Conyers hints to Randy Rhodes of Impeachment Plans

Crooks and Liars (C&L) — Curt Guyette (Metro Times) reported that John Conyers had a few words with Randy Rhodes after she gave a keynote speech in Detroit — Peace Action’s 50th anniversary – and the topic of their chat was: Impeaching Dick Cheney! Go to the 19th minute of the vid . . .

C&Ler Carol emailed me this article:

After her talk, Rhodes knelt alongside Conyers’ chair and they had what looked to be a friendly chat that ended with an embrace. We then collared the always-congenial Conyers and asked him what was going through his mind as he heard Rhodes endorse the call for impeachment and saw the crowd of lefties stand and give that endorsement thunderous applause.

“I can’t tell you,” responded Conyers.

We pressed him, pointing out what he’d told us in the past about impeachment being counterproductive. But that was before Republicans voted to make this an issue, Conyers explained.

“Events have changed the situation,” he said.

But, if what Rhodes told us is accurate, it’s up to us to force the hand of Democrats on this issue. As longtime activist Al Fishman told the assembled crowd at the Westin, the name of the group being celebrated had two components, peace and action”¦read on

I talked to Curt Gayette today and he thought we have a chance to move the impeachment ball forward”¦.Email and call John Conyers office early and often and ask him to proceed with the bipartisan support of Kucinich’s impeach Dick Cheney resolution! Phone: (313) 961-5670 Phone: (202) 225-5126

Bernie Sanders and Russ Feingold have been saying on the radio that they haven’t been hearing from the public on Kucinich’s proposal so they don’t think we want Shooter impeached”¦If they get calls all week we may get some movement on this”¦Go here to find your Rep’s info”¦

Original Article


  1. What war are the Republicans talking about ? Iraq ? that was a fabricated story about WMD by Bush and Company . Saddam Hussein did not lie …he had NO WMD , Bush and CO. did . And as bad as Saddam may have been he looks like “Mother Theresa” next to Bush and CO. We have invaded Iraq, displaced about 2 million of them totally destroyed their infra structure and killed and wounded hundred of thousands of them ……………….what part of war crime and crime against humanity are some of our leaders and citizen not understanding ?

  2. You deleted my question? I asked where the video is. “Go to the 19th minute of the vid . . .”

    Where is the video?
    It’s a simple question. All it required was an answer.

  3. The key factor is Republican Support for Impeachment. Republicans are only concerned about getting re-elected and they all know Bush is hurting them! They need to distance themselves from Bush and supporting Impeachment is a good way to do that. Bush can not help any candidate win in 2008. He can only hurt!!!! An election year changes decisions!

  4. Time for Conyers to stop hinting, and acting. On the table is a Congressional candidate who announced their support for an effort to remove Pelosi as Speaker, making way for impeachment. (Details )

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