jerome R. Corsi speaking to a conference in Tulsa OK on stopping the NAFTA Super Hwy said President Bush and many others need to be impeached.

From WikiPedia:
“Jerome R. Corsi is an American author and conservative activist, who at one time was considered a candidate for the Constitution Party’s 2008 Presidential nomination.
Corsi received national media exposure as credited co-author (with John O’Neill), of Unfit for Command, a book that topped the New York Times bestseller list. The book, written in cooperation with Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, criticized the conduct of John Kerry — at the time the Democratic candidate for president — as a naval officer during the Vietnam War and challenged the legitimacy of each of his combat medals. The book also criticized Kerry’s later efforts organizing opposition to that war.”