Call Congress About Impeachment Day!

Impeachment Call Congress Day!

When Congress returns to Washington on 1/15, Congressman Robert Wexler plans to present his fellow members of the House Judiciary Committee with the list of signatures on his petition (over 180,000) at and a request to join him in signing a letter to Chairman John Conyers asking for Cheney impeachment hearings to begin.

Impeachment and Peace organizations around the country are simultaneously asking all the folks in their email lists and members to make January 16th a national call-in day on impeachment. We need everyone to call their member of Congress, especially if their member is on the House Judiciary Committee, and ask for support for Cheney impeachment hearings.

It’s an easier ask than signing onto articles of impeachment or introducing new ones, but we’d love for them to do both of those things. It’s a harder ask than just more pointless non-impeachment investigations. The investigations have been done. The high crimes and misdemeanors are known and established. What we need is for every member of Congress to ask Chairman John Conyers to begin the Cheney impeachment hearings right away.

Once you’ve made your phone call, also phone and Email the media to ask for coverage of the impeachment movement.