New Poll: 55% Say Bush is Impeachable

Audio of Randi Rhodes explaining results of this poll:

American Research Group — November 13, 2007
A total of 64% of American voters say that President George W. Bush has abused his powers as president [And a total of 55% say he’s impeachable (34% from question 4 and 21% from question 3).]. Of the 64%, 14% (9% of all voters) say the abuses are not serious enough to warrant impeachment, 33% (21% of all voters) say the abuses rise to the level of impeachable offenses, but he should not be impeached, and 53% (34% of all voters) say the abuses rise to the level of impeachable offenses and Mr. Bush should be impeached and removed from office.
Which one of these four statements do you agree with about President Bush:

1. President Bush has not abused his powers as president.

2. President Bush has abused his powers as president, but the abuses are not serious enough to warrant impeachment under the Constitution.

3. President Bush has abused his powers as president which rise to the level of impeachable offenses under the Constitution, but he should not be impeached.

4. President Bush has abused his powers as president which rise to the level of impeachable offenses under the Constitution and he should be impeached and removed from office.

11/12/07 #1 #2 #3 #4
All voters 36% 9% 21% 34%
Democrats (39%) 16% 9% 25% 50%
Republicans (35%) 64% 6% 12% 18%
Independents (26%) 29% 11% 26% 34%
Based on 1,100 completed telephone interviews among a random sample of registered voters nationwide November 9-12, 2007. The theoretical margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points, 95% of the time.
<p>&nbsp;</p>   <p>A total of 70% of American voters say that Vice President Dick Cheney has abused his powers as vice president. Of the 70%, 26% (18% of all voters) say the abuses are not serious enough to warrant impeachment, 13% (9% of all voters) say the abuses rise to the level of impeachable offenses, but he should not be impeached, and 61% (43% of all voters) say the abuses rise to the level of impeachable offenses and Mr. Cheney should be impeached and removed from office.</p><table BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="silver"> <tbody CLASS="tbody">   <tr> <td COLSPAN="5" ALIGN="left">Question:</td>    </tr>   <tr> <td COLSPAN="5" ALIGN="left">Which one of these four statements do you agree with about Vice President Cheney:     <p>1. Vice President Cheney has not abused his powers as vice president.</p>    <p>2. Vice President Cheney has abused his powers as vice president, but the abuses are not serious enough to warrant impeachment under the Constitution.</p>   <p>3. Vice President Cheney has abused his powers as vice president which rise to the level of impeachable offenses under the Constitution, but he should not be impeached.</p>     <p>4. Vice President Cheney has abused his powers as vice president which rise to the level of impeachable offenses under the Constitution and he should be impeached and removed from office.</p> </td>    </tr>   <tr> <td ALIGN="right" COLSPAN="5" HEIGHT="2" BGCOLOR="maroon"></td>    </tr>   <tr> <td><b>11/12/07</b></td> <td ALIGN="center"><b>#1</b></td> <td ALIGN="center"><b>#2</b></td> <td ALIGN="center"><b>#3</b></td> <td ALIGN="center"><b>#4</b></td>   </tr>   <tr> <td COLSPAN="5" HEIGHT="1" BGCOLOR="maroon"></td>  </tr>   <tr> <td BGCOLOR="#efefef">All voters</td> <td BGCOLOR="#efefef" ALIGN="center">30%</td> <td BGCOLOR="#efefef" ALIGN="center">18%</td> <td BGCOLOR="#efefef" ALIGN="center">9%</td> <td BGCOLOR="#efefef" ALIGN="center">43%</td>   </tr>   <tr> <td ALIGN="right" COLSPAN="5" HEIGHT="2" BGCOLOR="maroon"></td>    </tr>   <tr> <td ALIGN="left">Democrats (39%)</td> <td ALIGN="center">6%</td> <td ALIGN="center">25%</td> <td ALIGN="center">6%</td> <td ALIGN="center">63%</td>    </tr>   <tr> <td BGCOLOR="#efefef" ALIGN="left">Republicans (35%)</td> <td BGCOLOR="#efefef" ALIGN="center">61%</td> <td BGCOLOR="#efefef" ALIGN="center">12%</td> <td BGCOLOR="#efefef" ALIGN="center">6%</td> <td BGCOLOR="#efefef" ALIGN="center">21%</td>   </tr>   <tr> <td ALIGN="left">Independents (26%)</td> <td ALIGN="center">26%</td> <td ALIGN="center">16%</td> <td ALIGN="center">18%</td> <td ALIGN="center">39%</td>   </tr>   <tr> <td ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="5" HEIGHT="2" BGCOLOR="maroon"></td>     </tr>   <tr> <td ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="5">Based on 1,100 completed telephone interviews among a random sample of registered voters nationwide November 9-12, 2007. The theoretical margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points, 95% of the time. </td>     </tr> </tbody>  </table>        <p>&nbsp;</p> <a href="">Source</a>
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  1. partisanship aside, don’t republican voters respect this nation and it’s laws enough to come clean, admit crimes were committed and see to it that they are punished and this sort of thing would never happen again? EVERY citizen should be outraged!

