61 Percent of Vermonters Favor Impeachment in New Poll

WCAX — This year’s Town Meeting Day addressed an issue far broader than the local school budget — should Vermonters call for the impeachment of the president and vice president? Thirty-seven towns voted yes.

A poll conducted for Channel 3 News posed the same question to 400 likely voters. 61% said they would be in favor of Congress beginning impeachment proceedings against President Bush. 33% opposed it, and 6% were not sure.

The numbers for Vice President Cheney were slightly different. 64% favor impeachment, while 31% oppose it.

“I’m really overjoyed by this,” said Jimmy Leas, a South Burlington lawyer who has been a vocal advocate of impeachment. “Your poll really shows that here in Vermont, nearly two-thirds of the public understand we have a serious problem, and the way to address this is to remove the officials who are usurping power.”

“The impeachment results are somewhat surprising, frankly, to me,” political scientist Eric Davis said. “Even though their terms are ending in a little bit more than a year, a majority of Vermonters don’t want to even see them remaining in office until January 20, 2009.”