  2. David,

    At some point your blind loyalist arguments in defense of these anti-constitutional thugs in the White House will have to mature beyond simply: “Blame Clinton” to be worth being considered potentially legitimate.

  3. Will,

    first of all, if you are going to impeach Bush on #1 alone, you might as well try Clinton, Reno, and his entire former cabinet for ignoring Al Queda and Bin Ladin up until now.
    Second, your “list” contains only a few remotely impeachable offenses, if you can prove complicity on the part of Bush and not Congress, the State Dept, etc. The rest just seem like the personal, irrelevant angry issues I have been hearing Democrats complain about for years. (Not voting for Kyoto? Not admitting us into another “entangling alliance”? Unbelievable! Outrageous! Baby-killer!) I can’t even fathom why Kyoto and “future deaths of millions of people” would even be anywhere near this list. It is things like that that poison moderate and republican support for an action like this. Congressional Democrats and left-wing groups should have learned from the first FOUR TIMES they tried to vote to end the war. Screaming, ranting, and raving not only turns people off to your cause, but quickly polarizes them against you.

    Thanks for the continuing rants, sir.

  4. I’ve signed every document at every rally, and every webpage I could. I’ve donated money to any political candidate who supported impeachment or censure.

    Maybe America herself has become a lame duck.

  5. If i remember correctly, the last president was impeached for lying about his personal life…

    Impeach Bush? All he did was tell the world Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and profiting from the war against terror. Surely the hundreds of lives sacrificed and plundered is for a good cause. What’s wrong with that?

  6. But it’s all an exercise in futility; this impeachment talk is.

    Under the constitution, an impeachment is the responsibility of Congress.

    It was Congress that failed to properly investigate the events of 9/11.

    It was Congress that failed to properly investigate alleged facts to justify war in Iraq… in Afghanistan… and Vietnam… and many other lands.

    It was Congress that authorized war in every case.

    Do you really imagine that Congress will be more diligent in prosecuting a crime that will reveal Congress’ culpability in that crime… and a few hundred others?

    History has repeatedly demonstrated that to seek redress in forums (legislatures and courts), that are dominated by those who are accused or guilty, has generally been recognized as an exercise of futility… or of insanity.

    You cannot persuade those complicit in genocide to condemn themselves for it; much less to punish themselves for it.

    By advocating an impeachment of anyone will accomplish nothing more than a waste of resources of those who trust you; and an issuance of a free pass to those you accuse.

    There is an alternative: the same chosen by American Founders… it is past time that we take matters into our own hands; please see these introductory remarks:

  7. The only way we will get all relevant information and evidence out about the criminality of this administration is if we have a investigation of all relevant facts. And the only way that will happen would be through the investigational powers granted to the congress in a impeachment hearing. So far the administration and the republican party have been able to hide behind state secrets and executive powers and the tired lies of “we did not know” or we are fighting a war on terrorism blah blah blah. But is is obvious common sense fact that these guys are just a bunch of self-centered lying, cheating, amoral, thieving hacks. The only reason I can come up with for the democrats and republicans to not want a impeachment hearing is if they would be shown to be complicit in many of the injustices being carried out by this administration. So to me it begins to look more and more like just what are our elected officials hiding?

  8. Please feel free to copy and fax to Pelosi. She is receiving requests for impeachment if signed with address and phone number on request. So make sure you have your name, address and phone placed at bottom. And don’t forget to write “thank you” before your vitals!

    To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:




    1. Failing to protect the American people on 9/11/01 through appropriate military alertness after being briefed in writing of the terrorist dangers of airline hijacking by bin Laden on or about August 6, 2001.

    2. Suborning and facilitating escape of all members of the bin Laden family in the United States before being interrogated or briefed by the FBI in the immediate wake of 9/11/01 terrorist attack.

    3. Deceiving and intentionally terrifying the American people and the Congress with cherry-picked or otherwise false or falsified evidence of (a) weapons of mass destruction, (b) the imminent danger of nuclear, chemical and biological war, and (c) an Iraqi nexus with Al Qaida in order to engage in an aggressive, preemptive war with Iraq that it had planned BEFORE 9/11/01.

    4. Violating UN Charter by engaging in illegal, aggressive, and preemptive war with Iraq without a Security Council resolution.

    5. Feloniously disclosing and/or suborning the disclosure of the identity of a CIA operative and endangering the lives of her field contacts in order to politically destroy her husband who exposed and revealed the factual truth behind the Executive’s aberrant military justifications.

    6. Violating the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights through (1) profiling, (2) arbitrary no-fly proscription lists, (3) torture, (4) rendition, (5) domestic voter fraud, (6) arbitrary and indefinite detention, (7) effectively denying and punishing 1st Amendment freedom of assembly (8) politicizing and packing federal public civil service and law enforcement employment, and (9) the permanent radioactive contamination and military destruction of Iraq.

    7. Violating the Geneva Convention and the Code of Military Justice by directly authorizing and inducing rendition, torture, and indefinite detention.

    8. Violating attorney-client privileges of 9/11 prisoners as a matter of policy.

    9. Violating the oath of office to faithfully execute duly enacted laws through the issuance of signing statements that pointedly disavow jurisdiction and emasculate enforcement.

    10. Intentionally failing to enforce federal bidding and contracting oversight laws and suborning the waste, mismanagement and fraudulent payment of hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to defense, military and government contractors both at home and in Iraq and Afghanistan for the covertly intended purpose of bankrupting the federal treasury, the American economy, and its government.

    11. Willfully failing to warn, to protect, and then finally to reasonably, adequately, or substantively aid or favorably legislate for Hurricane Katrina victims during and years after the destruction of New Orleans in 2005 in order to facilitate the foreclosure and confiscation of the victims’ private property for the benefit of corporate political donors.

    12. Obstructing justice by first objecting and then failing to provide documents to the 9/11 Commission necessary in the determination of cause, liability, and culpability for murder of almost 3,000 American civilians.

    13. Obstructing justice by refusing to allow duly subpoenaed aides from testifying before Congress.

    14. Violating 4th Amendment and FISA by engaging in warrentless wiretaps.

    15. Violating 4th Amendment by ordering telecom companies to invade and accumulate personal records of millions of Americans and then supporting their immunity from federal prosecution and civil redress.

    16. First deceiving Congress to hastily enact and then signing the Patriot and Military Commissions Acts that abrogates the 800-year old Magna Carta right of habeas corpus for anyone arbitrarily designated an “illegal enemy combatant.”

    17. Knowingly engaging, legally immunizing and suborning Blackwater USA and International as contract mercenaries both before and after probable cause for the murder of numerous Iraqi civilians by the firm’s employees was found to exist.

    18. Ordering the war crime destruction in 2004 of the entire Iraqi city of Fallujah and much of its civilian population of 250,000 under the code name of “Phantom Fury” in revenge for the killing of 6 Blackwater employees wrongly placed in a hostile zone by their employer. Then targeting Al Jazeera in an attempt to obstruct justice by covering up this crime against humanity.

    19. Intentional failure to endorse the Kyoto Protocol which has exacerbated global warning to the “tipping point” that will seal the future deaths of millions including Americans.

    Thank you,

  9. bush must be prosecuted and then be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, which means, ‘hanging by the neck until he is dead’ or ‘death by firing squad’ for his high-treason, mass murder, and war criminality.

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